Yunlong Variety

124 chapter

Of course Niqiu understands what Ma Gaoxing thinks, that is, he will not bow his head in front of Feng Yifu even if he dies!

Instead, Feng Yifu smiled and said, "Little Ma! How is it? The heir of Jianxie is not bad!"

Ma Gaoxing wanted to speak, but the multiple wounds on his body started to hurt. Ma Gaoxin could only bite his lips tightly to prevent himself from making a sound, and still looked at Feng Yifu stubbornly!

Niach squatted down suddenly, held Ma Gaoxing's hand and said, "The sword is good, but it's a pity! It's actually working with animals!"

Then he looked at the horse happily and said: "Little Ma! It seems that you and I are going to die here today. It's okay, we will wait for this beast in the ground together!"

Why did Loach say this, because if Ma Xing was not injured, maybe the two of them would still be able to fight, but now, there is no chance of winning, let alone running away!

What's more, if there is a chance to escape, how can the loach leave?

Facing the loach with his back turned to him, Feng Yifu finally had a trace of anger in his eyes, it was a feeling of being looked down upon by others!

The feeling of being looked down upon by others is really uncomfortable, Feng Yifu's face has changed, and there is a little more anger in his eyes!

Because Feng Yifu feels that he is a winner at this time, he should look down on Ma Gaoxin and Niach!

But Niqiu didn't even look at Feng Yifu, but tore off his clothes very seriously, and bandaged Ma Xing's wound, and Ma Xing didn't even look at Feng Yifu!

Could it be that Ma Xingxing and Ni Qiang are going to die?

Or are you really not afraid of death?

Of course Ma Gaoxin and Nixiu are also afraid of death, and they don't want to die, not to mention the blood feud between them and Feng Yifu, but the current situation is no longer a matter of whether they want to die, because Feng Yifu will never let them go. It is better to die with dignity than to die in a wimpy way!

This is also what Feng Yifu couldn't figure out!

Because Feng Yifu and Ma Xingxiu are not the same way!

Ma Gaoxing and Ni Qiang are people who are willing to lose their lives for the sake of morality and justice, but Feng Yifu is just another kind of person!

It is precisely because of people like Ma Xingxin and Nixie that there is hope in this world...

Maybe the martial arts of Niqiu and Ma Gaoxing are not the best. Even ordinary people who sacrifice their lives for the sake of justice and justice are admirable!

This kind of spirit is immortal in the world precisely because there are many people like Ma Xing Nixiu!

Feng Yifu will never know what morality and justice are, just like no one can make a pig understand the beauty of flowers, because in the eyes of a pig, there are things that cannot be eaten...

So the more Ma Xingxin and Nixiu disdain Feng Yifu, the more angry Feng Yifu's eyes will be!

Suddenly, Feng Yifu raised the corner of his mouth, showing a sinister smile, and took out his knife from his waist!

Feng Yifu's knife is very thin and sharp, and the cold light emitted under the moonlight seems to be able to penetrate a person's bone marrow!

Four cuts in a row, each cut was very fast, and the force was not strong, and the blood spurted out from the wound of the loach. Still concentrating on bandaging the wound for the horse happily!

Looking at the loach who refused to make a sound, Feng Yifu seemed to be extremely angry!

Another two cuts in a row, both of which hurt Niqiu's shoulders. This time the force seemed to be a little too strong. The blood had already stained Niqiu's clothes red. Beads of sweat rolled down Nixie's forehead, and Ma Gaoxing wanted to rush forward to do his best, but Nixie was still bandaging Ma Gaoxing's wound seriously, although his hands were not as flexible as before!

Feng Yifu couldn't help but sneered and said, "Since your bones are so hard, good! I'll give you my blessing. I'll cut you 99 knives and kill you. I think you can really keep silent!"

The moon also seemed to be scared by Feng Yifu's ferocious face and hid in a cloud. In the thin moonlight, Feng Yifu's eyes shone like a beast!

The knife pierced through the lonely wind and hit the loach's back again!

Facing the wind of swords coming from behind, Niach still didn't turn his head, and continued to bandage the wound for Ma Xing, as if this was the most important event in the world!

But Feng Yifu's knife stopped suddenly, only a few inches away from Niach's back. Although the cold blade didn't cut through Nixi's clothes, Niach could already feel the chill brought by the blade!

Could it be that Feng Yifu found out with his conscience that the knife didn't go down?

Or did Feng Yifu have other ideas?

None of these!

But because of one person!

A young man with a wicked smile!

Because this man with an evil smile suddenly drew out his sword, and thrust out a sword very quickly!

This sword did not stab at Ma Gaoxing, nor did it stab at Niqiu, but stabbed at Feng Yifu's back heart!

At this time, the young man who smiled evilly still smiled evilly, but he still didn't have his evil sword, not only evil but also fast!

Before Feng Yifu could react, there was a sharp pain in his back, and the tip of the sword had protruded from Feng Yifu's chest, and one or two drops of blood fell to the ground!

Whoever's vest is stabbed with a sword, this knife can't be cut out!

Feng Yifu turned his head and looked at the young man with an evil smile in disbelief, with a look of astonishment and anger in his eyes, he said, "Jin Chao, why?"

Jin Chao slowly withdrew his long sword, and seeing Feng Yifu's chest and back were instantly stained red with blood, as if two strange flowers had bloomed front and back, Feng Yifu smiled evilly again and said, "Don't you all have a saying in the Central Plains?" Talk! Asuka has done his best! So you have to die!"

Feng Yifu's eyes were full of hatred, but he no longer had the strength to rush over, and said in a stern voice: "You killed me, how will you face the members of the Universiade Gang, and how will you face the Jianghu in Yangzhou?"

Jin Chao said with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes: "Why did you suddenly become so stupid? We didn't kill you, but died at the hands of Ma Gaoxing and Nixie, and I even avenged you !"

Jin Chao's words immediately made Feng Yifu understand, his heart was full of remorse and anger, so he tried his best to lift the knife, but the hand holding the knife trembled slightly, but the knife did not move, and then Feng Yifu's face flushed , spurted several mouthfuls of blood, fell to the ground and died!

Then Jin Chao smiled evilly and said: "I know you two must hate Feng Yifu very much, I will send you two to see him in Huangquan right now, where your grievances can be resolved!"

After Jin Chao finished speaking, he stabbed out his long sword, not only evil but also fast!

At this time, there was a sudden gust of wind, and a few leaves fell from the tree, and a leaf fell on Jin Chao's sword impartially. Jin Chao's sword seemed unable to resist the power of this fallen leaf, and was hit Bend down!

Jin Chao looked at the fallen leaf suspiciously, and was about to speak when a gray shadow fell in front of Ni Qian and Ma Xing!

What came was a young man dressed in commoner clothes with very bright and dark eyes. This man had a faint smile on his face. This smile made people look so comfortable and warm, especially the firm eyes of the young man made people feel this Nothing in the world can defeat him!

Seeing this young man, Ma Xing and Ni Qian felt angry and hopeful in their eyes, because although they did not know this person, the young man's bright black eyes and warm smile made Ma Xing and Ni Qian happy. Who is this person who came to mind?

Who else is there?

With dark, bright and firm eyes, and a warm and powerful smile?

There is only one person, and that is Long Feiyun!

And it was Long Feiyun who came at this time!

If Long Feiyun and his boss Zhu Youming hadn't won the bet, Long Feiyun and the others wouldn't have been on the road all night, maybe Long Feiyun and the others were sleeping at this time!

If Long Feiyun hadn't appeared in time and sent out a leaf with the gust of wind just now, maybe Ma Gaoxin and Nixie would have been dead!

If it wasn't for Jin Chao's complacency, he would definitely be able to find a difference among the few falling leaves. Maybe Ma Gaoxin and Nixie are already dead!

Maybe it's God's will, maybe it's nothing, in short, the appearance of Long Feiyun saved the lives of Ma Gaoxin and Nixiu!

At this time, Jin Chao was extremely astonished in his heart, but his face didn't show anything, he looked up and down at Long Feiyun with an evil smile!

There was a sound of clothes sleeves, and three more people came, one man and two women!

The man who came was so fat that he seemed to struggle to walk, but when he landed beside Long Feiyun, he was as light as a civet cat!

Jin Chao couldn't help being shocked again, and looked at the two women again. The smile on Jin Chao's face became even more sinister, and there was a bit more lustful look in his eyes!

The beautiful face of the woman in green on the left is like a midnight blue flower quietly blooming under the moonlight. Seeing Jin Chao's eyes, there is an expression of disgust on her face instantly!

The woman on the right is wearing a pink dress, she is as beautiful as a fairy in the moonlight, with a somewhat unearthly arrogance, when Jin Chao's eyes fell on the face of the pink dress, the lustful expression in her eyes became more When the woman in pink saw it, she smiled softly at Jin Chao. This smile was as beautiful as a spring flower!

But how did the Jin Dynasty know?

The woman in pink smiled and killed him!

When Jin Chao was intoxicated by the intoxicating smile of the woman in pink, the woman in pink suddenly waved at Jin Chao, and several hidden weapons with blue light attacked Jin Chao!

Although Jin Chao was intoxicated by the smile of the woman in pink, when he saw the hidden weapon attacking, he hurriedly retreated, but said with an evil smile on his face: "What a pungent girl!"

Just when Jin Chao dodged the hidden weapon and just stood upright, he was about to speak again!

The sound of hidden weapons colliding suddenly came from behind, and dozens of thin needles like goose feathers were all shot into Jin Chao's body. In an instant, Jin Chao's face turned green, and all the blood in his body seemed to have been frozen. He fell to the ground and died after making the slightest sound, especially with an incomparably lewd smile on his face!

Looking at the fallen Jin Dynasty, the fat boss Zhu Youming laughed and scolded: "You don't know how to die, you dare to make a fuss about our Miss Tang, you can't be blamed!"

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