Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 128 One sword spans tens of thousands of miles

And saw the sword energy flying thousands of miles, the flames fighting the sky and screaming, the sun, moon and stars were also dimmed under this blow.

With the majesty of a sword piercing the heavens, and the power of breaking mountains and rivers with a single thought, this person must be the overlord of the domain without a doubt!

Seeing this scene, all the old monsters in Tianyong City were also shocked at this moment.

"It's him!" Huangfu Jiye stared at that majestic figure with a fairy-like demeanor and a holy light.

As if he noticed Huangfu Jiye's gaze, the man turned around lightly, smiled and then cupped his hands, "Old City Lord, long time no see!"

"Who is this? Someone the old city lord knows?" At the top of Taixuan Peak, everyone was shocked that the old city lord actually knew the existence of this level of overlord.

"Lord of the Yang Clan! I remembered that more than ten years ago, he came in pursuit of Master Taixuan's remains, but at that time he was just a boy at the peak of reincarnation, and he went from reincarnation to Huaxu in a short time. From Huaxu to Linxian, this...!"

"It doesn't make sense!"

Huangfuli and Huangfuhua looked at each other, the shock in their eyes was self-evident.

"Scrap from the Yang family, you dare to ruin my good deeds!" Above the sky, the black air was wrapped in a raging flame, and the originally terrifying black air was unable to make the slightest resistance under the enveloping flame. A fire attribute awakener, but the power of this flame is many times stronger than others.

"Dad, this old man just wanted to arrest me. Two trash from his line attacked us and got killed. This old guy actually wants to settle accounts with us. You have to make decisions for your precious daughter!"

In the passageway where the golden light was confused, Yang Sirui ran out, and immediately threw herself into the arms of the man, crying coquettishly.

The man's indifferent and profound face twitched slightly at the moment the girl rushed into his embrace, and he couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, "You girl, how old are you, can you look a bit like a lady."

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible to be a lady in this life, who told me to be like you!"

Hearing this, the man smiled wryly, hugged the coquettish girl with his left hand, and lightly shook the sky with his right hand, the dark red flames instantly turned into piercing black, and under the burning of the black flames, there was a terrible sound coming from the flames. screams.

"Your lineage has never done bad things. I don't know how many Tianjiao Dao foundations have been taken away. Now you have set your mind on our family. Today, I will destroy your spirit body. I hope I know it. If you dare to attack my Yang family again, I don't mind. Let your lineage be extinct!" The domineering voice carried a terrifying domineering aura, and this kind of domineering power is really the overlord of a domain.

"Stinky boy, destroy my spirit body, just wait, ah~!!!" The screams like roasting the soul, one after another, cleansing the hearts of the people, the world is completely silent, and even the masters of the virtual realm can't deal with it A spiritual body in front of him was destroyed by the comer with a flip of his hand. Such strength is already as high as the sky.

"Thank you, Master Yang, for helping me out!" Huangfu Jiye, a noble man, actually bowed to the man, because he was the only one who knew that the man in front of him represented what.


Just a simple title,

But it is an existence that can be called the overlord in God's Domain.

Yang Rui flicked his sleeves lightly, and the breeze lifted Huangfu Jiye up, "The old city master's words are serious, but it's just a matter of lifting a finger."

"Since today's siege has been lifted, the younger generation should also leave." Yang Rui bowed slightly to the old city lord.

"Dad, you're leaving so soon? What if these guys don't give up and ambushes us halfway?" Yang Nianxi worried.

"Don't worry, there is no danger on this journey. Your grandfather has returned from traveling all over the world, and they dare not make any moves."

"Ah? Grandpa is back? Hahaha, Grandpa is back, these guys have to shrink back like grandsons, if they dare to jump, let them see Hades in minutes!" The little girl vowed with her fists raised.

"Second brother, grandpa is back, let him stay longer, I'll go back right away, and have a good drink and play chess with him!"

"Don't tell me I forgot, I haven't finished playing chess with him yet, you little brats, listen to your Uncle An, don't be naughty, or the Hui will make you face the wall!"

"Hey, second uncle, my second aunt said that if you dare to let us face the wall, she will not let you go to the kang, you have to respect yourself!"

"You boy, you deserve a beating!"

As soon as the words were blurted out, the members of the Yang family couldn't help laughing.

Such a majestic overlord of a domain can still maintain such a demeanor when faced with the ridicule of the juniors. This kind of thing is obviously impossible in Tianyong, and the juniors absolutely dare not talk about the elders.

It can be seen that this family is very different.

"Dad, let me introduce you. His name is Ye Tianxing, and he helped my brother when he was crossing the catastrophe!" Yang Sirui suddenly pointed to Ye Tianxing at the far side.

Yang Nianxi was about to pull Ye Tianxing over, at this moment, an invisible force entrusted Ye Tianxing in front of the man, in front of this force, Ye Tianxing had no strength to resist at all.

so strong,

A spirit body that is many times stronger than the spirit body just now.

Is this the power of Linxian?

The shock in Ye Tianxing's heart is beyond words.

The juniors have seen the seniors!He bowed and saluted, not daring to show any disrespect.

"Second brother, this boy is extraordinary. Even if the grandpa sees him, he might not be able to help but praise him." Yang Pingan couldn't help admiring, and Qiqi beside him also nodded.

Yang Rui stared at Ye Tianxing, and invisibly, he seemed to see a pair of invisible eyes looking at him, and these eyes could penetrate everything about him, and all the secrets of him were exposed to the man, even though, He is trying to hide it.

Suddenly, Yang Rui smiled, with a long-lost smile on the corner of his mouth, "Miracle, miracle!" He looked at Ye Tianxing and only uttered these four words.

"Young man, make good use of your talent, use your talent on the right path, and your future achievements will be limitless!" Yang Rui was shocked in his heart. He opened his eyes and clearly saw the curled up in Ye Tianxing's body. Power, a dark power that can swallow even his consciousness.

devouring power,

The power of devouring is not only several times purer than that of devouring one vein.

The body of devouring, the body of devouring that has disappeared forever, the old man will probably be shocked when he sees it.He smiled at Ye Tianxing, which was meaningful.

Ye Tianxing is clear that all the secrets in his body have been seen by the man in front of him.

"You don't have to be nervous. I won't tell anyone else the secrets in your body," he said via voice transmission. Immediately afterwards, the man waved his sleeve robe, and a pitch-black token flitted from Yang Pingan's chest, staying In front of Ye Tianxing.

There are two bright characters on the token, and it contains an indescribable charm.


"This is my Yang Clan Qiankun Token. One day you will eventually enter the God Realm. With this token, the disciples of the Yang Clan will definitely help you!" The words were soft, the voice was not loud, but everyone under the sky could hear them clearly.

The man's actions are obviously paving the way for Ye Tianxing, but Ye Tianxing doesn't know.

"Thank you, senior!" Ye Tianxing was very excited, holding the token with both hands, and knelt down on one knee, sincerely.

"Get up, since you are kind to my disciples of the Yang Clan, since you are here today, I might as well give you a fortune!"

During the conversation, the man's big hand was lightly stretched towards Taixuan Peak, the seemingly distant Taixuan Peak was placed in another void, but was pulled closer by the man with a mighty power like a god.

Another channel of golden light followed, and the man waved his sleeve robe again, and Ye Tianxing, Yang Nianxi, and Yang Sirui disappeared while his sleeve robe was rolled up.

Such a majestic power is really embarrassing.

"My god, these little guys from the lineage of Qi refiners are actually the main lineage of the Yang sect in God's Realm!"

"Those boys turned out to be the heirs of the main branch of the Yang family!"

Shocked voices from heaven and earth chattered endlessly in the crowd. The elder of Nine Holy Nests looked extremely gloomy, and he led the team, but today, Tianjiao of Nine Holy Nests was "destroyed by Ye Tianxing and his party!"

The holy son Yu Chenqiu was deposed even more. If the news spread, how would the Nine Holy Nests be established?

The most abominable thing is that the kid who was deprived of the Heavenly Spiritual Root has now risen strongly in more than a year. If he is allowed to grow up, the prehistoric body and the Heavenly Spiritual Root will definitely become a big member of the Nine Holy Nest in the future. Hidden danger.


It's just such a guy, but now he has climbed up, that has a terrifying lineage that suppresses one side in God's Domain-Yangmen! !

God, it seems to have made a big joke on the Nine Holy Nests. Others don't know what the Lord of the Yang Clan represents, but the holy lands of the Beichen Star and the Tianhe Star Region are very clear.

The Divine Realm is sandwiched between the Beichen Star and the Tianhe Star Territory. They have long heard about the status of the Yang Clan in the Divine Realm. door power.

"An'an, here, I leave it to you."

"Second brother, go slowly!"

As soon as the voice fell, the majestic figure disappeared between the sky and the earth, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, but the shock that lingered in people's hearts could not dissipate for a long time.

Immortal Realm, the real Immortal Realm, they have never been so close to this kind of existence.

"God's Domain, in the rest of my life, I must go for a break!" This is the place that countless arrogances are eager to yearn for.


Here, there is a misty space, the blue dragon is galloping, the flame sparrow and ice phoenix are fluttering and singing, and the wild leopard is dormant in the valley. All the scenes in front of you present auspiciousness.

There was no one to be seen around, Ye Tianxing looked around a lot, but did not find Yang Nianxi and the others.

Nine majestic peaks stand upright, and bursts of golden light shine from the top of Zhuofeng.



On the clumsy peak, a figure in white robe appeared in front of his eyes again—Taixuan Daoist!

Master Taixuan held a pot of sake, and danced his sword on the nine peaks with his right hand. He vaguely saw something carved on the mountain by the dancing sword, but he couldn't see clearly.

Ye Tianxing wanted to get closer, but was blocked by an invisible force.

Behind the nine male peaks is a valley, shrouded in smoke and mist, with several boulders standing in forests, a flower garden, criss-crossing streams in twos and threes, and a thatched hut in the middle.

It's like a secluded source of seclusion.

"Is it the place where Daoist Taixuan lives in seclusion?" Ye Tianxing murmured, stepped down from the sky, and walked towards the thatched hut in the valley. Suddenly, a mysterious atmosphere shook his mind.

The blue dragon hovered in the void, and a wave of shocking mountains and rivers came out.

Dao marks are intertwined on the boulder, and a few huge words are particularly eye-catching.

Ye Tianxing took a deep breath, this place is actually the place where Daoist Taixuan lives in seclusion.

This is the biggest secret hidden in Taixuan Peak!

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