Just as everyone was listening to the sound of the piano and watching the dance with fascination, another shocking voice suddenly came from their ears.

How to describe that voice, it was as high as the top of the sky, as low as the bottom of the vast sea, and as wide as the edge of the earth. When they heard it suddenly, everyone's scalps felt numb, and goose bumps immediately rose.

And Lao Yangpi's piano sound immediately stopped, Ding Sitian also stopped, and the rest of the people were also stunned, and then hurriedly looked for the source of the sound, but the scalp-numbing sound still did not stop.

Everyone followed the sound, and it turned out that it came from Yuchi Zhenjin's mouth. Then, under the puzzled eyes of many educated youths, the herdsmen excitedly jumped up around Yuchi Zhenjin, and the sound of Lao Yangpi's piano also came back, but this The second time is to cooperate.

The combination of the two sounds can be called the sound of nature. After listening to it, one can't help but think of horses, yurts, and prairie.After the herdsmen skipped over, they toasted together to pay respects to Yuchi Zhenjin, and then they did it directly, and continued to listen with fascinated faces, without making a sound.

Just to add a word, I am using Chasing Books recently, [\Mi\Mi\Reading\\.r.\] cache reading, offline reading!

"What is Lao Jin singing? It sounds so fucking good. It actually makes me want to pee." When everyone was listening quietly, the fat man shook Hu Bayi and said in a low voice.

Hearing what the fat man said, Hu Bayi also nodded subconsciously, but his voice was low, but Ding Sitian heard it, so he couldn't help laughing, and then explained in a low voice; "Brother Jin should be singing Humai, also known as Haolin Chaoeryin, is the oldest music of mankind.

It is said that the ancestors of the Mongolian Plateau devoutly imitated the sounds of nature during hunting and nomadic activities. They believed that such sounds could communicate with nature and the universe.But now there are not many people who can make this kind of sound, so the uncle herdsmen are so excited when they hear it. I didn't expect Brother Jin to do it. "

When Ding Sitian was explaining to Fatty Hu Bayi and the others, stars almost popped out of Yuchi Zhenjin's eyes, and Hu Bayi and Fatty were also very surprised.However, they are already accustomed to Yuchi Zhenjin's ability to catch people by surprise, so they are just envious.Especially the fat man saw Ding Sitian looking at Yuchi Zhenjin adoringly, and decided to let Yuchi Zhenjin teach him when he went back.

The reason why Yuchi Zhenjin sang Humai was also because of his feelings, as for some syllables, he still couldn't trouble him.The three finished talking in a low voice, Yuchi Zhenjin and Lao Yangpi hadn't finished yet, and the rest of the people were also listening attentively. Seeing this, the three of them couldn't say much, and once again devoted themselves to the two voices.

Experience the grassland life where the chest is warmed by the fire and the back is cold when the wind blows. Listening to the sound of Matouqin and Humai, everyone can't help but forget where they are for a while. Until the sound of the piano stops, they are still immersed in it. cheers.

It wasn't until the fat man yelled "Hello" that everyone woke up, and then they gave applause and praise.The fat man leaned closer to Yuchi Zhenjin and asked him when he would meet. Before Yuchi Zhenjin replied, he said that he would teach him when he went back. Hearing what he said, Yuchi Zhenjin didn't refuse, and agreed with a smile.


The song of Yuchi Zhenjin and Lao Yangpi directly pushed the whole night banquet to a climax. Everyone sang and danced, drinking and chatting happily. Many educated youths also cherished this party very much. After Yuchi Zhenjin and Lao Yangpi, they also performed one after another. After the program, either singing or dancing.

In the end, Hu Bayi and Fatty didn't have any show, so Ding Sitian dragged them up from the ground, and said to everyone, "We all welcome Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan from Xing'an League." As he spoke, he took the lead in applauding.

Seeing Ding Sitian applaud, all the educated youths and herdsmen applauded, and even Yuchi Zhenjin showed an expectant expression.

However, Hu Bayi and Fatty looked at each other, and they felt a little troubled. It was okay for the two of them to brag, but they really didn't know anything about performing.

Fatty remembered that there was a Yangko dancer in the village, but it would definitely not be appropriate to perform it on the grassland, so he hesitated for a while and didn't feel ashamed to say it, but if he couldn't perform it, he would be more obvious, so he looked at Hu Bayi.

But it's difficult to return to the difficult situation, but Hu Bayi is not a person who retreats, let alone in front of Ding Sitian.After thinking about it for a while, he came up with an idea, and he winked at the fat man, who immediately understood.So he stretched out his hands and pressed down, made a quiet gesture, and then said to everyone: "Everyone be quiet, let's ask Comrade Lie Ning to tell you a few words."

As soon as everyone hears it, they know what they are performing. It is one of the most popular entertainments at the moment, imitating the speeches of the characters in the movie.And this kind of performance bridge is not a little difficult because it is a processing of classic art. Therefore, once someone learns a bit like it, pretends to be a bit of temperament that ordinary people can't match, and has uniqueness, then Imitators will become idols in the eyes of everyone.

Hu Bayi was good at talking at first, and with the help of a fat man, the two of them glued wool to their upper lip as a fake beard, touched their hair with spit, combed it back into a big back, and put their faces in front of the heroic flames. Standing face to face, the image immediately amazed the educated youths who were sitting and watching.

Then she smiled and watched every move of the two of them, and Ding Sitian even played the organ and made music for them when the two started their performance.So under the passionate interpretation of the two, a flawless performance was presented in front of everyone.

After they finished their performance, some people booed them for another one.However, Hu Bayi knew that this performance depended on emotion and atmosphere to achieve such a good effect, and he would not be able to do it again, so he quickly smiled and waved his hand to refuse, and returned to the original place.

Everyone didn't expect that the three people who came today have unique skills, not to mention Yuchi Zhenjin, there is no one comparable to Hu Mai, but Hu Bayi and Fatty have such good acting talents, everyone can't help but think praise it.

Ding Sitian was also surprised and said that he didn't expect Hu Bayi to have this ability, and his acting was too similar.

Hu Bayi didn't care about everyone's exaggeration, but he couldn't help being proud of Ding Sitian's exaggeration.

But he was proud of himself. He also knew that he should not forget his form, and he had to maintain his humble nature in front of Ding Sitian, so he waved his hand, and then said with some embarrassment: "It's nothing, what is this, there is a poem that is not So, there are strange peaks on the river, hidden in the clouds and mist, usually invisible, and occasionally revealing. The three of us are only showing up occasionally."

The fat man saw that Ding Sitian and Hu Bayi were chatting enthusiastically, and envied that he was appreciated by the educated youths, so he quickly pulled Ding Sitian over and said: "Just now I only acted for Hu Bayi, and I didn't have enough of my own demeanor." Show it, or I will come to Duan Li Yuhe alone, so that you can also experience my majesty..."

Under Fatty's active instigation, the educated youths started the second round of performances. rrrr();

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