Yunlong Variety

131 chapter

The air in the house seemed to freeze, leaving only a strong smell of blood!

Park Hae-jin's gaze was full of murderous intent once again looking at these people, and everyone who watched was trembling, while Xiao Linzi looked at them excitedly while licking the blood on the knife, it seemed that as long as Park Hae-jin opened his mouth, he would will pounce...

Zhou Laosan, the master of Weizitang, roared angrily: "Damn it! If you are a man, you will rush over with me to avenge Lao Hu!" After speaking, he drew out the knife at his waist and was about to rush over!


A scream!

Zhou Laosan looked back at the other five people and said angrily: "You...!" Before he finished speaking, he was killed!

Because no one can live after being hit by five kinds of weapons, so Zhou Laosan can only die!

Blood gushed out from Zhou Laosan's five wounds, and the angry Zhou Laosan stared at him and died like this. Until he died, he couldn't figure out that it was okay for these people not to help him, but they would actually attack him!

On the contrary, Park Haizhen showed a smile on his face, but the smile was a bit annoying, he clapped his hands and said: "Sure enough, he is a gentleman who knows current affairs, good job, he shows no mercy to his brothers who have been around for many years, it is really shocking admire!"

Park Hae-jin's words made the five people's faces blush, but they greeted Park Hae-jin's [-]th generation ancestors from the bottom of their hearts!

But the five people couldn't refute Park Hae Jin's words, because the five different weapons were still stained with brother's blood!

Park Hae Jin waved his hand, smiled so much that one could wish to punch his head off, and then said: "I knew you would make such a choice, because you are all smart people!"

The remaining five hall masters of the Universiade Gang looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Park Hae-jin was saying!

Xiao Linzi came out with a wretched face, slowly put away the dagger in his hand, smiled slightly at the five Universiade Gang masters, took out a small notebook from his arms, and said with a smile: "You are offended!"

Opening the title page, it reads:

Master of the Universiade, Mr. Qian Baye!

Unknown martial arts!

Very honorable man!

Good to drink, but extremely easy to get drunk!

This man is unstoppable!

Never leak Feng Yifu!

Master Qian's apprentice!

Careful, gloomy, scheming, good power!

This person can be bought!

Iron lock Hengjiang Qiao does not move!

Master Qian's apprentice!

He is rough, straightforward, and strict in his work!

This person can be killed but not kept!

Angry pony horse happy!

Master Qian's apprentice!

Good martial arts, easy to impulsive!

He likes to drink, is loyal to Qian Baye, and is not easy to get rid of!

If you want to kill him, you can start with the girl Ma Xingxing likes, Xiaodie!

Zhou Mazi!

The head of the Big Character Hall of the Universiade!

She is greedy for money and lustful, but she pretends very well on weekdays!

The martial arts are good, and there are few opponents with a goose feather sword!

This person can be subdued!

Cripple Zhao!

Master of the Universiade Gang Yunzi Hall!

So scheming, a pair of iron crutches killed countless people!

He loves power but doesn't strive for success. His only weakness is his only three-year-old son!

This person can flow, not kill!

Hu Erha!

Universiade to help the master of the word hall!

Reckless, good at wielding a silver gun, willing to work hard, with countless scars on his body, he is one of the few people that Qian Baye trusts most!

Don't stay and kill!

Zhou Laosan!

Universiade Gang Weizi Hall Master!

He has a gentle temperament, and a knife with nine rings is extremely fierce. He is the child of a brother of Qian Baye when he first debuted, and respects Qian Baye like a father!

This person must be killed!

Bao Sanniang!

The Hall Master of the Universiade Gang!

She is the only female hall master of the Universiade Gang, she is very scheming and masculine, it is said that there are seven or eight young and handsome male favorites in the mansion!

Hidden weapon of fame: the needle behind the tail of the wasp! On weekdays, I use a gold hairpin for women!

This person can be killed or kept!

Pan Sheng!

The head of the Universiade Gang Yuanzi Hall!

As the name suggests, he has a handsome face and is very good at pleasing women!

I don't know how many women have been fascinated by a happy fan!

This person can stay and not be killed!

Meng Yifei!

Universiade Help Yangzi Hall Master!

Good at light work, in charge of various news from the Universiade Gang!

Good wine, good sex, and extremely stingy!

This person can stay!

The five hall masters of the Universiade Gang read this little book separately, and everyone's face was covered with cold sweat, and the fear in their hearts was several times greater than Xiao Linzi's attack just now!

Pu Haizhen laughed wildly again and said, "Since you have chosen to be with us, I will not hide some things from you. The old ghost Qian Baye died at the hands of Feng Yifu, and Ma Gaoxing is just a scapegoat! Everything is already in my plan!"

When a person is proud, it is inevitable that he will be arrogant when he speaks. Now Park Haizhen has made a decision that he regrets, that is, to tell the truth about the cause of Baye Qian's death!

Park Hae Jin did this because he felt that he had already controlled everything, but he ignored one point, which is human feelings!

The first to strike was Meng Yifei, his qinggong has always been good, just as fast as his sword!


A sword of hatred!

This sword seems to carry all the hatred for Park Hae Jin!

A sword that disregards its own life and death!

Although Park Haizhen was a little surprised, he still sat there calmly, because another person had already made a move, and this person was Xiao Linzi with a wretched face!

Kobayashi's knife!

Indeed fast!

As fast as his reflexes!

The sword pierces the air!

Blood rush!

It was because Meng Yifei was unable to stab the sword anymore, because a short knife had pierced Meng Yifei's throat, but Meng Yifei's eyes were sharper than the sword, and before he died, he gave Xiao Linzi a hard look. , Xiao Linzi was hit by this look, he couldn't help being startled, and his movements inevitably slowed down!

At this time, a swarm of tiny steel needles hit Xiao Linzi's face, Xiao Linzi had no way to hide, and pulled Meng Yifei's body with one hand, all the steel needles hit Meng Yifei's body, but Xiao Linzi couldn't help it. Unable to dodge Bao Sanniang's long sword, he pierced Xiao Linzi's right shoulder with one sword, Xiao Linzi let out a miserable snort, and struck at Xiao Linzi's forehead with an iron crutch, and with this crutch, it was a head made of copper and iron. It can't help but break the brain!

Zhao Laizi's iron crutch was only a foot away from Xiao Linzi's forehead, but he couldn't fall even half a point, because a person stepped in front of Zhao Laizi and crushed Zhao Laizi's throat bone with his hands. No one could have crushed his throat bone , still have the strength to smash down the iron crutches!

The person who crushed the lame Zhao's throat was Mo Changkong!

At the same time, a goose feather knife slashed at Xiao Linzi's left shoulder obliquely. If this knife hits, Xiao Linzi's upper body will inevitably be separated from his lower body, that is to say, he will die.

Mo Changkong and Xiao Linzi had nowhere to hide, but there was no trace of fear on their faces!

Could it be that Mo Changkong and Xiao Linzi are really not afraid of death?

Of course not, but because of another person, a person who has never made a move, this person is Park Hae Jin!

The knife was about to hit Xiao Linzi's left shoulder, and Zhou Laosan was sure that he could split Xiao Linzi in half!

Pan Sheng was overjoyed, as long as this happy fan hit Mo Changkong's throat, Pan Sheng was sure that Mo Changkong would never stand up again!

But both Zhou Mazi and Pan Sheng forgot one person, the person who had been sitting there calmly, that Park Haizhen who always had an evil smile on his face!

Pu Haizhen moved, like a ghost, and as fast as lightning, he grabbed Zhou Mazi's Yanling knife with one hand, and the Yanling knife with his back hand pierced Zhou Mazi's chest!

The other hand snatched Pan Sheng's Xiaoyao Fan, and pierced Pan Sheng's throat with one!

Park Hae Jin won, but he couldn't forget the looks in the eyes of these five people, and he didn't understand why these five people did this!

However, Zhao Laizi, Zhou Mazi, Meng Yifei, Pan Sheng, and Bao Sanniang understand better than anyone else that some people can betray, but some people can't! Just like Qian Baye, Qian Baye The master not only has the kindness to these five people, but also knows the shortcomings of each of them, but Qian Baye still trusts them, so they can betray Hu Erha and Zhou Laosan, because they don't owe each other, and the five of them What people owe Qian Ba ​​Ye is not only the kindness of knowledge and encounter, but also the mutual trust and understanding between people, so the five of them would rather die than join forces with Park Haizhen!

These, Park Hae Jin will never understand!

The originally clear sky was suddenly overcast, and there was a thunderclap accompanied by big raindrops. Park Haizhen stood in the bloody room with a gloomy face, because he couldn't understand why the five Zhao Zizi changed from fear to fearless life and death. It's a pity that the seven corpses on the ground couldn't tell Park Hae-jin the reason!


Each has its own shortcomings!

Make mistakes too!

Perhaps it was indeed wrong for the five of Cripple Zhao to kill Zhou Laosan, but knowing that the death of Qian Baye was arranged by Park Haizhen, and he was not afraid of life and death, is it right or wrong?

Maybe no one knows!

Right and wrong!

Sometimes it may just be a thought!

One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon!

Good and evil, maybe in that one thought!

Just like the sudden heavy rain, it came and went faster, and the green branches still hung with raindrops left by the heavy rain, but the sun appeared instantly, as if it made people wonder whether it had rained just now...

The heavy rain soaked Nangong Aoxue's white clothes, but he didn't seem to care at all, just staring at the boats on the river coldly!

At this moment, the drunken Lei Dongtian and Yan Beihui seemed to see that Nangong Aoxue had merged with the thunderstorm, and couldn't tell whether it was Nangong Aoxue who had merged into the rain, or the swift rain that swept Nangong Aoxue in white. Merging into one body, the two of them don't know whether they are in a dream or awake...

Fortunately, the rain came and went quickly, and the instant warmth brought by the sun brought Lei Dongtian and Yanbei back to reality!

Lei Dongtian took a sip of wine and said: "The thunderstorm is coming in an instant,

Standing beside the river in white clothes proud of snow!"

Yan Beihui couldn't help stroking his hands and said: "Old drunkard, what a poem! It really impresses me, but there are still two sentences left?"

Lei Dongtian blushed and said: "Brother Yan, you don't know how many catties I have in my stomach. Just now I saw Mu Mu standing in the wind and rain and felt it. As for the next two sentences, you are an official. , why don't you make up for it!"

Yanbei replied: "Fuck you! Old drunkard, you are making fun of me! Others don't know me, don't you know? Let me write poems, I'm not as good as I am now, my whole body is wet!"

Nangong Aoxue, who was standing with her hands behind her back, suddenly said, "The red sun warms up and it gets colder.

Are heroes useless!"

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