Proud Immortal Doctor

Chapter 201 Return to the Ruins

The fight was a bit thrilling, but fortunately everyone retreated completely, so it is impossible to continue to keep secrets here. After this dispute with Longyuan Pavilion, I am afraid that it will not be long before this place will be in the entire Youfeng State. Rumors spread.

And the matter is not completely over yet, so they are naturally worried, but the matter has reached this situation, and there is no way out. No matter whether this secret realm is full of opportunities or close to death, they can only find out later.

When the stone door was closed with a dull sound, the group breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, the seven-star formation of Qingzhu could still last for a while.

Everyone quickly gathered together. Now except for the aura of Tie Han and Qingzhu, the rest of the people are still in a relatively good condition. Now that they have entered the secret realm, they don't know what's going on, so they are naturally cautious. Qingzhu and Tiehan surrounded the most middle place.

It was originally dark everywhere, but as everyone entered it for a period of time, after getting used to it, they slowly saw the surrounding scene clearly.

Everyone is now in the hall, the whole hall is empty, the ground is covered with cold tiles, and there will be stone pillars as thick as heads every once in a while.

There is nothing valuable on the stone pillar, it is plain, and then there is nothing.

After everyone got used to it, they could clearly see that there was a gate at the end of the hall, but they could vaguely see an outline, and they couldn't see the details clearly until they got close.

"Let's go, come here, there is no hesitation, the soldiers will cover the water and earth."

Ye Han is very experienced, and time is tight, so if he finishes this secret realm early, he will know exactly what will be there.

Ye Han took the lead, with the girl and Xu Yourong on the left and right, followed by Qing Zhu and Tie Han, Gu Tian and the beautiful lady were protecting the two of them.

Finally, there are Qin Shanshan and Qin Laodian. Everyone is very nervous at the moment. The name of the reincarnation secret realm is a bit mysterious, so the methods will naturally emerge in endlessly.

Tie Han also swallowed the elixir, and his breath began to calm down. You must know that Tie Han felt that it was a big help.

The whole hall is not too big, but at this moment, it is a bit long for everyone, the sound of footsteps rippling back and forth in the empty hall, knocking constantly, several people looked around at the same time, although they did not notice any aura , but I always feel that there will be some mysterious figure behind those many stone pillars.

In less than a stick of incense, everyone came to the end of the hall, saw the scene in front of them clearly, and all of them tensed up.

At the end of the main hall, there is a huge vermilion stone gate, exuding a calm and thick atmosphere. Not far from the gate, there is an irregular stone tablet with the distorted word "return to the ruins" written in vermilion font.

Returning to the ruins, it sounds like the name is not a good omen, and the font is rushing towards the face with a desolate atmosphere. In addition, there are five corpses in front of the gate. The appearance of the corpses has long been unclear. It can be seen that they are obviously After a long period of changes, but because of the monks, the body did not completely rot.

"Someone has come here before." Xu Yourong's voice was a little surprised. After all, they always thought that it wasn't long before the secret realm of reincarnation appeared, and they were the first to enter it.

Qin Shanshan's complexion was a bit unsightly. After all, this meant that even if there were any good opportunities in the secret realm of reincarnation, some people would probably give them a chance. The corpses in front of her also showed one thing, that is, the secret realm of reincarnation It should be more dangerous than imagined, so don't take it lightly.

Qin Shanshan didn't show much emotion on her face. After all, the whole team was there, so they couldn't affect the morale, but she felt a little helpless. After planning for so long, she might end up drawing water from a bamboo basket in vain, and offended Longyuan Pavilion and Youyu for this. Fengzhou's power is too much for the loss, which violates her original intention of doing business.

"Although I came here, it's not the gate that I haven't entered yet." Ye Han smiled, but he began to look forward to what is in this secret realm of reincarnation.

"It should have been a few years ago, so there is nothing to make a fuss about. Just be careful. As for the opportunity, you can't force it. What should be yours is yours after all, and what should not be yours is not yours after all."

Elder Qin at the back of the hall stepped forward to take a look, observed for a long time, and then said calmly.

"I'll come, leave this gate to me." Tie Han recovered for so long, his breath improved a lot, and he volunteered immediately.

The huge stone gate and the strong breath naturally looked very heavy, and looking at the several corpses, no one knew whether there was any mystery behind the gate.

This time, the crowd did not stop Tie Han, and the few people around him were watching the direction of the gate vigilantly.

Tie Han stepped forward, his breath was released, and his whole body's breath rose instantly. Not only that, but also a icy light circulated on his body, and a light and shadow suddenly appeared, covering Tie Han's entire figure.

He was originally a cultivator of the body tempering lineage, so he was naturally better at the physical body. Once the door was pushed open, if there was any disturbance, he would naturally be able to take precautions.

Everyone held their breath and entered this secret realm. It was too quiet all the time, so it seemed a little abnormal. If there is any change, it is likely to be waiting behind this gate.

Relying on the tyrannical strength of his own tempered body, Tie Han stepped forward, took a step forward, spread his hands, and pushed directly towards the entire gate.

The slight clicking sound continued to emanate, like the sound of someone's throat being pinched, intermittently.

The gate didn't move at all, but there was a little gap in the middle. Tie Han's entire face was flushed. Everyone looked at the gate and felt that it was a bit weird. Obviously, the material of the gate was not ordinary. After all, in today's realm, ordinary gates would not be so strong.

At this time, the sound of washing and washing resounded, and there was movement, but at this moment the door hadn't been fully opened at all. What was strange was that the sound didn't come from inside the door at all, but from behind.

Everyone in the team was very surprised. They turned around and looked at it immediately. They didn't know if it was the change caused by pushing the gate. They saw several black shadows began to emerge behind the stone pillars that passed by the hall just now.

Several people in the team were immediately on guard, and now they are a little relieved. It seems that the lying corpses fell because of this reason?

A sudden change happened, Tiehan did not continue to push the gate directly, but directly prepared to fight with his companions with his shield in hand.

It is very difficult for him to break through now. The injuries he has accumulated over the years are scarred, but even so, he has no complaints, but willingly follows Qin Shanshan and guards her side. After all, Qin Shanshan saved him twice. life.

Several figures slowly appeared in front of them, and they were immediately stunned. The figures on the opposite side were clearly themselves. Counting them carefully, one of them was no more than one, and it happened to be nine figures.

The nine figures seem to be condensed by phantoms, but they are genuine and lifelike. The only difference may be that their looks and expressions are somewhat dull and inflexible.

"I've traveled south and north, I haven't seen such a big storm, this time it's really evil." Tie Han touched his chin, then exclaimed.

"It's interesting, I'll try it out first." As soon as the words fell, Ye Han immediately started to move, the sound of the sword screaming, and several sword lights shot directly towards the opposite side.

And the 'Ye Han' on the opposite side also took out a handful of 'Frost Cold Kyushu', learned and well behaved, and used the same methods as Ye Han.

As soon as the attacks of the two sides touched, a violent commotion erupted in the empty hall immediately. The two sides were evenly matched. Ye Han stared, not knowing what to say.

Those who didn't believe in evil urged the sword tactics again, but the opponent was still well-learned and evenly matched, and they performed the same offensive several times in a row.

The nine figures looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became strange. Even Ye Han was a little helpless. This was the first time he encountered such a strange thing. If this continues, the entire group may end up here.

Qin Shanshan was also a little unbelieving, she made an offensive attack, and the spirit was all over the sky, and the 'Qin Shanshan' opposite her also started to move as soon as she made a move.

With a move of his mind, Ye Han directly activated the sword art again, this time the attack was directed towards the other figures on the opposite side, who knew that Ye Han's move would directly blow up the atmosphere in the entire field.

The nine figures on the opposite side moved all at once, and they shot one after another, but the pressure on Ye Han and the others was also increasing.

It was easy at first, and the attacks of those figures were not too violent in terms of speed, but as time went by, those guys' methods became more violent.

"These guys have been copying and observing our shots. Now the more we use methods, the more they change. They have also learned these methods!"

Ye Han squinted his eyes and immediately drank loudly. After observing for so long, he finally found something. He had always felt that something was wrong, but now he finally knew the reason. Fortunately, because he felt something was wrong, he didn't fully use his killing power. trick.

Otherwise, what I endured would be like a violent storm. Hearing that Qin Shanshan was a little anxious, she just started to encounter such a difficult thing, and she immediately started to drink too much.

"How do we solve the current troubles?"

Everyone in the team on the field is a person with rich experience in fighting, but for a while, considering the current situation, it is also difficult to find out how to resolve this situation.

Ye Han was also a little silent, didn't say a word, just silently watched the movements of the figures opposite him, his eyes lit up for a long time.

And Qingzhu didn't make a move at this moment, after all, he was also eagerly thinking of ways to resolve the immediate crisis, and then he started to shout at the same time as Ye Han.

"Crush them with speed, and deal with them with a single blow."

Everyone's eyes lit up, but it's a bit risky to think about it carefully. After all, the power of one's own hole cards is very powerful. If you fail to completely deal with the opponent, you may be killed.

"Just do it like this. Everyone, get ready. We will fight together later. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent."

The means of both sides come and go, and the power is evenly matched. If you continue to consume like this, you will know that you will be in a quagmire, so it is better to make plans early, otherwise there may be more changes in the future.

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