Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 122 Xichuan Buddha, Xuan Kong

"Come here once, of course you can't return without success!" Xi Mengzhu lightly stepped onto the sky, wanting to compete with Tianjiao.

Beichenxing, Tianhexingyu, Buzhouxing, the Tianjiao of the three domains are divided into three camps at this moment and a war breaks out at this moment.

Thunder billowed in the sky, a sea of ​​fire whizzed on one side, and ice raged on the other. The battlefield centered on Yang Nianxi and Yang Sirui was erupting in a battle that horrified countless arrogance, and it seemed to have become a battlefield of reincarnation.

Zhuang Xuan and Yang Sirui fought fiercely, fisting to the flesh, one was an eternally famous barren body, and the other was a recently famous Qi refiner, the confrontation between the two attracted countless exclamations.

Below, many Tianjiao have not made a move, they are all waiting for an opportunity.


A muffled thunder resounded, and suddenly the color of the sky changed.

"Heavenly Thunder Yehuo, this is..."

Countless Tianjiao stared at the sudden burning fire on the top of the sky, as well as the rolling thunder, such divine punishment shocked everyone.

"As expected of Long Shengtian, the younger generation crushes everyone, even the punishment of heaven is so terrifying!"

"Traversing the tribulation has only really begun, and he has awakened the power of the fire attribute. Once he completely enters the cycle of reincarnation, his strength will undoubtedly skyrocket by countless times!"


There was another loud noise, and Yifeng's catastrophe and punishment changed again, and the snow fell all over the world, covering the sky like winter.

"Ice attribute power!"

At this moment, Tianjiao really experienced the punishment, and awakened the power of attributes in the punishment.

Dozens of Tianjiao chose to break through at this moment, bathing in other people's punishment and arousing the power of heaven and earth, thus leading to their own punishment. This seems to be the end of the world, but it is also a real adventure.


Suddenly, a voice rang out from the crowd, and a mirage suddenly appeared in the sky above the sky that had been bombarded by robbers and punishments. The vision suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of countless people.

"What kind of punishment is this?" At this moment, everyone Tianjiao stared at the sky in a daze.

"It's him! The robbery of the barren body!"

Natural vision, several phantoms appeared on the sky. These phantoms were all condensed by the power of heaven, but now they appeared here.

"The robbery and punishment of the barren body is really different from us!"

Zhuang Xuan made a move, abandoned his opponent Yang Sirui, bathed in heavenly punishment, and went up, "My robbery, here comes, little girl, it was a pleasure to fight with you, it has been a long time since I have met such a terrifying opponent like you!" Zhuang Xuan Xuan had no choice but to praise Yang Sirui's strength, being able to fight against him in a barren body to this extent was enough to prove his tyrannical strength.

"You are also very good, I am also very curious about the vision of the barren body, but you dare to fight in the robbery?" Yang Sirui was right, it was Mu Huang's body who came up to the robbery.

Zhuang Xuan was startled, "This is my punishment, of course I'm not in vain, but you don't have to bear my punishment, under this punishment, although your physical body is strong, you may be wiped out if you are not careful! "

"I don't want to lose an opponent like you." The sympathy between the strong and the strong.

"Don't worry, Miss Ben won't die under this kind of catastrophe!" Yang Sirui smiled brightly, and punched the heavenly punishment fearlessly, wanting to compete with the heavenly punishment.

"With a mortal body, I have to admire that this little girl is very courageous!"

"To be able to fight against the barren body to this extent without losing, the lineage of Qi refiners really deserves their reputation!"

This void was constantly collapsing amidst countless calamities and punishments, making it a mess, and the celestial arrogances couldn't tell who the robbery and punishment belonged to.


A thunderbolt crashed down, and a Tianjiao who had touched reincarnation was accidentally pierced by the thunderbolt, bleeding into the sky, and his life was safe.

"Now is not the time for me to go through the catastrophe. The heart of Xuanbing has not been completely refined by me!" Mu Qingying shook her head. She was not prepared enough.

"I can feel that the Dao of Heaven is calling me, and my catastrophe has come. Brother Ye, brothers, Gu is one step ahead!" Gu Tiange took a deep breath as he stared at the terrifying pressure on the top of the sky. , suddenly lifted into the air at this moment.

"Although I can't survive the calamity here, it is a great treasure to take a bath in the calamity and punishment of the celestial beings!" Gu Hao's eyes rose sharply, and he stepped to the top of the sky, letting the sky collapse Broken, that firm belief is no longer shaken.

"Brother Ye, what about you?" Qin Xiaoran asked.

Ye Tianxing looked up at the sky, Tianjiao was taller than others, and the robbery and punishment were more terrifying than the other. The corner of his mouth raised a curve, but he shook his head, "My foundation is not enough to survive the robbery and punishment. Even if I force myself to survive the robbery now, I will die My way!"

"Alright, let Xiao Ran go!" Between the words, Qin Xiaoran also stepped on the sky.

"I'm leaving too!" Lu Songxian followed closely behind.

Ye Tianxing looked at Mu Qingying who was beside him, and took care, "You wear that armor on your body, just in case."

"I'm fine, you need it more than I do." Mu Qingying declined.

Ye Tianxing smiled, and this smile is so kind and calm only when facing his sister, "My way, no one can shake it, I need to use my body to bathe in all punishments, this armor, in my On the road of calamity, it will only become an obstacle!"

Between the voices, the majesty of the king who ruled the world descended again. Mu Qingying stared blankly at the not-so-tall figure in front of her, and felt an inexplicable impulse in her heart to be subdued by him.

"Oh, I see." So, she put on the armor that Gu Hanlin gave Ye Tianxing with peace of mind.

"Wait here for me to come back." The majesty is like a king, but it also gives people an incomparably kind and natural smile. The former shocks people's hearts and creates a distance, while the latter completely narrows the distance. I don't know when it started , Mu Qingying is already used to his smile, even a little obsessed...

This man is different from too many men she has seen, and also gives her more sense of security than others.

In him, she saw the responsibility and responsibility that too many people do not have,

Perhaps, this responsibility has something to do with his life experience, and it also comes from his love for his sister.

Ye Tianxing stepped lightly with his right foot, and the Dao Qiankun was moved between his sleeves, and the ground shrank into an inch in one step, and appeared on the top of the sky in an instant.

"I am better than Tiangong. The way of heaven is boundless, and the heroes are competing for the throne. We should walk in the universe and go up the road!" Tianjiao from Beichenxing shouted freely. At the pinnacle of Heaven's Punishment, there seems to be a pair of eyes overlooking the world.

"The journey of the great road begins with a single step. Reincarnation will be the starting point of my life. The road is immortal and the road to heaven is endless!" He, with a firm Dao heart, no one can shake, the guy in the sword mound who became the Son of God by himself is stronger than the rumors.

"Immortal Gold, Incomplete Spirit Soldiers, and Capital Cold Iron, he is actually going to forge his natal God Soldiers at this time!" The Tianjiao exclaimed. Instead of splicing them together with extremely strong means, he took the broken sword and submerged into the sea of ​​fire, casting it with fairy gold and forging it with cold iron.

"This guy, what a lunatic!"

Bai Yefei broke into someone else's fire punishment, and then bathed in thunder and went up, crossing the icy and icy road, the long sword in his hand broke and closed, closed and broke again,

"He has achieved his own destiny in the midst of other people's robbery and punishment, this son is extraordinary!" There were bursts of exclamation from the top of Taixuan Peak.

Seeing this, Elder Jianzhong stroked his beard feeling very relieved, Bai Yefei is now his disciple, his disciple has this ability, he should be a model teacher, he should be relieved.

"As expected of a feast of stars, at this moment, these arrogances are finally showing off!"

Gu Yao's hands were sealed, and the golden holy sword was unsheathed behind him. This is his natal magic weapon. His father forged this sword since he was born, and it was conceived in his blood. It has long been a top-notch treasure. Now He wants to take this opportunity to let him enter the ranks of spiritual soldiers in one fell swoop.


Although the golden holy sword does not have the reality of a spiritual weapon, it has the power of a spiritual weapon. Qiankun's sword pierced the sky, and even Tianjiao's catastrophe and punishment were split by this amazing sword!

"Too powerful, are these the top talents of the three domains? In this age of heroes competing for the throne, they will eventually become the overlords who will dominate one side in the future!"

At this moment, looking at the robbery and punishment of the sky, the same Tianjiao has already distinguished the high and the low in the robbery and punishment.

With Long Shengtian, Yifeng, Yang Nianxi, Zhuang Xuan and other supreme arrogances as the head of the most favored sons of heaven, they are too dazzling and have left their own indelible marks in the Dao of Heaven.

The vision of heaven reappeared, and the vision of robbery and punishment belonging to the supreme arrogance appeared, and it was at this moment that they became entangled and fought.

"The vision of the heavenly way is competing for supremacy. This is also the competition of the Tianjiao. The vision of the heavenly way also represents that Tianjiao to a certain extent!" Countless spectators clicked their tongues, and the vision of the heavenly way appeared. At this moment, a big battle broke out. A battle between visions and visions, never seen before.


Between the sky and the earth, a golden light flashed across, the sky covered in haze, filled with flames, and full of thunder was suddenly torn open, and a golden hand reached out from the top of the sky, and the terrifying golden light shattered everything.


A voice of Buddha resounded through the heaven and earth, and in the distance, near the Milky Way, a young Buddha clasped his hands together, staring at the golden light in the sky, exuding endless Buddha light all over his body, driving away all the haze.

The Buddha is extremely sacred, solemn and dignified, and he is baptized with holy light all over his body, giving people an unshakable domineering majesty.

"Buddha Profound Sky!"

"I don't know where this bald donkey went, but it just appeared now. It is known as the once-in-a-hundred-year pride of the Xichuan Ancient Temple, and it really deserves its reputation!"

At this moment, everyone was moved.

Xuankong clasped his palms together, a Buddha statue gathered behind him, he sat quietly in the midst of the divine punishment, as motionless as a mountain!

"Buddha's way is vast, and the heavens are vast. I want to ride the wind, but I'm afraid that the fairy way will collapse. Everything in the world will be transformed into one way!" The Buddha's voice cleanses the world and is extremely beneficial.

On the top of the sky, a vision of a golden holy dragon appeared, and the golden holy dragon soared upwards, devouring everything in the robbery and punishment of others.

"The body of a mortal has caused such a powerful punishment from heaven, the ancient temple of Xichuan, it is really amazing!"

"I heard that Master Taixuan has a great relationship with the ancient temple of Xichuan. I'm afraid this is why he came here!" The golden holy dragon set off endless waves on the top of the sky, crushing many visions, all of which were drawn by Xuankong. His vision is obviously much stronger than other Tianjiao.

"What's the origin of this bald donkey!?" At this moment, even those as strong as Yifeng and Long Shengtian were moved by it, and they had never seen such a domineering vision.


The roar of the golden holy dragon echoed between the heaven and the earth, as if announcing its arrival. Suddenly, the golden holy dragon turned its direction and flew towards the mysterious sky, opening its huge golden mouth, intending to swallow it .

"Amitabha!" Xuan Kong stood still, showing no signs of avoiding it, until the giant mouth of the golden holy dragon was close at hand, and then he changed his gestures.

"Fulong Divine Form!" With a loud shout, it sounded like a thunderous explosion, and the endless Buddha light was seen, and the Buddha shadow holding up to the sky behind him actually subdued the golden dragon.

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