Yunlong Variety

Chapter 368 Duan's Yard

sharp sword,


The moon star is rare and the sound of the zither is gloomy,

cry of sorrow and joy,

Difficult to part,

Leaving a lonely shadow in the sky,


frost fan,

Thousands of horses are galloping, smoke and dust gather,

gun shadow cold,

The drums are loud,

Heroes add white silk to their temples,

Chaoyang Li,

how many dreams

The road ahead is bleak and fearless,


Pride and ambition,

If you don't fulfill your long-cherished wish, you will never die!


Three days!

For three days, the entire Jianghu was like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves. Not only did the Zhuge Gang die down, but even Nangong Aoxue seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and there was no news about Long Feiyun and the others, as if nothing had happened in the Jianghu. Any grievances and vendettas, some are just quiet and peaceful!

People of insight in the rivers and lakes can't help worrying secretly, because these people seem to have seen a deadly undercurrent in the calm and peaceful stagnant water of the rivers and lakes, and it is quietly brewing. Get involved in it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out of the whole body!

The masters of the Shaolin and Wudang sects seem to be out of the picture, not a single disciple of the two Shaolin and Wudang sects is seen in the Jianghu, and even those young people who want to become famous in the Jianghu have disappeared without a trace!

There is no cloud in the sky, the sun is very hot at noon, the scorching sun makes everything in the world seem to lose its original vitality, the flowers and trees seem a little wilted, and there are very few pedestrians on the road, even like to fly in the sky I don't know where the little bird hid to enjoy the cool...

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in the barren mountains and ridges. He was running like flying and didn't care about the fierce sunlight at noon. Beads of sweat kept dripping from his head, which was much bigger than ordinary people, and his face was covered with dust. It covered up his previous ugly appearance, but it was not as disgusting as before, and his body exuded bursts of sour smell, which drifted away with the wind, and even the fragrance of flowers and trees could not cover it. Looking back, his eyes were full of vigilance, as if there was some fierce and vicious beast behind him, about to swallow him alive, like a prey caught in a trap, although he was exhausted, he still refused to stop himself footsteps...

Who is this guy?

Who else in the Jianghu has such a big head, but is as short as a vat, this person is of course Miyamoto Mumu!

Miyamoto Mumu spent three days in Xiaoxing and staying overnight cautiously, for fear of being overtaken by Nangong Aoxue, he only dared to choose some secluded and uninhabited paths in the wild mountains to escape, not knowing that Nangong Aoxue was also there after he escaped. He disappeared in the rivers and lakes, otherwise, with Miyamoto Mumu's cunning and suspicious, of course he could smell something ominous!

It's a pity that Miyamoto Mumu is like a frightened bird who only wants to run away in the barren mountains and mountains, and has never been in contact with anyone. Naturally, he has no way of knowing that Nangong Aoxue suddenly disappeared in the rivers and lakes. Of course he doesn't know that Nangong Aoxue has actually been following him all along. behind!

As for Miyamoto Mumu frequently looking back and watching, one is because Miyamoto Mumu is suspicious by nature, like a fox walking ten steps and taking one step back. Escaping from Xue's hand made him feel a little uneasy, as if everything was unreal in a dream, of course it is inevitable to be careful everywhere, and the third is because Miyamoto Mumu was scared out of his wits by Nangong Aoxue long ago, even though he was born in Nangong Miyamoto Mumu was very proud of escaping from Aoxue's hands, but after he was proud, he naturally had more fear in his heart, for fear that Nangong Aoxue would follow him!

The wind blows through the branches, and a white dress is looming among the lush green leaves. A pair of eyes without any emotion are as cold as ice, looking at the figure of Miyamoto Mumu who is fading away, with no joy or sadness on his face. Without any change, it is like a statue of a god standing on a tree, looking up at all things in the world, which makes people feel awe!

If it weren't for the icy cold murderous aura of the fearsome proud blood knife on his body, I'm afraid someone would really take him down to earth as a god. I'm afraid that the immortal will lose three points if he descends to earth!

Under the tree, a beautiful girl who makes the flowers lose their color is leaning on the tree trunk and closing her eyes to rest. Although her delicate and fair face is slightly tired, she has another kind of charming demeanor, which makes the wind blowing by seem to change her mind. She became gentle, as if she couldn't bear to disturb her, and the flying butterflies flapped their wings gently, fearing to wake her up!

After a while, Miyamoto Mumu's figure disappeared into the forest, Nangong Aoxue gently slid down from the tree, and there was a trace of tenderness in the eyes looking at Di Lan, no longer a high and emotionless cold and arrogant look, the love in his heart The seeds grow stronger and stronger...

Di Lan opened her eyes as if she had a heart-to-heart connection, and saw Nangong Aoxue blushing slightly looking at her, and said with a sweet smile, "Brother Nangong, it's time for us to leave?"

Nangong Aoxue saw the shy look on Di Lan's face, so she couldn't stare at Di Lan, so she turned her eyes to another place, nodded slightly and said, "That's right, we should go!"

The wind seemed to be blowing more and more gently, and the flowers, plants, and trees were desperately exuding their fragrance, as if deliberately keeping Nangong Aoxue and Di Lan for a while longer, unwilling to leave such a golden couple!

It's just that Luohua deliberately follows the flowing water, and the flowing water loves Luohua mercilessly. In a moment, Nangong Aoxue and Di Lan disappeared into the distance, leaving only a little tenderness floating in the breeze, as if singing a chapter of love...

The scorching sun was in the sky in the other side, but at this moment, the Duan family's courtyard was torrential rain, lightning and thunder, the heavy rain seemed to pour all the water of the Tianhe River down, and it bounced up half a foot high on the ground, and it was impossible to see the person on the other side within a few steps, and the wind was even worse. Roaring and rolling the dead branches into the air, it was like drawing a demon with teeth and claws in the rain, wishing to swallow everything in the world together!

Of course, the Duan family's courtyard is not the courtyard of Duan's family, let alone a courtyard, but a small town!

Duan's courtyard was originally just a small town with a small population, only a hundred families. Later, with the change of time and personnel changes, Duan's courtyard became the only way to connect Shuzhong and Jingzhou, and the people gathered more and more. Yueduo has gradually become a small town, but no one can explain why it is called Duan's courtyard with such a strange name!

The Duan Family Yard is a small town with four parts. One is that there are many restaurants and inns, not to mention all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, but there are all kinds of famous dishes. The other is that there are many large and small casinos, and all kinds of gambling methods are readily available, as long as they can be used for gambling. There is no such thing as Duan’s courtyard, which is not available in this small town. Third, there are many places for fireworks. Here, you can appreciate the tenderness of the beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, and the boldness of the beauties in the north. Sometimes there are even beauties from the Western Regions. It is no worse than the Erqiao Lanyue Building in Jingzhou City, and even some outstanding people are even worse. Fourth, there are more merchants. If there are more merchants, there will be more people in the Jianghu. These people in the Jianghu have Some guard the homes of the various shops in the Duan’s courtyard, and some serve as bodyguards for the merchants. After all, the goods brought by the merchants are all real money. Some of them wandered around the small town of Duan's courtyard with malicious intentions, hoping to gain some benefits by fishing in troubled waters...

Duan's courtyard is a small city with these traveling merchants and those people from the rivers and lakes who are mixed with fish and dragons. Naturally, every shop in the small city is booming in business and making money. The same loneliness, especially in an unfamiliar place, the feeling of loneliness is still strong, like a speck of dust that doesn't know where it will go tomorrow...

Some people say that loneliness is a book, a glass of wine, a touch of starlight, a bright moon, a poem that can never be written, and a road that can never be walked. The true meaning can only be realized in loneliness!

This kind of statement is not only not wrong, it is simply the eternal truth, and no one will doubt whether it is right or wrong, no matter who said it, no one will refute it!

It's just that although the truth is simple, almost everyone understands it, but few people are really willing to live in loneliness, just because the feeling is not only uncomfortable, but sometimes it may drive people crazy!

Merchants who travel from south to north go here and there to eat and sleep in the open every day. Naturally, they live in loneliness most of the time. Once they have a place where they can no longer be lonely, of course they don’t want to endure loneliness anymore!

People in the rivers and lakes who lick blood with knives are even more unwilling to endure loneliness, because today they may be alive and majestic, hugging left and right to enjoy the blessings of everyone, and maybe tomorrow they will bleed into rivers and die in the underworld. Of course people don't want to endure loneliness, they naturally like to go to places where they don't have to endure loneliness!

Although such a place often costs money, compared with loneliness, most people would rather spend some money than endure the feeling of loneliness, just because that feeling is too sad and desolate, just like heaven. The bright and clear moon, only sees its unattainable beauty, who knows the unattainable loneliness...

When some people are lonely, they like to drink heavily to get drunk and make themselves forget the taste of loneliness. Often after waking up, the feeling of loneliness becomes stronger, but there is no other way to resist loneliness. Drunk again in loneliness...

When some people are lonely, they like to hug left and right among the women who are surrounded by Yingying, and indulge in the gentleness. Chunmeng who can't wake up, doesn't know where he is, but when loneliness comes, he can't help but throw himself into the one-night romance, it seems that only in this way can drive away the loneliness in his heart...

Some people like to gamble, through one exciting game after another, to dispel the loneliness in their hearts, but they can temporarily forget the feeling of loneliness, but it is too late for them to lose money and lose money , the feeling of loneliness will naturally come more violently...

Of course, beautiful wine and beauties are unforgettable. Compared with the taste of loneliness, they are naturally full of temptation. There are few ordinary people who can resist them. But compared with gambling, the poison of these two things is not deep enough. The deepest thing is gambling. How many people in the world have lost their families and lost their wives because of gambling. Who doesn’t understand the truth, but there are still people who are sinking into it one after another and cannot extricate themselves!

It's because the lonely hearts can't find their destination, and they can't bear the feeling of loneliness, so they get stuck in the mud and can't extricate themselves!

Just like Duan's courtyard, where there are restaurants, casinos and fireworks in this small town, as long as these lonely hearts have a home, they will naturally disappear and disappear completely!

It's just that the merchants living in the Duan's courtyard at this moment, no matter whether they are people in the world, their hearts have not found a home. Naturally, the restaurants, casinos and fireworks in the small city of Duan's courtyard are the best place for them!

What is loneliness?

What is loneliness?

What is heart?

What is a dream?

what is happiness

What is happiness?

What is the sky?

What is the land?

What is grief?

What is pain?

What is wind?

what is rain

What is a party?

What is parting?

What are flowers?

what is grass

what is the moon

What is the sun?

what is cloud

what is snow

What is a flame?

What is seawater?

what is fish

what is a bird

What is everything?

What is life?

What is Buddha?

What is Tao?

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