Da Luotian, three sects.

The news of Hanlinxuan's destruction spread, and there were not a few people gloating in the three sects.

"Offending the Nine Holy Nest, he deserves to die. This guy can't play for two days. The Nine Holy Nest uses all forces to hunt him down. Without Han Linxuan's protection, he is just a fart!" Resentful Wang Zhong,

"That's right, God gave him the Heavenly Spirit Root and the Great Desolation Body, but unfortunately he didn't cherish it, and he didn't know how to bear it. If I had these two, within 50 years, I would have trampled under my feet in this Southern Wilderness!"

"It's a pity that old ghost Wuyouzi left Sanzong and thought he had hugged Hanlinxuan's thigh. I'm afraid he would never have imagined that he was on the road to the underworld!"

"If you want to blame it, blame him for being blind, and accepting such an apprentice who likes to die, now it's all right, the master and apprentice are reunited underground, and they can be regarded as a companion!" Sneering laughter came from the three sects from time to time.

Standing on the top of Clumsy Peak, Fang Keyun looked at the vast sky, and what appeared in front of her eyes was the proud son of heaven with a heart of innocence. Although not as dazzling as it is now, it is still bright enough to shine in the entire three sects.

Back then, if he had known forbearance, would the ending be different?

In less than three days,

The news of Hanlinxuan's destruction spread from the Southern Wilderness to the rest of the Three Wildernesses.

In the ancient temple of Xichuan, Xuan Kong sat in the Sutra Pavilion, and he was very sorry to learn that the Hanlin Pavilion was destroyed.

"Hanlin Xuanxuan master Gu Hanlin is also considered a generation of kings and arrogance. He did not rely on any background and built Hanlin Xuan with his own strength. He opened up the remote Hanlin Heaven, but now he died in the hands of Nine Holy Nests!"

"He is also considered a generation of overlords. If Yu Zhan didn't have a fairy weapon in his hand, a battle between the two of them would be the outcome!"

"Based on his final choice alone, this kind of courage is not comparable to the battle of the Nine Holy Nests. Using himself as a medium, he burned his blood and body, blocked the remaining battles holding the perfect immortal weapon, and killed the Nine Holy Nests." So many masters!"

"In today's battle, the Nine Holy Nest's vitality can be regarded as a serious injury!"

Everyone sighs.

"I just don't know if the barren body is still alive. If he dies, there will be one less opponent on the road to becoming a king. It would be a bit lonely." A Tianjiao sighed.

"If he doesn't die, Hanlin Xuan will never be destroyed. One day the king will return, and that will be the time when the Nine Holy Nests will be destroyed."

In the Peach Blossom Ridge, where the fragrance of flowers is ten miles away, all the beauties of the heavens gather together, and they are talking about the battle between the Nine Holy Nests and Hanlin Xuan.

"Sister Mengzhu, isn't the man you're talking about the disciple of Hanlinxuan?"

Xi Mengzhu was wearing a long white silk dress, with crystal high heels on her feet, playing with the peach blossoms flying in the mountains with her slender fingers, thoughtfully, for a long time, then smiled lightly, "Who would know?"

"However, if I am the Nine Holy Nest, even if I hurt the foundation of the Nine Holy Nest, since I make a move, I must kill him, otherwise, when he returns again, the whole Southern Wilderness will tremble!" , she was somewhat looking forward to the scene of that person when he came to the Southern Wilderness.

At that time, what kind of changes will happen to this mountain and river?


The hinterland of gods and demons, the ancient road in the starry sky, the dust left behind in the sea...

At this moment, the people of Hanlinxuan are standing on the dilapidated land of Hanlinxuan, shuttling in the turbulent current, the scenes in front of them are close at hand, but far away in the sky, they seem to have crossed endless galaxy, and they seem to have crossed countless spaces.

There are ancient relics everywhere in the four fields, as well as horrible remains from the prehistoric times.

"Where are we going?" Everyone was moved, the picture in front of them was extremely unreal, as if they had already left the Milky Way Starfield.

"Dust from the sea!" Elder Gu was holding the dilapidated Hanlinxuan ruins, his vitality was severely injured, and his face was bloodless.

"Dust from the sea?"

"One, there is no place for Nine Holy Nest to find us." The old and deep voice was full of sadness, although he tried his best to restrain himself, perhaps, compared to all the people present, Gu Hanlin's death made him feel sad. It was even heavier than Gu Qingyou's heart.

And the reason for this is only known to him.

"Master Xuan, oh no, young master!"

"The young master had already prepared for the worst and left behind this path. It took him several years to connect this teleportation array! The place we are going to is also the place where we wandered in the first place." His thoughts slowly recalled the past, he told all Hanlinxuan disciples about Hanlinxuan's past:

Gu Hanlin, the Gu family, is a common surname in the God Realm, and the Gu family they belong to is a branch, enslaved by the main bloodline, and expelled from a branch of the God Realm because of rebelling against the main bloodline...

200 years ago, Gu Hanlin's father was the patriarch of a branch of the Gu family. Amid the complaints and anger of the people, he could no longer bear the oppression and enslavement of the main line, and rebelled against the main line. As a result, this branch was almost expelled. Before his father was imprisoned, Gu Gu took Gu Hanlin and the young Gu Qingyou away from the God Realm. From then on, he began a wandering life. Hanlin Xuan was established after that. .

Gu Hanlin's past made Ye Tianxing fall into silence again. Perhaps what he can do to repay Gu Hanlin in this life is to revive Hanlin Xuan and avenge him, and there is one more thing he can do.

"Old Gu, respect him, why did you make such a choice?" Ye Tianxing had a doubt in his heart. With his understanding of this cruel world, how many people are willing to sacrifice for others except for their real relatives? own life?

With Gu Hanlin's strength, when Yu Zhan appears, even if he can't fight Yu Zhan who holds the Wuque Immortal Artifact, at least he should have the ability to protect himself!

But he chose to sacrifice himself to save them.

Looking at the other side of the galaxy with ancient empty eyes, he was silent for a moment, and said, "Hanlinxuan is his painstaking effort, as an elder, this is his responsibility and his awareness, responsibility is something engraved in his bones. No way." His voice paused, and he looked at Ye Tianxing, "At the same time, he is also making a gamble,"

"What are you gambling?"

"Bet one, the future that he can't realize, and this future is in your hands." His eyes swept over everyone in Hanlinxuan again.

These words also aroused the emotions deep in the hearts of all Hanlinxuan disciples present.

"One day, I will kill the Nine Holy Nest and avenge Master Xuan!"

"Haiqing Palace, Blood God's Mansion, Nine Holy Nest, none of these bastards can escape",

One sound, one sentence, all venting the anger of the Hanlin disciples.

Three days passed slowly,


With a loud bang, everyone who was in meditation was awakened, and the earth trembled, and they came to a waist-deep grass on the ruins of Hanlinxuan.

The distant mountains here are rolling and rolling, and the ruins and broken walls are connected between the distant mountains. As far as the eye can see, there are countless graves, the grass is several feet high, and there are even giant trees covering the sky to block out the sun.

In this incomparably wild place, there was no trace of wild beasts at all, and even the breath of life was hard to detect.

Stepping on Ye Tianxing, overlooking the four fields, he was shocked by what he could perceive. This place must have experienced a great war. There are cracks in the barriers of the sky, and the remaining power of the avenue is still breathtaking.

"This place used to be an ancient battlefield!"

Although many traces have been wiped away in the long river of time, the fierce power still exists, so that wild beasts dare not approach.

"From today, we will settle here for some years, until..."

The ancient words stopped him from continuing, he stepped into the sky, and the earth was shaken with a wave of his hand, and he photographed one after another formulas between the sky and the earth, and the incomplete formations were filled up again,

Ji Lan remained silent, her jade hand waving a sword to decorate the surrounding fields,

The four hall masters and elders took action one after another and pulled out all the weeds in this place. In two days, a large formation of gathering spirits was set up, and this place became Hanlinxuan's temporary residence.

Ye Tianxing stands on a majestic peak, looking up at the top of the sky, the stars are dotted with stars, the Milky Way is gorgeous, and flying boats pass by from time to time on the ancient galaxy road.

"When this side is stable, I plan to leave." Ye Tianxing made a decision, and whispered to the woman sitting silently not far behind him.

Mu Qingying was wrapped in green clothes, and the breeze blew through the veil. Suddenly, her fairy face was displayed in front of Ye Tianxing. She didn't shy away from it. In front of Ye Tianxing, she didn't care so much about the harmless scar on her pretty face. .

Hearing the sound, the delicate body was slightly startled, and the surprise in her heart did not show on her face.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

Ye Tianxing was contemplating, looking directly at the ancient Xinghe Road, "Ancient beacon smoke, the Milky Way plank road, heroes rise together, and heroes compete for the throne."

Hearing this, under the light veil, Mu Qingying's pretty face finally changed color.

"I heard that it is a road with no return."

"There is no turning back in my life." He looked back, and when he looked directly at the woman in Tsing Yi with his cold eyes, he finally revealed a little tenderness. Her delicate body was pitiful in the breeze, "If I If you can’t come back, help me take care of my sister and master.”

The heavy tone fits with the condensed air at the moment, with a touch of sadness,

In this case, he never thought that he would tell Mu Qingying that maybe, in his heart, he no longer regarded her as an outsider.

At that time, when this woman stood by his side without hesitation in the face of danger and did not flinch, her status existed in his subconscious, imperceptibly...

"As long as I'm here, I won't let them get hurt." She didn't hesitate. In her subconscious mind, the man in front of her had gradually occupied an important position in her heart since some time.

"Thank you." Ye Tianxing turned around and walked down the mountain range. He may have realized that he had some innocent thoughts about the woman in front of him, and he also realized that she did not dislike him.

Between the two, there is a thin layer of window paper,

Once exposed, the relationship between him and Mu Qingying will no longer be so simple.

But he clearly understands that in his life, he has to bear more and more burdens. He dare not make any promises lightly, nor dare to shoulder more responsibilities.

The path he chose was destined to be a path of no return.

Stars move, time flies,

Cold handsome youth,

farewell to loved ones, farewell to friends,

Finally embarked on the journey of choice,

The road ahead may be full of difficulties and obstacles,

But it definitely couldn't stop him from going forward.

"Brother, come back early, I'll wait for you here..."

There are mountains and rivers in the distance, and hometowns in the fields,

Can't see the vast road ahead,

look back,

We are still...

The first article, there are teenagers in the Southern Wilderness, it's over!

The second chapter, the barren body shakes the sky road, enlighten!

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