Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 151 The Pot Comes From The Sky

Ye Tianxing looked at her, the latter's eyes were firm, and the blood ganoderma in front of him was also real.

He moved his heart, he needed blood Ganoderma lucidum.

As soon as he sucked his hand, the light ball wrapped in the blood ganoderma was sucked into the Sumeru Ring by him.

Seeing this, Mingyue was overjoyed, "Master agreed?"

"Ten years later today, I will go to the appointment, but the ugly words are ahead. Today, I am only in the realm of reincarnation. After ten years of breaking the sky, I will just enter the void. The saint can find someone with a higher realm than me to protect me." Dao, why did you find me?"

Ye Tianxing was puzzled, and with the call of the saint, it was obviously better to call some peerless Tianjiao with powerful backgrounds to protect the Dao than to find him.

She shook her head lightly, "There are some things that Yue Xin can't explain clearly to the young master now, but after ten years, when the young master goes to the appointment, Yue Xin will tell the whole story."

She didn't want to tell, and Ye Tianxing didn't ask too much, whether ten years is long or short, he doesn't have to worry about it right now.

"Ye Mou accepted the blood ganoderma lucidum. It is of great use to me. The saint must also accept this piece of purple gold cold iron. If Ye Mou dies in ten years and cannot keep the appointment, the saint will not lose too much." With a wave of sleeves, purple gold cold iron hangs in front of Ming Yuexin

"Thank you for your generosity, my lord." Ming Yuexin said after accepting Zijin Hantie.

Ye Tianxing thought, and a brand of spiritual consciousness passed into Ming Yuexin's mind, "This is my home planet and my home. If Ye Mou can leave alive during the trip to the sky, he will stay here without accident. Blood Ganoderma lucidum, the agreement between you and me will take effect immediately."

"it is good!"

Ming Yuexin smiled sweetly, even covering her face with a light veil could not hide the charm wrapped in her smile.

"Young master, don't worry, you will definitely walk out of heaven safely."

She said for sure.

His eyes were extraordinarily firm. These words didn't sound like wishes, but rather like a kind of affirmative promise.

"Perhaps." Closing his eyes, Ye Tianxing turned and left without saying any more.

One step into the sky, the Milky Way can be seen for a long time.

"My lord, I'll see you off." Mingyue Xin stepped up into the sky, with lotus blossoms on her feet.

When I came, I was rejected, and when I returned, I was greeted by a beautiful woman. Such treatment makes others envious.

"You don't need to send it far away." The sky walks in all directions, the voice is still in place, the figure is as close as before, but the person has already disappeared into the boundless world,

go away.

"The barren body, it really is him!"

"Is the one who followed him a saint?" Countless Tianjiao rose into the sky and approached the beautiful figure in white.

"Sure enough, it's the saint, the saint is actually saying goodbye to the barren body!" All the Tianjiao were shocked.

"None of the six guardians are his opponents alone. They are too strong. The saint may also be conquered by his powerful strength. Could it be that the barren body has become the guardian of the saint?"

"There was such a turmoil a few hours ago, and countless Tianjiao teamed up and were beheaded by him. I didn't expect him to appear here again. It seems that he also came for the saint!" Countless Tianjiao guessed and discussed.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, and the posture of a saint can only be matched by a peerless genius like Huang Ti."

"Havoc in the Saintess Palace, defeat the six guardians, and the Saintess personally sent them off. Who can have this kind of treatment?" The heavenly prides are extremely envious. don't care,

People and people really can't be compared.

As Ye Tian walked away, the faces of the six guardians were ashen, but they had nowhere to show their anger. They had never experienced such aggrieved encounters like tonight.

Among them, any one of them is a first-class master in Tianlu, with enough proud capital,

Placed in one domain, he is also a peerless arrogance who looks down on his peers.

On this road full of arrogance, being able to stand out and rank on the top of the list is enough to prove their strength!



Six people join forces, but they are not an enemy of one person!

Turning back in the night sky, I came to Xianfuju. There were huge crowds of people outside the gate, and the aborigines of the main city surrounded Xianfuju. In the era when the strong are respected, they naturally respect the peerless genius.

"Brother Ye, are you back?" Yang Nianxi turned his head and noticed Ye Tianxing in the crowd. Although he concealed his true face, he couldn't escape his prying eyes.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time." He showed his true face, and people who knew him naturally surrounded him.

Ye Tianxing showed his face, and with the deterrent power of the deserted body on Tianlu, all the Tianjiao present were moved by it.

The moment Ye Tianxing revealed his true face, the originally lively Xianfuju suddenly fell silent.

All the eyes were focused on him, but there was no awe in the eyes, but Ye Tianxing felt fear and resentment from their eyes.

"I don't seem to be welcomed." Ye Tianxing said indifferently.

"Don't worry, let's go in and talk, You Ruo and the others have been waiting for a long time." Yang Nianxi led the way, followed by Ye Tianxing. In the hall, there were pairs of hostile eyes, which made Ye Tianxing have to care.

The current situation seems a little delicate.


the door opened,

There were more than ten people sitting in the private room, including Yangmen Yang Ping'an, Yang Sirui, You Ruo and Gao Tian from Zhanshen Mountain, Duanshuiliu and Xuankong were also included.

"Master Ye, you're finally back." You Ruo got up to greet him, and in the private room, the eyes of the other seven peerless talents became sharper the moment Ye Tianxing appeared.

"Young Master Ye, let me introduce you," You Ruo pointed to the seven people and introduced them one by one. There is no doubt that these seven people are all first-class masters, and five of them have extremely high rankings on the ascension list. The other two are a man and a woman. The man wears a mask, while the woman wears a bewitching red makeup, which is charming to the bone.

"We seem to have seen each other before." Ye Tianxing looked at the masked man with fixed eyes. The man exuded a particularly familiar aura. He had fought with him on the day he came out of retreat.

"Brother Ye still remembers me, I'm so honored." The man's mouth was smiling, and the woman next to him, with her jade hand on her cheek, looked at Ye Tianxing with interest, exuding her damn charm from time to time.

"Everyone, this is the person I'm going to introduce to you tonight. I don't think there is any need to introduce him. Everyone should know him clearly." You Ruo said.

"Hmph," a peerless arrogance suddenly patted the table, his eyes were unfriendly, full of hostility towards Ye Tianxing, "You Ruo, I didn't expect that the person you want to introduce to us is actually him!"

"You Ruo, I don't understand, how can you be with the barren body!"

Ye Tianxing frowned, obviously, he was not welcome here.

"Everyone, why did you say that?" You Ruo was puzzled. With Ye Tianxing's deterrent power in Tianlu, for most peerless talents, being able to make friends with him should be a blessing.

The members of the Yang family also found it strange.

From the moment he entered Xianfuju, the moment Ye Tianxing revealed his true face, he felt a strong hostility. He should not have so many enemies on the road to heaven, right?

"Why did you say that? Now you have to ask Huangti himself, what he did, he should be very clear in his heart!"

"Everyone, don't get angry, there must be a misunderstanding, let's sit down and talk slowly!" Yang Nianxi smoothed things over.

"If you want to talk, you can talk slowly. I'm sorry I can't accompany you, and you can't be with such cruel and violent thugs!" One of the peerless celestial talents stood up and was about to leave.

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing took a step forward, blocking his way, and the latter's eyes were heavy with murderous intent.

"You can go, but before you go, you'd better make it clear. If you don't make it clear, you don't have to go today." Ye Tianxing is extremely powerful. Although these peerless talents are strong, but in his current state And strength, the latter is definitely not his opponent.

"Brother Ye calm down."

Seeing this, Yang Nianxi hurriedly stepped forward to persuade them, if these two people started fighting here, Xianfuju would be demolished in an instant, and it would be bad if they alarmed the guardians of the main city.

"Huangti, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. You know what you have done, do you need me to explain it clearly to you?"

"Say!" Ye Tianxing sipped coldly, his sharp edge gradually revealed, it was so cold, it made people chill, Xuan Kong and Duan Shui flowed beside him, unmoved.

"Let me explain." The masked man took a sip of his wine, then stood up.

"Brother Ye, do you still remember that a few days ago, there were many arrogances in Tianlu who wanted to join forces to kill you?"

"Of course I remember, but unfortunately, they couldn't succeed."

"Indeed," she paused, and took two steps forward, "With Brother Ye's strength, it would be very difficult for them to join forces to kill you. If you don't use the immortal weapon, it can be said that there is no chance."

"So, are you blaming me for not being executed by them?"

"No," the masked man shook his head, "the problem is not here, but that the Tianjiao who once threatened to join forces to kill Brother Ye were all killed in one night, and their deaths were horrific, and countless innocent Tianjiao were affected. destroyed."

The eyes of Xuan Kong and Duan Shui Liu fell on Ye Tianxing one after another, and so did Yang Nianxi and others.

"This matter has not been thoroughly spread on the Tianlu, but there are not many people who know it. After tomorrow, these news will spread throughout the Tianlu. You are bloodthirsty and murderous like hemp. Forgive me for not waiting." With you!"

"Although these people threatened to kill you, they didn't take action after all. Why do you have to kill them all? Even the people around them will be killed, leaving no one behind. You won't even spare the innocent people along the way. It's so cruel. heart of!"

"Simply inhumane!"

Everyone focused on Ye Tianxing, waiting for his answer.

"Heh." Ye Tianxing sneered suddenly, "I admit that I am not a kind and benevolent person, but I have always followed a principle, people will not attack me, I will not offend others, as long as they don't kill me, I don't need to kill them Killed them all, and did not do what you said!"

"Those mice in your mouth that threatened to kill me, I, Ye Tianxing, don't even bother to shoot them!"

"Waste body, don't try to quibble, you even erased their spirits and souls, isn't this just to silence others and not let others know that you did it? But you were negligent and failed to cover up all the crimes, so people found them If you have obtained the evidence, after tomorrow, you will become the public enemy of all Tianjiao, just wait to be punished!" Among the five people, four left in anger, Yang Nianxi, You Ruo and the others stood aside in embarrassment.

"Brother Ye, you really didn't do this?" Yang Nianxi asked.

Ye Tianxing shook his head, "Big man dares to act bravely, if I kill them, why bother to cover up."

"In that case, it seems that someone is framing you." Everyone fell into silence.

"Brother Xu, you know about this matter, what's going on?" Yang Nianxi asked Xu Yi.

"I don't know too much. I only know that hundreds of people died, and none of the dozens of teams survived. The dead were all blasted by a punch and died under extremely domineering power. What is certain is that, There is only one murderer, and the power is extremely powerful! Among these Tianjiao, there are many peerless Tianjiao, but they were also killed by Juli, and they failed to escape and ascend to heaven!"

"As we all know, in the entire Tianlu, it is difficult to find anyone other than Brother Ye who can easily kill Peerless Tianjiao now, and it seems that Peerless Tianjiao has collected evidence against Brother Ye from those corpses, so this spearhead Naturally pointing to Brother Ye."

He didn't kill the man, but the blame fell on him. Ye Tianxing was not afraid of a group of Tianjiao gathering to kill him, but being framed and used as a shield made him quite unhappy.

"Perhaps, I know who did it." Ye Tianxing said to himself, he could only think of two people.

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