"The barren body, is it already this strong?"

Wu Yong's defeat gave all Tianjiao a reassurance, the barren body is invincible!

The goal of the Peerless Tianjiao is to defeat the barren body, but now this goal has shaken them. It only takes one move to instantly kill the Peerless Tianjiao of the same realm.

The brothers and sisters of the Yang family stepped forward in the sky, and the sky was full of thunder. Together, the two were invincible. No matter whether it was defense or offense, no one could break it, and everyone around them sighed.

"But today's road, people who have reached the end have appeared. The brothers and sisters of the Yang family and the barren body are all invincible and unstoppable!" A peerless genius sighed. Although he was unwilling, he had to admit the current road to heaven. The brothers and sisters of the door and the waste body have risen strongly.

"The ten knights of the Qinghuang retreated, and the sharpness of the avoiding waste body is enough to show the horror of the waste body. He is afraid that no one in the same realm can match him!"

"Brothers and sisters of the Yang family are invincible together, and the waste body may not be able to match it, but if they fight alone, the waste body will win even more!"

Amidst the discussions of the Tianjiao, Ye Tianxing suddenly stepped onto the distant battlefield, and the realm of the Immortal King opened instantly, covering all the disciples of the Cheng family.

"Desolate body!" Cheng Xie's face was ferocious, and his expression was suddenly taken aback. The sudden scene caused everyone in the Cheng family to panic.


Ye Tianxing didn't say anything else, he stepped down directly across the thousand-meter void, the avenue roared, and the laws of heaven and earth faintly moved towards the disciples of the Cheng family.


The disciple of the Cheng family let out a scream, and his chest was crushed by Ye Tianxing's foot. How many bones were broken,

"Huangti, do you want to die?!" Cheng Xie's eyes were scarlet with murderous intent, and his murderous aura surged into the sky.

Ye Tianxing was still speechless, his expression was extremely indifferent, his pupils seemed to be wrapped in profound ice for thousands of years, just one glance would make one's body chill, under the domineering power, all the talents of the Cheng family dared not fight with him, they were as strong as five Yongdu was instantly killed, let alone them.


Another kick, the void shattered, and the two Cheng family disciples were trampled into the depths of the earth. The two of them seemed to be holding a towering peak, and they were crushed in between, unable to move until the protective energy was trampled and they died tragically on the spot. .

"Hiss~!" All the arrogances were terrified, and the barren bodies went crazy.

Everyone who had an affair with the Cheng family looted away one after another, and Huang Ti possessed the power to suppress and kill them all.

In the realm of the Immortal King, there were horrifying roars and unwilling roars from the disciples of the Cheng family, but it was of no avail. Some disciples raised their heads to threaten the deserted body, and used the name of the Cheng family in the God Realm to overwhelm Ye Tianxing, but obviously the latter did not accept this, the Immortal King Within the domain, none of the Cheng family's disciples could escape.

No nonsense, Ye Tianxing didn't show mercy to the disciples of the Cheng family. These people were full of blood, and they had committed countless murders on the road to heaven. Ye Tianxing wouldn't feel guilty about beheading them.

"The Cheng family won't let you go, kill us, there is no place for us in this world!" Tianjiao of the Cheng family fled desperately, all the souls of the dead, lingering on their last legs under Ye Tianxing's offensive.

"If I don't kill you, the Cheng family can let me go?" Ye Tianxing looked down at the Cheng family members coldly, and when he raised his hand, the world fell apart, and the heavens of all ages suppressed it. No one could avoid this blow.

"You...! If you kill us, all your relatives and friends will be buried with you. The Cheng family cannot be desecrated. Even if you are a barren body, you will definitely die. If you let us go, everything will have a chance to be redeemed!"

"Heh," Ye Tianxing smiled coldly, "I'm sorry, I don't need it." He was so domineering to the extreme, the realm of the Immortal King was filled with thunderbolts, every inch of space was spared, no one in the Cheng family was like him The combined enemy, the power of the thunder attribute is the nemesis of Yin and evil energy, which greatly suppresses the technique of devouring one vein, Cheng Xie's body is bleeding, and his whole body is on the verge of collapse at any time.


He activated the secret technique, forcibly raised his strength to the peak of the Seventh Layer of the Reincarnation Realm, and wanted to fight Ye Tianxing, but unfortunately, in the absolute power and absolute domain space, Ye Tianxing was invincible.

With perfect spiritual roots, no one can break through the realm of the Immortal King. Although Cheng Xie's realm is not weak, he is far behind Ye Tianxing in terms of attainment in the realm. It will collapse instantly.

"What a barren body, I will make your life worse than death, but anyone who has anything to do with you will not want to live!" Cheng Xie roared, his eyes were tearing apart, and he was helpless when he witnessed his brother's tragic death on the spot. , The Cheng family lineage is extremely domineering in Tianlu, and no one dares to provoke it. Ye Tianxing is the first person who dares to kill the disciples of the Cheng family.

"Tsk tsk, the barren body is too strong. Even the Yang family has to consider a lot of considerations if they want to suppress and kill the disciples of the Cheng family, but the barren body directly kills the killer. No one can compare with this courage!"

"The Yang family and the Cheng family are both big families in the God Realm, so naturally they dare not kill each other. If the two families fight each other, the entire God Realm will be shaken! This kind of consequence is unbearable for the two big families. , but the barren body is different, without any background, so naturally there is no need to consider it!"

"That being said, this is a member of the Shenyu Cheng family. He kills as soon as he says he wants to, without showing any mercy. Does it mean that he really thinks he can fight against the Shenyu Cheng family?"

"Everyone in the Cheng family has attacked the deserted body several times. It was rumored that a master of the Cheng family cooperated with the Qinghuang Ten Riders to intercept and kill the deserted body. There is no news from here, most likely died of interception, the enmity between Huang Ti and the Cheng family probably started because of this!"

"Probably so. No wonder the barren body attacked the Qinghuang Ten Riders and the Cheng family so fiercely. If it were me and my brothers were killed, even if they risked their lives, both of them would have to pay a heavy price!"

In the realm of the Immortal King, the wailing and screams of the disciples of the Cheng family came. Countless followers of the Cheng family trembled. The people they looked up to were being slaughtered.

Cheng Xie's ribs were broken by Ye Tianxing's brutal kick, and he was not far from death.

"Desolate body!" Cheng Lu roared, his eyes were bloodshot, his killing intent was soaring to the sky, he suddenly abandoned the cut-off water flow, and raised his hand to kill Ye Tianxing. To the extreme, like Chiyuan Chahar, he is only one step away from the eighth heaven of reincarnation.

Cheng Lu is very strong, not comparable to Wu Yong, and devouring blood is not comparable to the body of an ordinary person.

"Waiting for you for a long time!" Ye Tianxing didn't retreat, and directly blasted forward with a domineering fist. The space between the two was instantly shattered, and the two were involved in the turbulent flow of the void.


Suddenly, a slash pierced the sky, and it still made people's scalp tingle even thousands of meters away. The Ghost Blade and Demon Scythe slashed towards Ye Tianxing, unstoppable with the power of an immortal weapon.

Ye Tianxing frowned, his face darkened, the Ghost Blade and the Demon Scythe were no small matter, and there was no fairy weapon in his hand that could match it.

"Take the gun!"

The bright holy light lit up, breaking through the space fault and darting towards Ye Tianxing. The golden holy gun radiated brightly, in stark contrast to the gloomy darkness of the ghost blade and demon sickle.

"Thank you." Tian walked four elephant steps, Ye Tianxing grasped the golden holy spear, and swept across, the world was instantly divided into two, reaching vertical and horizontal, with the universe on the side, showing the invincible posture!

What a domineering gun!

Ye Tianxing held the golden holy gun, perhaps because of You Ruo's care, the holy gun did not reject him, with the gun in hand, Ye Tianxing felt a strong and powerful belief in invincibility, which came from Golden holy gun.

Bai Gu, the God of War, was once invincible in an era of peerless arrogance, and his spear is also invincible. The Ghost Blade and Demon Scythe came from the Cheng family, and they were built with great means.


The mountains and rivers were shattered, and in front of the Shanhai Pass, there was a surge of thousands of feet. Ye Tianxing held a golden holy gun, with unparalleled combat power, and the bright holy light enveloped his whole body, as if he had been covered with a golden armor, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Zhanshen Mountain will eventually be destroyed!" Cheng Lu was furious and gave You Ruo a hard look.

"Hmph, I, Zhanshenshan, is not afraid of your Cheng family, harming my junior brother, killing my disciples of Zhanshenshan, I did not take action to kill your Cheng family's disciples, it is kind!" You Ruo is not afraid at all, Zhanshenshan and Cheng's family have already turned against each other , there is no turning back.

Yang Nianxi came here with unrivaled power, he held his sleeves, and the soul suppressing gun was in my hand, "Brother Ye, do you want my help?"

Ye Tianxing shook his head and refused, "This battle is a grievance between me and the Cheng family. Brother Yang kindly accepts it. Cheng Lu is just a mere brother. There is no need for Brother Yang to fight."

Ye Tianxing thought, and the thunder rushed in an instant, and the thunder was like millions of horses galloping.The power is shocking!

With the Golden Holy Spear as the core, Ye Tianxing props up the Immortal King's Realm, a steady stream of Yuan power sweeps out from the sea of ​​reincarnation, the galaxy rises behind it, and the Immortal King's Realm belonging to the prehistoric body triggers the Dao and brings down divine punishment. Ye Tianxing is already at the peak of a very strong fighting spirit, and this state is the state that all peerless arrogances yearn for.

"What a strong fighting spirit!" All the arrogance stared blankly, Ye Tianxing stood at the top of the domain, showing his true invincibility with the overwhelming coercion.

Endless prehistoric aura swept across at this moment, as if from the ancient god of war, fighting here across the ancient prehistoric barriers of time and space.

"Absolute realm!"

"The barren body is already invincible. With the prestige of the overlord in the ancient times, it is like the birth of a real god of war. We are invincible!" Peerless Tianjiao was ashamed and couldn't help sighing. Ye Tianxing, who was in the state of absolute realm, was invincible in this realm. Absolutely no one can break the field!

"If it weren't for the protection of the ghost blade and the sickle, Cheng Lu would have been defeated! The barren body is undefeated!"

The prehistoric qi and blood arouse the laws of heaven and earth, and the avenues are vertical and horizontal. At this moment, Ye Tianxing has opened his blood and stood in the absolute realm. He has reached this state before, but it has been unstable. But after the battle with Cheng Yuan, this state The state tends to be stable.

"The Taoist body of the Immortal King, the absolute realm! I don't accept it!" Cheng Lu roared, his face was ferocious, and his eyes were terribly gloomy. Since he entered the Heavenly Path, he has been an absolute strongman, an inconspicuous barren body like an ant, But it suddenly emerged inadvertently, and came from behind!

First is the perfection of the heavenly spiritual root, and then the absolute realm. These two are the states that all peerless arrogances yearn for. However, on the road to heaven today, there is only one person who has reached this state!

"I'm the number one genius of the Cheng family. I was born upholding the way of heaven. I have the purest bloodline of the Cheng family. How can I be weaker than a mere barren body! Today, I will definitely kill you!" His eyes were dark and fiery, The whole world is under his domineering power.

"Swallow enchantment, open!"

Cheng Lu growled, no longer holding back his hands, and wanted to fight Ye Tianxing with the strongest posture.

"Desolate body, suffer death!" He was full of killing intent, his aura rose wildly, and the power of devouring swept across his body, and the aura of heaven and earth was emptied in an instant. The gap between fields.

"Next, let me show you what is the Cheng family's bloodline and what is the devouring bloodline!"

"Give it to me!"

As he drank it, the heaven and earth turmoiled, and a radius of hundreds of feet turned into nothingness in an instant.

This is not enough, Cheng Lu stretched out his hand and sucked it, and the bloody body of the Cheng family disciple who was beheaded below was captured by him out of thin air. With a single thought, the Cheng family disciple turned into decay, a dry corpse, and nothing was left Down.

"Brother, you...!" Cheng Xie was trembling all over, his pupils constricted sharply, and he looked like a dying blood man. Seeing this scene, his spine felt chills.

"Suppressing and killing the barren body, this price is worth it!" Cheng Lu's heart has already become demonic, and at this moment, he already has signs of being demonic.

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