All Heavens Fighting Road Records

Chapter 731 Dangerous!Danger!

Hu Bayi and the others didn't expect Chen Yulou to say such words, let alone the old man actually went there in person.

This will mean that the fat man will not speak up, and listen honestly.

"Hahaha, there is no way out, there is no way out, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, and there is another village. The hexagram that the poor will surely have something should be true for the old man. Since Chen Baotou has been there, it can't be better.

As for Muchen Bead, based on deduction, Pindao has concluded that it is in the tomb of King Xian, but its location has not been determined, and the secret seems to be covered up, now I ask Chen to give me some pointers! "

What Yuchi Zhenjin said was [-]/[-] true and [-]% false. In fact, he already knew that Muchen Bead was in Xian Wang's tomb, but he forgot how to find it. It was Professor Sun or Chen Yulou who said it, so That's when I came to Professor Sun, hoping to meet Chen Yulou.

As for getting to know these two famous figures, it was just a sideshow.

And when he saw Chen Yulou, he felt something, so he stayed with Chen Yulou, and then accompanied him alone, but he didn't ask just now, but now he spoke out in a hurry.

"Old Jin, isn't your hexagram image Professor Sun?" Hearing what Yuchi Zhenjin said, the fat man was the first to ask back.

What the fat man asked was also what Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang were thinking. They put all their hopes on Professor Sun. Why did Yuchi Zhenjin say that it was confirmed that Muchen Zhu was in the tomb of the king? It should be on the old blind man, he couldn't help but look at Yuchi Zhenjin for a while.

Yuchi Zhenjin knew their thoughts without asking, and then smiled and said that he never said who the hexagram should belong to, it was just what Hu Bayi and the others thought.As for Muchen Zhu being in King Xian's tomb, he also came in to divination and deduced it.

What Yuchi Zhenjin said was three parts true and seven parts false, but otherwise, he couldn't explain it. Fortunately, after he finished speaking, Hu Bayi and others didn't doubt it.The fat man still felt that the old man, Professor Sun, looked inconspicuous, but he was so clever that he was right.

Hearing what he said, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang followed suit and nodded.

But Yuchi Zhenjin expressed disdain at this meeting, and then told Hu Bayi and the others for no reason to stay away from Professor Sun in the future. place, kill it directly.

When Yuchi Zhenjin said this, he already showed murderous intentions, this was something Fatty and Hu Bayi had never seen before, and while they agreed repeatedly, they also became puzzled.

However, Yuchi Zhenjin didn't say much about it. He didn't pay attention to Professor Sun, and it wasn't worth his time.After arriving at the Wushan Canyon, you can go all the way, so that you can collect eighteen golden armored corpses; when you really go there, then Professor Sun doesn't care, so this is another reason why he let the old guy go .


After Yuchi Zhenjin finished speaking, he ignored the questioning eyes of Hu Bayi and the others, and asked Chen Yulou to tell them about the dedication of the king's tomb.

And Chen Yulou had been listening to what Yuchi Zhenjin and the others had to say just now, without interrupting. Now that he is getting old, he doesn't want to ask about affairs in the Jianghu at all. No matter what Yuchi Zhenjin and the others say, he just listens happily .

However, he did not dare to answer the question of this Jindan expert impatiently.This expert not only has a very high level of cultivation, but also knows everything about him like the palm of his hand, and he also knows about the four gates of the tomb like a palm, which makes him dare not have any small thoughts.

After Yuchi Zhenjin finished speaking, he took out a package from his bosom, opened it, and saw that it was an ancient leather map. Although it had been restored, it was still very blurry, but the mountains, rivers and rivers in the picture were still vaguely discernible.

"Senior, friends, it's not that the old man is spooking you to scare you, but that presenting the king's tomb is a desperate place.

This Pitu was obtained by me, and it is recorded in the tomb of the king.

Back then, I was young and energetic, after stealing Pingshan, I felt that the world's largest tombs were all available, and even though King Xian was a grass-headed emperor, I guessed that there were a lot of treasures, so I took my brother there.As a result, just after passing Zhelong Mountain and arriving at Chonggu Valley, without even going down to the tomb, everything was lost in the monster fog.I was also blindfolded by the poisonous mist, and later relied on my own ability to escape from death, but I was worried that the poisonous gas would enter my heart, so I snapped my eyes out.

At this point, he was devastated and had no face to face his elders, so he pretended to be this slanderous person and lived on in the world. "

When Chen Yulou talked about the Worm Valley, the past seemed to be vivid in his eyes, and there was still a hint of shock in his words; when he said that he would pull out his eyeballs, he even took off the double-round blind man's glasses.

Hu Bayi and the others looked at his face, their hearts skipped a beat. They saw that Chen Yulou's eye sockets were deeply sunken, and from the inside to the outside, there were dark red scars, like the withered tendons of an old tree coming from the It looks like something has grown out of the eye socket, looking creepy and terrifying.

After showing it to Shirley Yang and others, I didn't know what to say for a while.

But Chen Yulou continued to speak without waiting for them to speak.

First he said that he was old, and he was prone to emotion, but then he said that the dedicated tomb was indeed an unexplainable tomb; while fumbling and pointing at Pitu, he began to explain in detail in retrospect.


At the bend of a branch of the Lancang River called the Snake River, there is a big snow mountain called Zhelong Mountain, with an altitude of more than 300 meters.

The Snake River has water veins, passing through the mountain at the foot of Zhelong Mountain, forming a low-lying valley on the back of the mountain.Because the mist lingers all year round in this valley, there are many insects in the valley, so the valley is called the insect valley by the locals.

This insect valley is located in the middle of the mountains, and there are few people. If you want to go in, you have to go through the mountains through the underground water veins, or go over the Zhelong Mountain, so not one or two people can get in for hundreds of years.

After entering the insect valley, the first part of the journey is very easy. Not only are the mountains and rivers beautiful and picturesque, but you can also see groups of colorful big butterflies.

But at the beginning of the middle period, white miasma appeared.This kind of miasma lingers all year round, and those who are caught will die, and no one can enter.

It is said that these white miasma and demon fog are poisonous clouds set up by King Xian to guard the mausoleum. The circle represents these monster fogs.

And Chen Yulou and the rest of the group stayed here. Back then, they waited for the heavy rain to blow away the poisonous mist, and went in rashly.But before passing the middle section, the poisonous mist rose again, poisoning everyone in Xiling here.

When he said this, even after many years, Chen Yulou still regretted it.

And if you continue to go deep and pass through the poisonous fog, you will see a huge waterfall, which is the entrance to the tomb of King Xian.

From the perspective of Fengshui, the waterfall is a water dragon, and the entrance to Xianwang's tomb is at the longan of the water dragon.

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