Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 154 Retreat

Ye Tianxing turned around and stepped into the turbulent flow of the void, moving with four elephant steps at an unmatched speed.

Xiao Mian refused to give up, swallowed a hand of elixir, opened the Immortal King Domain to try to stop Ye Tianxing, but at this moment Ye Tianxing really wanted to leave, it was impossible for Xiao Mian to stop him, even with Xie Biyuan and Gu Zi Lin, definitely couldn't stop him.

With his current combat power, if he does it with all his strength, even if he doesn't use the immortal weapon, it will be no problem to kill Xiao Mian, but he doesn't want to expose too much of his strength, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. It is quite difficult to deal with him, if he is alone, he would not care about killing one more person, but now he has Han Linxuan behind him, so he still cannot kill people blatantly.

Although, he really wanted to finish this guy.

Xiao Mian and Xiao Mian were defeated.

Countless cultivators looked at the heavenly gate that was cut open in horror. This is simply not something that a single body cultivator can do.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this young lord of the God Clan was actually defeated!" On the galaxy, the four Linxian masters ceased fighting, and Gu and Mingyue Xin left safely. There was no need for them to fight again.

"Which big family is this freak from?"

"Hey, the era that belongs to my generation seems to be coming to an end. The top masters of the younger generation already have the power to fight against our generation!"

The four Linxian masters had different emotions, but they said that the time passed by and they had no intention of competing with others.

"Old Ye, where are you going?" In a blink of an eye, Wu Ting followed Ye Tianxing and appeared beside a cave, which was the back mountain of Tiansheng Zhai.

"There is something here that I am very worried about, and I want to take it away." Between the words, the two came to the Hualing Stone.

"This stone is very unusual." Wu Ting noticed the extraordinaryness of this stone with just one glance. "I seem to feel a faint breath of life, but it doesn't seem to be there." Sticking it on the Hualing Stone, his eyes suddenly changed slightly, "This stone can actually absorb Yuanli!"

"That's right, I've noticed this since I saw this stone. While it can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, its defense power is abnormally amazing. If this stone can be forged into a magic weapon, it must be extraordinary!"

Wu Ting put one hand against the spirit stone, and held the stone with the other hand, and then exerted force suddenly.

The whole mountain trembled for it,

"Get up!!" Wu Ting exerted all his strength, and he actually lifted up the spirit stone. You know, it's not difficult to push this stone with the body of Ye Tianxing's body, but it's not difficult to lift this stone. But it was not easy, not to mention Wu Ting's mortal body.

"Old Wu, your physical body is now comparable to the peak master of Void Transformation." Ye Tianxing said with a smack of tongue, Wu Ting's level of hard work, he sighed to himself.

"It's not a problem to fight against ordinary Void Transformation peaks, but if you encounter those perverts, I'm afraid it won't be of much use."

"Compared to you pervert, I'm still far behind. I saw that you didn't use much energy when you fought against the two of God's Realm just now. Could it be that your physical body has broken through the void and entered the fairyland?"

Ye Tianxing shook his head, "My physical body is not fake, and now I have reached the quasi-immortal, and I am still a little away from becoming an immortal. I just fought fiercely with the two of you. I wanted to use the strength of these two people to find the chance to become an immortal, but In the end, it still failed, and it is not easy to become a fairy in the flesh."

"Don't be too hasty. With your talent, it won't take long for you to ascend to the immortal body. At that time, under the third turn of the immortal, unless there are those monsters, no one will be able to do anything to you!" Wu Ting is very clear. How terrifying is the barren body, it can kill Linxian masters with only physical strength.

"Let's go, carry it back and let Brother Jiang Chen identify it, maybe he can know the origin of this stone!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Ting lightened his hand, and Ye Tianxing lifted the spirit stone from the bottom over his shoulders, and the two of them urged the four elephants to walk away through the air.

The former site of Tiansheng, with Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting gone, there is no sound here.

Xiao Mian's eyes were extremely gloomy, he stood in the air, motionless, no one dared to approach him, and no one dared to disturb him, even if the two immortals existed, they didn't dare to disturb him at this moment.

"This person possesses the unique skills of the Yang family, and his physical body has been cultivated to perfection. He is already comparable to Linxian masters. It is not shameful for you and me to lose to him." Xie Bihai said in a deep voice.

"The person who appeared after that, his physical cultivation was not inferior to this person, and two masters of Linxian appeared in the northern detention point. This kind of background is not something that ordinary families can have. From this point of view, there are more than one family from the God Realm involved. The three of us!" Gu Zilin said out loud.

"Check, you must find out the origin of this guy for me, today's shame, you must not let it go!" Xiao Mian said viciously, the three-eyed silver wolf died tragically, the source of the alchemy was taken, and the corpse puppet that cost a lot of money to sacrifice also suffered. The most important thing is that the two people who were to be arrested were taken away right under his nose.

Months of effort were spent, and nothing came of it!

"Most of this matter has something to do with the Yang family. It's just that the younger generation of the Yang family is only famous for those few people. If he is really a member of the Yang family, then the peerless genius of the younger generation of the Yang family is far better than we know. If you want more, you can also hide deeply."

"It's really unexpected, how many years has it been since the Yang Clan entered the God Realm, the ancestor of the Yang Clan came from the lower plane alone, but now the entire Yang Clan has become one of the most powerful forces in the God Realm!"

"Since this matter has involved the fourth Shenyu family, we have to think long-term. Given the current situation, it is better not to make enemies with the Yang family. I heard that the youngest of the Yang family has returned from Maha Purgatory, and his cultivation level is even higher. One step further, the strength is unfathomable, unless the ancestors of the various families recover, the God Realm may be able to suppress him!"

Hearing this, Xiao Mian's eyes narrowed, and coldness and cruelty flashed in his pupils from time to time.

"Hmph, Yang Clan, it won't be long before someone will take action against them. At that time, the entire Yang Clan will be expelled from God's Domain!"


"Boss, why did you come here!"

Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting followed the trail and caught up.

"Why are you two carrying a broken rock back?" Chen Jingqiu looked at it curiously.

Qu Wencang took a closer look, "This stone must be extraordinary!"

"Have you seen the extraordinaryness of this stone again?" Chen Jingqiu said contemptuously.

"The boulder that can be carried by the old witch and Lao Ye together, can it be ordinary? If you say you are stupid, you still don't believe it, but with your brain, you still swear that you will be Lao Ye's right-hand man?"

Chen Jingqiu rolled his eyes at him, then turned his gaze to Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting.

"Get out of here first, and find a remote and safe place to talk."

Ye Tianxing and the two continued to walk forward, carrying the spirit stone, they dared not step on Qingtianhu, fearing that Qingtianhu's body would not be able to bear such strength.

"Where's the saint?" Ye Tianxing asked.

"In the front, I have already joined up with Senior Jiang Chen and the others. I am afraid that the two of you will not be able to find our place, so I will meet you here."

"Let's go then."

The four of them flew at a very high speed, and after a short while, they merged with the large army.

Below the boulder, when Ye Tianxing saw Han Ziqi in the crowd staring at him overjoyed, he immediately retreated. He would rather go back and fight those two guys for another [-] rounds than be entangled by this girl.

"Sanggong! Xianggong!" Before Ye Tianxing landed, Han Ziqi yelled and ran over, "As expected of me, I am undefeated against the two genius masters of God's Domain, and I can retreat completely!"

"I'm waiting for the retainers of the dynasty to pay homage to the son-in-law!" A group of eighteen retainers also stepped forward and saluted one after another.

This scene made Ye Tianxing very embarrassed.

"Ahem, everyone, don't listen to this girl's nonsense, I am not her husband."

"Hmph, I can't help but you don't admit it. I, Han Ziqi, have said it before. You don't want to marry me in this life. Don't try to get rid of me." As she spoke, she took Ye Tianxing's arm directly, regardless of what everyone was watching. Do not let go.

"Little girl has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, and if she offended you before, I still hope that you will forgive me!" Ying'er stepped forward and said.

"It's okay, but it's Miss Ying'er, she's extremely intelligent, and I appreciate it very much." Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting's feet surged with energy, but they didn't completely touch the ground. A huge hole will be smashed in this fast place, and a place must be found to place restrictions before it can be placed.

"This is the stele at the entrance of the cave behind Tianshengzhai Mountain Suppression Waterfall?" Ming Yuexin looked at this huge stone and said in shock.

"Well, it is indeed the one on the back mountain of your Tianshengzhai. This stone is extraordinary and quite heavy. If the cliff mouth was not restricted, the ordinary ground would not be able to bear the weight of this stone."

"I only know this stone as the Hualing Stone. It has existed since the establishment of the Tianshengzhai sect. According to the master, it was left by the founder of the sect. I always thought it was an ordinary stone, but no one could find it." Can move."

Apparently, like all the disciples of Tianshengzhai, Mingyuexin only knew that this stone was called Hualingshi, and didn't know anything about it at this time.

"I've only heard of the Spiritual Stone. It is said that it is a stone from the ancient times. It is extremely rare, but I don't know what it does." A retainer beside Han Ziqi looked at it and said.

"Let me take a look." Jiang Chen stepped forward, staring at the spirit stone carried by Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting, his brows could not help but frown. It was like Ye Tianxing said: "This stone is indeed a turning spirit stone. I didn't expect that there is such a huge piece of turning spirit stone intact in the world today!"

"Brother Jiang Chen, do you know the origin of this time?"

"This is nature. In ancient times, this stone was not called a spirit-forming stone, but a pregnant spirit stone. This is a strange stone that gave birth to stone spirits. In ancient times, some overlord-level existences knew the current situation of the world, and some of them also liked to put themselves The offspring of the future generations are sealed in the pregnant spirit stone, in order to overcome the chaotic situation!"

"The existence of this stone is not just as simple as being rare, but it is even more rare than fairy spirits. You must know that this stone can not only conceive spirits, but can also be used to create real rare martial arts, and It can seal people and conceive in it!" Jiang Chen couldn't help but get a little excited.

"Oh? I guessed before that this stone might be able to forge divine weapons, but I guessed it right!"

"Conceived spirit stone is called Hualing stone in later generations. One of the reasons is that this stone can dissolve and absorb yuan power. The iron is much stronger, you must know that in the ancient times, all the giants who were famous and powerful in one side, all mixed their own martial arts with the strange stone of pregnant spirit!"

"Even the Yin Soldier Talisman you once owned was made of this stone. Tian Xing, such a huge piece of pregnant spirit stone is of extraordinary value. I even suspect that a stone spirit has been conceived in this pregnant spirit stone. If it can be refined , it will be of great use in the future!"

"Okay, when I find a safe place, I'll start refining it!"

During the conversation, Ye Tianxing said to everyone, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Those guys from God's Realm will chase after them at any time after gathering other forces. We have to find a place that is not easy to be found." Ye Tianxing said.

"Just now, the teacher sent a message, and they have already joined Elder Yun and the others. They are heading towards Donghua Palace. The owner of Donghua Palace is a close friend of the teacher and is worthy of trust. We can rest there." Gu said.

"In that case, let's go." Ye Tianxing said.

As the crowd set off again, unconsciously, the eighteen retainers of the Tiansheng Dynasty noticed something strange and frowned.

"Don't be nervous, those are our own people." Ye Tianxing saw a few people staring nervously at the back, and explained that the faint aura they felt was the 36 and 72 people. They are the elite of the five thousand Yin soldiers, and a small part are the top masters cultivated in the past ten years, forming these two teams. Ye Tianxing also cultivated ten soldiers based on the secret method he obtained when he went to Qiming. The two evil spirits, these twelve evil spirits are all elites carefully selected by Ye Tianxing, the reason why they were not brought here this time is to let them secretly protect Hanlin Xuan from foreign enemies.

"One of our own?" The 18 people were secretly surprised. The people behind didn't completely conceal their aura, and they could tell from the murderous aura they emitted that these people were unparalleled in combat power.


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