Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 137 9 Hallownest, Yu Zhan


The Qiankun sword swung down at this moment, the avenue resonated, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. On the sky, the scarlet sword light was like a comet sweeping its tail, dividing the Hanlin Xuan sky into two. Wherever the sword energy passed, the void shattered, The turbulent flow of space roared in, like a storm coming suddenly, tearing everything to pieces.

At this moment, not only the experts from Haiqing Palace, Nine Holy Nest, and Blood God Mansion were stunned, but even Tianjiao, the master from Hanlin Tianfu, was stunned. The blow was so amazing that they couldn't believe it. The first level of the reincarnation realm is not counted.

" this still human?"

A sword that even the top eighth level of reincarnation realm dare not dare to shake.


It was another Qiankun sword, and Ye Tianxing did not hesitate to use his strength. Even though the description had changed, he still swung the sword resolutely. Some masters of the sixth level of the reincarnation realm were completely wiped out under this sword. There is no room for resistance.

"Taking this opportunity, let's go!" Ye Tianxing shouted with his back to everyone in Hanlin Tianfu!

His deep voice was extremely penetrating, decisive and unquestionable. He was strong and domineering, like an emperor who ruled the world, Chi Yueyin opened up a bloody path for everyone's life.


Several top masters were beheaded again, their bodies and spirits were destroyed, and the blood turned into a blood mist and merged into Ye Tianxing's body. Under the ravages of this force, the skin with metallic luster appeared slightly chapped,

Ye Tianxing's body is already comparable to a spiritual soldier, and the power that can make a spiritual soldier appear chapped, from this we can infer how terrifying it is.

However, this power is still growing, and the power of devouring swallows all the power in the blood mist and integrates it into his blood. In order to stimulate the power of Yue Yin as much as possible, Ye Tianxing is simply crazy.

"Tianxing, stop!" Ji Lan sensed the changes in Ye Tianxing's body, and stopped her through sound transmission.

But at this moment, Ye Tianxing has no choice of retreat. If he takes a step forward, he can at least fight for life for his brothers, but if he takes a step back, everyone will face the ravages of death today!

No choice!

He growled stubbornly, with murderous intent.


A sword flashed brightly, and then the magic weapon shattered, and then blood rained down.

"Shashen, this is a Shashen!"

"This guy is crazy, stay away from him!" In the face of death, countless arrogances retreated quickly regardless of their appearance. Ye Tianxing didn't have a fairy weapon in his hand and they were still invincible, but now that the latter was holding a moon drink, these arrogances even faced him. I no longer have the courage.


This is an evil god of killing. He is crazy about killing every night. He is not a bloodthirsty person, but he deeply understands that being kind to the enemy is being cruel to himself.

"This guy's strength has faintly surpassed reincarnation. I can't underestimate him. There is no other way. Urge the secret technique and work together to capture him quickly!"

A group of masters at the top of the eighth level of reincarnation realm became ruthless, urging the secret technique to kill Ye Tianxing at all costs.

There is nowhere to escape in the night sky.

"I'll help him, and you escort the rest of the disciples away!" Ji Lan said in a deep voice, breaking through the siege with serious injuries. Blood stained her snow-white pleated skirt, and the veil covering her face was as red as a blood moon.

Under the double-teaming of three reincarnation masters urging the secret method to use the divine power, Ye Tianxing was powerless to fight back. Once any flaw was caught by the opponent, it would mean death.

The prehistoric body, comparable to a spiritual soldier, was piled up with scars, and the thick blood like spiritual liquid formed a thick layer of scab all over his body. His black hair had already turned into bloody hair, dancing wildly in the endless wind.

There was a trace of numbness and cruelty in the gloomy eyes that shone with thunder and flames, and the power that belonged to the real prehistoric was destroying his body.


The sky is at its peak, visions of heaven and earth appear, and the punishment of heaven is condensing.

Gu Hanlin was fighting fiercely in the distant void, shattering space after space. At this moment, feeling the power from the vision of heaven and earth, he couldn't help frowning.

"Hey, no wonder you want to accept him as an apprentice. I never thought that such a peerless genius would be acquired by you, Hanlinxuan." Opposite Gu Hanlin, the Yin-Yang Bagua mirror hangs high, and the bright golden light carries a scorching heat, instantly burning everything, " It's a pity that he went to the wrong place, and Hanlin Xuan couldn't give him enough space to grow up!" Under the Yin-Yang gossip mirror, the man's eyes were as vast as an abyss, and the energy in his body was surging like a vast ocean, facing Gu Hanlin.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to the face of your Nine Holy Nest. You are so blind that you missed this kind of genius!" Gu Hanlin smiled freely, with the spiritual energy tower above his head, a supreme natal magic weapon that touched a real fairy weapon, as if it were real. The dense murderous aura blocked all the brilliance of the Yin-Yang Bagua Mirror.

"You have already reached this realm!" Under the Yin-Yang Bagua mirror, the man's expression sank and his face became dignified. hard to stop.

"Why, are you afraid?" Gu Hanlin sneered, and in one step, across overlapping spaces, the Spiritual Qi Tower hit the Yin-Yang Bagua Mirror heavily.

"It's such a perfect fairy weapon, but it's a pity that you can't exert half of its power, tsk tsk!"


The void completely collapsed, and the fierce battle between the two became more and more terrifying.

At the night sky, the vision of heaven and earth has been completely condensed.

"God's punishment!!"

Countless people stared at the vision on the sky in horror, horrified.

"Are you here?" Ye Tianxing raised his eyes, looking at the vision of heaven and earth in the distant sky, as well as the dark clouds that began to flash thunder, the rioting power in his body was already a little uncontrollable.

With his current body, it is obviously not enough to cross the wheel, and it is still difficult at the peak, not to mention the scars at the moment.

"It seems that today, even God wants you to die!" Xue Cang sneered, looked at the other two, and joined forces to kill again.

"Life and death, we have no fear! Even if it is death, I will take you three old dogs with me!" Ye Tianxing smiled without fear, his squinting eyes were full of endless killing intent.

"Come on!" Ye Tianxing laughed wildly, no longer suppressing his power, and wanted to urge all his power to the extreme, "Old man, come here!" The domineering prehistoric blood revived, and the blue dragon roared.

"do not want!"

A gust of icy air completely enveloped Ye Tianxing, Ji Lan rushed over, and in a single thought, the area was frozen!

She swung her sword down, blocking the attack of the three for a moment, and then took Ye Tianxing away from this space in an instant.

"You shouldn't have come, take them away!" Ye Tianxing looked at the beautiful woman beside him, the whole body was covered with cold smoke, and there was a trace of softness in the cold.

"Your life is not just yours. Countless people from Hanlin Tianfu died because of you, so you can't die. Their heroic souls still hope that one day you can avenge them!" Ji Lan said indifferently, with a wave A gust of cold air poured into Ye Tianxing's limbs and bones, sealing the power in his body bit by bit.

"But..." Ye Tianxing clenched his fists tightly, with endless killing intent in his heart.

"It's nothing but, if it can't keep you alive, then what's the point of this war?" Ji Lan looked sideways with her beautiful eyes, this look messed up Ye Tianxing's already indestructible heart.

"Live well!" With a wave of her sleeve, she sent Ye Tianxing to the gap in the void.

Ye Tianxing raised his eyes and looked at him, at a loss,

So many people in Hanlin Tianfu died because of him,

The guys he hated in the past all fought for the sect and died at his feet.

"My life is yours and theirs. Take it and you must live!" Ye Tianxing shouted at the moving figure, with a push of his hand, Yueyin flew out, "Yueyin, protect me!" good her!"


Yueyin trembled, turned into a rainbow and flashed to Jilan's side in an instant. The terrifying monster power impacted everything except Jilan.


Ji Lan held Yue Yin, the remaining warmth of Ye Tianxing remained on the handle of the knife, she turned her back to Hanlin Xuan, back to Ye Tianxing, the pleated skirt fluttered with the wind, instantly chilling the Hanlin sky!

She took the moon drink and went up, under the emptiness, no one could stop her, just a face-to-face, and the blood splashed into the emptiness.

"It seems that today's game, if I don't come, I really can't end it!" A voice came from thousands of miles away, calm and low, but also sonorous and domineering.

Immediately afterwards, a gap was opened in the long river of void, the endless turbulent flow was gushing, and the invisible coercion descended on the space between the heaven and the earth in an instant...

Countless flying flowers fluttered out of the long river in the void, and sprinkled messily to the world, white and beautiful,

Fluttering and intoxicating.

And beautiful things are often fatal.

The moment this beautiful petal touches the person's skin, it penetrates all defenses, and just like that flutters down on the person's body, turning into water stains,

Immediately afterwards, people gradually withered along with the disappearance of the petals...

On the long river, the man stood majestically, walking in the turbulent current, all the wind and waves swept past his body, but passed through him completely, walking all the way, spotless.

He walked very slowly, far away in the sky, yet close at hand, just for a moment, it seemed that he had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and came through space.

He chanted and smiled, and his elegant demeanor gave people a feeling of spring breeze,

However, the price of bathing in the spring breeze is withering!

Across the long distance, Ye Tianxing felt his whole body trembling. The devouring power that had finally stabilized in his body began to stir restlessly again. Every cell and every inch of skin was trembling. Deep in his soul, there was another The fluctuations are restless...

Flying flowers spread all over the field, and all the intruders backed away. Ji Lan held the moon drink, raised her jade hand, and cut off the incoming flying snow with her hands, her eyes were cold.

"He actually came!" Gu Qingyou's bloodless face completely darkened, and countless masters of Hanlin Tianfu showed despair.

"Welcome to the Holy Lord!"

All the masters of the Nine Holy Nest bowed and bowed their knees, while the people from Haiqing Palace and Blood God Palace bowed and bowed in respect.

The person who came was the current Holy Master of the Nine Holy Nest, Yu Zhan!

"Little Hanlin Xuan has cultivated a lot of characters, Gu Hanlin, you are not small!" Yu Zhan grinned, changed his elegant posture, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes, piercing the sky, Through layers of void, the hole shoots towards Gu Hanlin.

Gu Hanlin's complexion darkened, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the void behind him instantly disappeared, and then, a person appeared opposite Yu Zhan, straddling in front of everyone in Hanlin Tianfu.

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