All Heavens Fighting Road Records

Chapter 564 Chapter Village

(Sorry, I sent it wrong and upside down! Read the next chapter first.)

When he learned that he could serve as a soldier, Hu Bayi finally understood Yuchi Zhenjin's behavior when he parted. He knew that he had expected it at that time, but he didn't tell himself.

Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh, but compared to jumping in the mountains, Hu Bayi still prefers to be a soldier, after all, this is his ideal.In addition, this guy is also smart, and he can know Yuchi Zhenjin's intentions after weighing it. In addition to thinking about his instructions, Hu Bayi understands that Yuchi Zhenjin, who has already counted, supports him.

In this way, he paid more attention. On the one hand, it was his own ideals, and on the other hand, it was the support of Yuchi Zhenjin. The Yuchi Zhenjin who should be taught also taught himself. Directly choose the back door to enlist in the army.

When the old comrade-in-arms of Hu Bayi's father asked him what kind of military service he wanted to join, this guy even said that he wanted to be in the Air Force. The reason was not only the adventurous spirit in his bones, but also the stimulation of being taken to fly before.

But he couldn't say it in front of the elders, he just smiled and said that he heard that the food for the pilots was good.Hearing what Hu Bayi said, the chief of staff smiled and gave him a brain adze, saying that it is not so easy to fly a fighter jet, and then let Hu Bayi go to the field army.Let him exercise hard for a few years, and when he is promoted, he will be transferred to the military region to work.

But when Hu Bayi heard that he was going back to work in the government office, he said forget it, he was still willing to stay in the grassroots army, and he was not used to staying in the office.

Seeing the cleverness in Hu Bayi's stabbing head, the chief of staff couldn't help but secretly said that he was a good seedling, so Hu Bayi successfully entered the army.

Due to the rush of time, Hu Bayi wanted to go back to the mountains to say goodbye to Yuchi Zhenjin, Fatty, and Yanzi, but he was no longer allowed, so he had to write a letter to them.Thinking of Fatty, Hu Bayi still felt very sorry. He felt that he was a soldier in the army and left him in the ravine to jump in the line.

But this feeling disappeared after he served as a soldier for three months. Only then did he realize how comfortable it is to be an educated youth in the mountains.

Of course, he didn't forget Yuchi Zhenjin's instructions. He always carried the ancient books handed down by his family close to his body, and the Tianqiong Qingshou technique did not fail.Later, because of his ability, he saved the lives of himself and his comrades many times.

Especially the two Golden Essence Bumblebees that Yuchi Zhenjin gave him, after he refined them, he kept them with him all the time, and took them out to play with them from time to time.Others regard it as a handicraft, but Hu Bayi knows it is a life-saving thing.In particular, there were two encounters with supernatural and powerful things. If it weren't for these two golden bees, he would have been in danger of dying.

After experiencing it, you will know how well-intentioned Yuchi Zhenjin is, of course it's a later story.


Besides, Yuchi Zhenjin and Fatty played outside for a few days, and they arrived at Fatty's aunt's house after Chinese New Year.

When I arrived, I saw that his aunt's house was not doing well, and it was not lightly affected. If the two of them hadn't come, they wouldn't even be able to eat during the Chinese New Year.Seeing this, the fat man secretly bought a lot of things. Her aunt's family had just had a good year.

After the Chinese New Year was over, the fat man didn't want to disturb his aunt for fear of causing trouble, so he left within a few days. Of course, when he left, he also secretly left 100 yuan.

Fatty is bigger than Hu Bayi, and when he walked to his aunt's house, he was still very sad, but in the end, he was dragged by Yuchi Zhenjin and ate a meal of mutton stuffed dumplings.

After that, the two started to play in various ways. They had money on them, and they spent a few days in the city of Fatty Aunt's house. Although the general direction was northward, they went there for fun and food wherever they went.

Along the way, the two of them ate, played and bought things, but they spent a lot of money, and two small yellow croakers were enough.Fatty felt a little distressed at first, but later, under Yuchi Zhenjin's leadership, he realized that money can still be used in such a way, so he completely let go.

Of course, Yuchi Zhenjin took the fat man to the scenic spots along the way, and the food he ate was local specialty snacks, and he bought commemorative or local specialties.

Especially when the fat man saw that Yuchi Zhenjin looked like he couldn't fill it up, he bought it with all his might, wishing he could prepare gifts for everyone when he went back to the mountains.In the end, if he hadn't been stopped by Yuchi Zhenjin, he would have purchased the same as buying goods.

While Yuchi Zhenjin was playing around, he also saw the simplicity of the people and the style of the times at this time, especially seeing the fat man treat the village as his own home, preparing gifts in various ways, thinking that it was very comprehensive, not only a little moved.

After the two of them strolled around from south to north, two months passed before they returned to the mountains.This is still the result of their haste, otherwise, if they follow Fatty's temper, they will see you in the second half of the year when they return to the mountains.

And these two months, in Fatty's mind, was the most relaxing time in his life.


When they returned to the village, although they had passed their vacation, the old branch secretary didn't say anything because of Yuchi Zhenjin's care.

In fact, the old branch secretary originally wanted to talk about fat people, not because they were out of vacation, but because they were worried about going out for too long.

But Fatty and Yuchi Zhenjin came back with a small four-wheel tractor, and they still brought buckets. Their attention was instantly attracted by the tractor, and Fatty was ignored.

Yuchi Zhenjin proposed to buy this small four-wheel tractor when he was fast going up the mountain, because the two of them bought so many things along the way that they couldn't get them back to the village.

Although it can be put in Yuchi Zhenjin all the time, and will be taken out slowly in the future, Yuchi Zhenjin thinks it is too troublesome and doesn't want to show it to others, so I propose to buy a tractor.

The fat man agreed as soon as he heard it. When choosing, he didn't even look at the hand-held one, and went directly to the biggest one.Later, I heard Yuchi Zhenjin say that the road back to the village can only pass through ox carts, and the big tractor can't get in at all, and it will be inconvenient to get in and out in the future, so I chose a small one.For this reason, he contributed another small yellow croaker, but this guy didn't feel bad at all, and didn't think about money at all.

After buying a tractor, Yuchi Zhenjin was afraid that it would be difficult to buy oil when he went back to the mountains, so he led the fat man to buy another large iron drum of oil, and then drove directly to the village.

When there was no one there, Yuchi Zhenjin took out all the things he bought along the way, including the useful ones and the useless ones, and packed a whole small tractor.

At first, the fat man didn’t expect them to buy so many things, but he realized how much they bought when he saw a tractor installed, but he still didn’t feel distressed. While loading the car, he smiled and said that it was definitely not too much. However, he didn't know that Hu Bayi had other opportunities.

After Yuchi Zhenjin took out all the things he bought on the way, he also took out the things that the fat man took off from the devil and handed them to the fat man.

Seeing this, the fat man happily said that he found a piece of floral cloth and had seen those things wrapped up. He said that although there were few things, he put the most care, put them away first and then gave them to the old branch secretary of Yanzi.

As for the next four small yellow croakers, he took a look at them and put them in his pockets, then got Yuchi Zhenjin into the car, started the tractor and drove to the village.

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