Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 134 War is Coming


Between Chutian and outside Tianfu Mountain, a beam of sword energy was like frost, cutting through the sky for thousands of miles, penetrating the barrier of space, and breaking the tranquility of Hanlin Xuan for several months.


Pavilions, towers and pavilions, Ji Lan is dressed in white, and between her steps, the cold mist is lightly stained with clear frost.

The masters of the four main halls gathered in the sky above the Hanlin Pavilion, staring coldly at the distant void. In the chaos, a gap was opened in the void, and the void surged like pillars, and the bitter wind disrupted the earth-shattering rivers and mountains.

Gu Lao stepped on the Sumeru seal with his hands behind his back, and his expression was indifferent with a hint of solemnity.


The loud noise that shocked the entire Hanlin Tianfu spread across the wilderness, and mortals trembled one after another, kneeling down and praying for God's mercy to give them a chance to survive.


The heavy blasting sound broke through all obstacles, drawing a gorgeous arc of light on the top of the sky, shining thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.


The howls and howls of wild beasts rise from the depths of chaos and fall over Hanlin,


"Dong dong!"

Wild beasts screamed in the mountains, broken space barriers, an ancient prehistoric giant beast stepped out first, ten feet long, overwhelming thousands of mountains, and an old man stood majestically on the spine of the giant beast. The majestic aura of the sky, the unrivaled power of the world, is contained in the drooping eyes, which can see through everything in Chutian with just one glance.


Ye Tianxing lowered his eyes, his expression a little nervous.



The terrifying howling sounds seemed to break into the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts. The entire Hanlin Tianfu was filled with howls of wild beasts. The shattered void was expanding, and a dense black cloud covered the sky and rolled towards this sky.

The drums of war resounded in unison, resounding through the sky.

The war is coming!

"Hanlin Tianfu, Baishengzhai is here to help!" A long shout resounded through the sky, but seeing the mountains and fields and the sky, a group of people and horses came riding on the prehistoric giant beasts,

Baishengzhai, the old family of Hanlin Tianfu, has always had an inseparable relationship with Hanlinxuan.

"Hanlin Tianfu, Qingfengmen are here to help!"


The flames are rising, and at the critical moment, all parties come to help. The crisis survival of Hanlin Tianfu is also related to the prosperity and decline of many big families in Hanlin Tianfu.

"It's also an epic friendship, life and death are on the line, and they dare to show up!"

"You know that,"

"Who is the opponent?"

The visitor sneered calmly, with unparalleled power and power, he was a terrifying existence that stepped into the void with one foot.

"We know the prestige of the Holy Land, and the Hanlin Tianfu may not be as good as it, but if our home is plagued by wolves and bandits, we also have the responsibility to drive away the disaster!" The visitor's words were sonorous, but he did not lose confidence.

"The plague of wolves and bandits? Hehe, what you have encountered today is not the plague of wolves and bandits, but the catastrophe of extinction!"

"Han Linxuan killed my Nine Sacred Nest's son and his arrogance, and even beheaded my Nine Sacred Nest's elders. This account should be settled!"



The black Nine Holy Nest masters roared loudly, and the roar shook the sky.

"Hanlinxuan's trash, today is your time of death! The power of the Holy Land is not something you can provoke!" Nine Holy Nest Tianjiao shouted angrily, and the domineering coercion swept over the sky.

In the sky above Hanlinxuan, black clouds obscured the sun, and countless wild beasts exuded terrifying coercion.

"Trash? I remember that the proud son of your Nine Holy Nest has just been beheaded, right? Speaking of trash, your Nine Holy Nest is at least in the forefront of our Hanlin Xuan!" The voice is naturally Ye Heaven works.

In the distant mountains, in the twisted void, a man and a woman walked out. The man had black hair like a waterfall and wore a long black gown.

It was Ye Tianxing and Mu Qingying who came.

When Ye Tianxing appeared in this world, the disciples of Hanlinxuan suddenly became enthusiastic.

"This one is Master Xuan's disciple, Ye Tianxing, right?" The aid forces all focused their attention on Ye Tianxing, and they were amazed. The rumored prehistoric body also surprised him.

"It's not right, thank you all for sharing the troubles with Hanlin Xuan!"

"He is Ye Tianxing?"

"The bastard who killed Junior Brother Yu?!"


The air exploded, and above the sky, a burst of flames filled the sky. A Tianjiao who had awakened the power of the fire attribute stepped forward domineeringly, looking down at Ye Tianxing condescendingly, with cruelty and disdain all over his face:

"You're Ye Tianxing's little bastard!?" He pressed, with overwhelming pressure.

"I am you, every night, every night, but I'm not a bastard!" Ye Tianxing's same domineering aura soared into the sky at this moment, covering up the latter's edge.

He is a top expert in the first layer of the reincarnation realm, but at the moment he is obviously at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Seeing this, all the elders of the Nine Holy Nests showed a dignified expression on your face, "Sure enough, you are an evildoer. You have not reached the level of reincarnation, but you have the terrifying power of reincarnation!"


Like a dull thunder resounding between heaven and earth, a young Tianjiao came domineeringly, crushing the power of the Kaitian Realm, blooming at this moment, this is a terrifying Tianjiao, also not in the cycle of reincarnation, but powerful enough to rival the reincarnation realm master.

"Today, I will let you know the gap between my holy son of the Nine Holy Nest and your No. 1 Hanlin Xuan!" The person who came was another holy son of the Nine Holy Nest, whose strength was not weaker than Yu Chenqiu!

"Huh!" Ye Tianxing snorted coldly, "I can kill Yu Chenqiu, but how can you be better than him?" Between the words, he raised his hand and punched the world with a domineering punch, and then The expression of the latter suddenly froze, and it was just an understatement that made the latter's expression change.

"Holy Son of the Nine Holy Nests, that's all!" Ye Tianxing stepped on the ground, his whole body was full of hostility, and he had no match for killing intent.

"Don't be crazy, little bastard, today is your death day!" An elder who was also at the top of the reincarnation realm made a move to suppress Ye Tianxing. Seeing this, Ji Lan waved the ice sword in her hand, freezing ten miles in an instant.

"The old man is so thick-skinned that he actually killed a junior!"

"The strong is respected, and strength is king, then I will kill you girl first!" Between the words, the two peak masters who had touched the void fought!

"The old man came with a mission today, and Han Linxuan will surely stain the thousand mountains with blood!" The old man in the lead was extremely powerful, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"I'm just afraid of you, I don't have that ability!" Elder Gu snorted coldly, and the two of them disappeared into the vast sky and earth at the same thought. Everyone could only feel that above the black clouds, on the top of the sky, there were endless waves of wind and waves. , the avenues are criss-crossing, the sky is shattering, it seems that someone is going through a catastrophe in the sky, the distance is far but the pressure is still terrifying.

"I've shown myself, where is Gu Hanlin?" On the looming sky, a middle-aged man in gray robe appeared out of thin air, scanning the Hanlin Pavilion, his murderous aura swept across like a gust of wind.

A thick and terrifying Yuanli storm like a vast ocean is raging across the earth, and the visitor has stepped straight into the hinterland of Hanlinxuan!


A yin-yang gossip mirror pierces through thousands of mountains, and the power of the fairy artifact changes the colors of the ten directions.

"Gu Hanlin, today is your death day!"

"Master!" Ye Tianxing's expression froze. He was a little worried that this Yin-Yang Bagua Mirror was a real fairy artifact with unrivaled power.

But at this moment, the Spiritual Qi Pagoda on the back mountain suddenly came through the sky, and the radiant light rushed like a pillar, bursting out with unparalleled divine power, blocking the fierce power of the Yin-Yang Bagua Mirror, but there is a gap between the spiritual weapon and the fairy weapon. Strong as the Spiritual Qi Pagoda also had a crack at this moment.

"If you want to kill me, it's not enough for you, let Yu Zhan come to me in person!" The domineering voice resounded in the hinterland like a rainbow, and in an instant, a thunderstorm crushed the heavens and came.

Gu Hanlin stepped forward, raised his hand to show the power of Dao, and shook the Yin-Yang Bagua Mirror with his palm.

"You have stepped into the realm of false immortals!" The middle-aged man stared at Gu Hanlin with a solemn expression.

"Hanlin disciples listen to the order and kill all intruders!" Gu Hanlin looked cold, piercing the sky with chilling intentions. He held the spiritual energy tower to fight the incoming people. Among the immortal artifacts, under the collision with the immortal artifacts, they will absorb the immortal marks, which is of great benefit for refining the immortal artifacts.


Hanlinxuan's disciple shouted loudly, and everyone stepped up into the air. The entire sky above Hanlinxuan was already filled with all kinds of domineering coercion.

"How many come from the Nine Holy Nest Tianjiao, how many will I kill!" After saying that, above the sky, black hair like a waterfall danced wildly in the strong wind,

Mu Qingying carried the guqin on her back, and between the sounds of the piano, murderous intent emerged.

"I'll fight you!" The holy son of the Nine Holy Nest had murderous aura like an abyss, with the air of a king looking down on the world, this person's strength was not weaker than Yu Chenqiu,

However, he could hang and beat Yu Chenqiu during the feast of the stars, so why not at this time, it's just to let the plot repeat itself.


The avenue roared, the heavens and the earth shook, and the power of just one punch made the holy son of the Nine Holy Nest extremely uncomfortable. A domineering punch shattered the void he was in, and even his body was horrified by the punch. He was knocked into the air under the force.

"How is it possible!" Ye Tianxing's dominance and strength far exceeded his imagination.

"Be careful, don't be careless, this person is a prehistoric body, not an opponent that you and I can deal with!" Another holy son of the Nine Holy Nest came, and the Nine Holy Nest had the Nine Holy Sons and the Holy Maiden.

"Hehe, although there are many holy sons in the Nine Holy Nest, the quality is not very good, they are all trash!" Ye Tianxing glanced coldly, and his words made the teeth of these holy sons and saints who are usually proud and arrogant .

"Shoot together and kill them!"

"The members of the Nine Holy Nest listen to the order. Today I am not here to discuss, but to destroy the Hanlin Xuan!" A reincarnation master made a move and killed the crowd. With the power of a palm, he directly obliterated the three Hanlin Mansion openers. Tianjiao Tianjiao.


For a moment, everyone's eyes turned red.

Mu Qingying's expression turned cold, and the sound of the piano turned, and the terrifying sound waves swept forward with cold air.


Ye Tianxing is as domineering as a rainbow, like an awakened god of war, thunder surges all over his body, and his domineering power is unmatched.

"Today, this beast must not be allowed to live!"

Four Nine Holy Nest Tianjiao came to besiege, including three Holy Sons. This lineup is really terrifying. Normally, they are all terrifying existences with an invincible posture, but now they have to join forces to fight against the enemy.

Because, the opponents they face have far exceeded the scope of ordinary Tianjiao.

The sound of the piano was cleansed, and the cold air was bitter. Mu Qingying, who had refined a little bit of Xuanbing Heart, now has a higher level of strength.


The thunder was rioting, and under Ye Tianxing's punch, everything was falling apart. The four arrogances couldn't stop him at all.

"Crack!" A Tianjiao was hit by the remnant force of Ye Tianxing's punch, his bones were broken on the spot, and his soul was almost separated from his body. In an instant, all four Tianjiao wailed under his fist.

"Senior brother, save me!"

With a call for help, a master of the second level of reincarnation came to kill him, who came up with the supernatural power of destiny, and wanted to kill Ye Tianxing.

"Well done, I'm just about to try the power of this style!"

During the speech, Ye Tianxing's hands suddenly formed a seal, and the light between his brows surged, and the terrifying energy between the heaven and the earth frantically condensed between the seals of his hands, forming an extremely terrifying storm in an instant.

Astonishingly, it was the magical power of destiny that he had seized, turning everything into nothingness!

When this pattern swept across the sky, the faces of many masters of the Nine Holy Nest changed.

"It's my junior brother who turned all things into nothingness, this guy, how could he do that!?"

"Senior Brother, kill him and avenge Senior Brother Duan!"


In an instant, the sky was stained with blood,

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