Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 132 The news spread, the first person in Hanlinxuan

Ye Tianxing and his group left, and soon after Ji Lan and Zhu Yan escaped, the former returned the moon drink to Ye Tianxing.


Ye Tianxing and the others were still in front of Hanlin Tianfu Mountain, and Gu Hanlin on the top of the mountain had already noticed it. When everyone arrived at the mountain gate, the disciples of the Fourth Hall of Hanlin Xuan were already waiting.

"Welcome to the two palace masters!"

The disciples of the four palaces all bowed to greet each other,

After a long absence of three months, Wu Youzi and the others were naturally extremely happy to see Ye Tianxing come back.

"Tianxing, why did you come back so late? Logically speaking, it shouldn't take more than a month to go back and forth from the Feast of Stars."

"Elder, it's a long story. We encountered a lot of accidents during this trip, and when we came back, we also encountered the Nine Holy Nest's bastards intercepting and killing them, which wasted a lot of time." Gu Hao continued the conversation.

"What? The interception of the Nine Holy Nest?"

"Ji Lan, is this serious?" Another old man from the Eighth Layer of Reincarnation Realm came over, his expression froze upon hearing the news.

"It is true that the Nine Holy Nest dispatched Void Transformation Realm masters to intercept and kill us on the way, but luckily we escaped!"

"What? Void Transformation Realm masters were dispatched? Then how did you escape?"

"Hurry up, go to the main hall, Master Xuan is already waiting, this matter cannot be left alone!"

For a while, the news that Ye Tianxing and others were intercepted and killed by the masters of the Nine Holy Nest Transformation Void Realm was widely spread in Hanlin Xuan.

"Aren't you all injured?" Du Chaosheng stepped up, walked up to Mu Qingying, and asked worriedly.

Upon hearing this, Mu Qingying shook her head lightly, "It's fine."

"Don't worry, we're all fine, but Yu Chenqiu from the Nine Sacred Nest is dead!" Qin Xiaoran smiled brightly, "It's really gratifying!"

"Yu Chenqiu of the Nine Saints Nest is dead?" Another heavy news spread here.

"Who killed it? Who can kill him?"

In the crowd, one question after another sounded.

Ye Tianxing and the others were about to explain, when suddenly, a slightly embarrassed figure rushed out of the crowd.

"Brother, you have to make the decision for me!" As soon as Ye Changyu came out, he burst into tears at Ye Changshun. There were many bruises on his face, obviously from being beaten.

"How dare you show up in front of labor and management!" Qiu Yuebai looked at Ye Changyu coldly, with an awe-inspiring expression, and wanted to make a move.

"What's going on here?" Seeing his younger brother being beaten up like this, Ye Changshun felt somewhat annoyed.

"Woo~ It wasn't Qiu Yuebai who beat me. He took advantage of your absence and bullied me to a lower level than him. If the elders didn't stop me, I'm afraid I would be crippled by this guy!"

"Labor and capital will not only abolish you, I will kill you, believe it or not?"

Ye Tianxing has never seen Qiu Yuebai so angry.

"Qiu Yuebai, if you don't have an explanation today, I'll never end with you!" Ye Changshun said sharply.

"Brother," Ye Lan rubbed Ye Tianxing's arm, "It's all my fault, it has nothing to do with Brother Yuebai."

"What's going on here? Why is it related to you again?"

"Huh, Ye Tianxing, don't put on an air here. Your sister is bullying others in the sect. She thinks she has such an amazing brother. I will ask him to reason with the person who hit me. Who would have thought of jumping out of Qiuyuebai to treat me?" Let's fight! All the parties involved are here today, and I want you to give me an explanation!" Ye Changyu sternly said.

"Explain?" Ye Tianxing's expression sank, but Ye Changshun secretly felt something was wrong.

"Second brother, tell me what's going on." Ye Tianxing didn't ask his sister Ye Lan, because he knew very well that his sister was definitely not the one who caused trouble. Even if he asked her, the latter would not ask her. He would be evasive for fear of getting into trouble, so he could only ask Qiu Yuebai.

"This kid took advantage of you not being in the sect and sent people to tease Xiaolan. If I hadn't bumped into them, these guys probably wouldn't know what to do. You're not here. Of course, I, a brother, can't just sit idly by. My sister Being bullied, I can make this kid feel better!" Qiu Yuebai said angrily.

As soon as the words fell, there was a chilling feeling in the world, "Thank you for taking care of me, second brother, I understand this matter."

"Is that the case?" Ye Changshun suddenly asked Ye Changyu angrily,

Ye Changyu was taken aback, a little dazed, completely unaware why his elder brother yelled at him, "Brother, I don't know about that, I only know that she hit my man, and my man hit him! "

"Brother, you have to make the decision for me, I'm covered in injuries all over my body!" Ye Changyu tried his best to show misery, but he didn't know that he had already offended someone he couldn't afford to offend, a lion who had just fallen asleep, He woke up completely again.

"Really? I understand who you are, and I understand even more who my sister is!" Ye Tianxing's face was sullen, and a coercion suddenly swept over him, unparalleled in strength.

However, before Ye Tian could make a move, a resounding slap had already been slapped on Ye Changshun's face, and the clear slap print was hot on Ye Changyu's face. Confused, almost sluggish.

The Tianjiao in the Fire God Temple held the mentality of watching a good show, and they were as confused as Ye Changyu at this time.

"Brother, why are you beating me!?" Ye Changyu was inconceivable, if it wasn't for the clear burning and stinging pain on his face, he would never have dared to imagine that his own brother, who had always defended him, would actually beat him with his own hands today.

"Why did you hit you? You don't have any points in your mind? I'm going to wake you up, you little bastard!" Ye Changshun scolded harshly, and the crackling applause was clearly audible. Among them, only Mu Qingying and others understood why Ye Changshun, who had always defended his younger brother, would do this.

Because, if he didn't do this, his own brother might really be abolished.

"Remember clearly, Ye Lan is Brother Ye's younger sister, that is, my Ye Changshun's younger sister. If you don't learn well, dare to bully her, labor and management will be the first to spare you!"

As soon as this statement came out, all Hanlinxuan disciples in the audience were stunned.

What is your sister?

This change in relationship made the disciples of Hanlinxuan completely in a state of confusion. Before leaving Hanlinxuan to participate in the feast of stars, Ye Tianxing and Ye Changshun were still in a state of incompatibility.叶长舜竟然会为了夜天行的妹妹,而暴揍他疼爱的弟弟。

This is like an unsolvable and unbelievable mystery, lingering in the hearts of all Hanlinxuan disciples.

Qiu Yuebai, Wuyouzi and the others also felt incredible.

"Qingying, what's going on?" Xu Qianling was very curious, and she couldn't accept Ye Changshun's change.

"It's a long story." Mu Qingying didn't say much on this topic either.

"Xiao Lan, are you angry? If you are angry, brother will help you." Ye Tianxing then turned his face to ask his sister.

Seeing this, Ye Lan shook her head again and again, "Brother, I'm fine, brother, tell him not to hit me, he actually doesn't do anything to me, brother Yuebai has been guarding me, no one dares to bully me."

Ye Tianxing caressed the little girl's head, and smiled dotingly, "His younger brother, I don't care, but my sister, who dares to bully, I, Ye Tianxing, will never spare him." The domineering voice, no one dared question.

"Tian Xing, Lord Xuan and several palace masters have been waiting for a long time, please go over." A guard rushed over and saluted Ye Tianxing slightly. In their minds, Ye Tianxing's status at this time had already surpassed them above.

"Master, Uncle Qiu, please go ahead, both of you!"

"Alright, you boy, tell us what happened during this trip."

Ye Tianxing followed Qiu Shangping and Wuyouzi with his younger sister Ye Lan, while Mu Qingying and others naturally followed him.

In just three months, some smart geniuses have already discovered something extraordinary. The top geniuses in Hanlinxuan seem to have faintly followed Ye Tianxing's lead.

Feast of stars and his party, what happened to make them change like this?

After Ye Tianxing and the others left, Ye Changshun stopped fanning Ye Changyu. At the moment Ye Tianxing released his murderous aura, Ye Changshun didn't dare to think about anything, so he could only save Ye Changyu by beating Ye Changyu violently. My younger brother, because he clearly knows Ye Tianxing's means, if he makes a move, his younger brother will not only suffer some flesh and blood injuries, but may be completely crippled.

"Smelly boy, is it still hurting?"

Ye Changyu's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he burst into tears, "Brother, why did you hit me, woo~~!"

"Do you think your brother wants to beat you? I'm also here to protect you, brat. It's not good for you to mess with that aunt. It's not like you don't know that Ye Tianxing's most taboo thing is that someone touches his sister." !"

"Then you don't have to deal with your own brother so hard. I didn't do anything to his sister. It's fine if you don't defend me, but you still beat me. How can you let me hang around in Hanlinxuan in the future!" Ye Changyu seemed to be crying badly.

"Brother Ye, what happened? Why did you hit Chang Yu so hard?" Everyone in the Fire God Hall, Ye Changshun's followers all ran forward and asked very puzzled.

"In the future, no matter what situation you encounter, don't provoke that little aunt, let alone Ye Tianxing and the people around him, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you." Ye Changshun took out the wound medicine bottle to replace Ye Changyu wipe.

"Ah? Is it so serious? What happened in the past three months that made you so afraid of this kid!" They really couldn't understand what Ye Changshun did. Compared with Ye Changshun who was domineering in the past and Ye Changshun now, they are completely irrelevant. The latter's behavior made them feel aggrieved.

"What else can happen, please don't provoke it, don't go, that evil god, whoever provokes it will have no good fruit!" Jiang Zhongyue paused, looked at the direction of the main hall, and continued, "Nine Holy Nest Yu Chenqiu is dead, and also a reincarnation realm first layer and three Tianjiao who touched reincarnation!"

"What does this have to do with him? Could it be..." Everyone suddenly changed expression.

"That's right, they were all killed by that pervert. During this feast of stars, this guy not only defeated many arrogances, but even more terrifying things..." Every time Jiang Zhongyue thinks of this, Jiang Zhongyue feels the pain in his heart for no reason. A moment of tension.

"What's more frightening?" Several people were already a little out of breath, terrified enough.

"He, Ye Tianxing! It's a barren body, and it's the prehistoric body among the most domineering physiques!"

"What!? Prehistoric body!!!"

Hiss~~!The sound of gasping for air suddenly swept through.

When the three characters of Honghuang style spread among the crowd, the entire Hanlin Xuan could no longer remain silent.

"Brother Ye, is what he said the truth? That guy really killed Yu Chenqiu, and also killed the reincarnation master? Is he really a prehistoric body?!" Countless people couldn't believe it,

He walked night and day, and turned out to be a prehistoric body.

"It's no wonder that his physical strength is so overbearing, it turned out to be a prehistoric body, my God, our Hanlin Xuan actually has a prehistoric body!"

"Fortunately, I didn't offend him. From now on, Hanlinxuan's No.1 will be changed. Ye Tian will be the No.1 of my Hanlinxuan's younger generation. His status may even surpass the elders. .”

In the main hall of Hanlin Xuan, Ye Tianxing stood in the center of the elders and deacons. The moment Ye Tianxing blurted out the news that Ye Tianxing was a prehistoric body, those elders who had looked down on Ye Tian were trembling all over, and the voices of gasping for air kept coming and going. When a pair of eyes looked at Ye Tianxing, it was even more shocking than seeing a fairy artifact.

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