Han Feng was a little dumbfounded, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"We came in at the right time. It snowed after only a few days. It's so beautiful!"

Suddenly, a cheerful voice came, which startled Han Feng. When he realized that he was about to hide, two figures came out from the forest, and the whole world seemed to be lit up in an instant.

These two people are so beautiful, like the spirits of heaven and earth, with exquisite facial features, they are beyond words.Among the many beauties Han Feng had seen, Murong Xue was the only one.

"Hey, there is still one person here, why don't we kill him, Sister Xiaolong!" A younger girl with a round face opened a pair of big black and bright eyes, and looked at Han Han innocently. Feng, said with a bit of playfulness, as if killing people was a trivial matter for her.

When Han Feng heard this, half of his original astonished expression collapsed in an instant, and he stepped back a few steps vigilantly, and looked at them coldly.

These two women wear plain white robes of the same style, but their sizes are different. Their appearance is naturally beautiful like a fairy, and their long black hair hangs down naturally, shining brightly, but the aura on their bodies is vague and unpredictable. Can't see through their cultivation realm.This made Han Feng more cautious, turned slightly to his side, and wanted to leave.

"Hehe, this little brother is scared by me, it's really fun!" The round-faced girl covered her mouth and said with a smile.

"Xiaofen, you girl, you like to play tricks on people!" Another girl with a melon-shaped face, slender eyebrows like the daisy of a distant mountain, and equally beautiful appearance, about eighteen or nineteen years old, stretched out her jade hand and patted Touching the back of the round-faced little girl's head, she smiled gently.

The round-faced girl grinned and stuck her pink tongue playfully at her, looking extremely cute.

Han Feng looked slightly absent-minded, but luckily his willpower had always been firm, and he soon returned to normal. He coughed lightly, cupped his fists and saluted, "You two girls, if there is nothing else, I'll leave now."

"Hey, you can leave if you want, but you have to leave the big medicine on your body!" The round-faced girl suddenly showed a playful smile, turned her head to look at Han Feng and said calmly, speaking calmly, as if it was a matter of course .

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, a stern look flashed in his eyes, but he still forcibly endured it, but his tone became colder, and he said slowly: "I don't have any medicine with me, there will be a period later!" After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and ran back Go, in a blink of an eye, he ran out tens of feet, disappeared into the dense forest, and disappeared.

"Hey, I already smelled the scent of Chiselium, Ice and Fire Flower, and Yu Xugen on your body, and you still said no, little brother, you are dishonest!" At this time, the round-faced girl Xiaofen suddenly rang The voice fell in Han Feng's ears, but it sounded like a thunderclap. He glanced sideways and saw that she was suddenly beside him, following him lightly, with her feet off the ground at an extremely fast speed, but there was no sound at all. It didn't come out, which made him unbelievable, and made him feel a little more scared.

Is this girl a human or a ghost? Could it be the remnant soul of the disciple of Jianyun Villa back then?

The more Han Feng thought about it, the more frightened he became. Regardless of 21, he slipped away first, and immediately kicked his feet on the ground, silently practicing the vajra formula, and the speed was even faster. In an instant, there was only an afterimage left in place, and the next one In an instant, it was nearly a hundred feet away.

It's a pity that the round-faced girl followed him effortlessly, and got closer to him, looked back at him with a smile, waved at him, and suddenly said with a mournful face: "Little brother, what a coincidence, Why are you running so slowly, it's no fun!"

Han Feng's soul was terrified, and he yelled: "Ghost!" Then he tapped his right foot, dodged to the right in an instant, dodged a distance of several feet, stood firm, and stared sideways at the opponent with a look of surprise on his face.

"Bah, you're the ghost, I'm an innocent and beautiful girl!" The round-faced girl spat, rolled her eyes, and said with displeasure.

"You still say no, look for yourself, your feet are floating out of the ground, and there is no sound at all when flying, isn't it a ghost, what is it? Don't lie to me!" Han Feng pointed at her feet wearing pink embroidered shoes , said with a straight face.

"Hey, it's scary to be ignorant. This is my normal performance after breaking through the speed limit, okay?" The round-faced girl sneered and said angrily.

"What's the speed limit?" Han Feng asked ignorantly.

"Aren't you a monk from the main line of the Jianyun Mountain Range? Why don't you even know this?" The round-faced girl asked back with surprise.After a short pause, she suddenly patted her forehead in a daze, and said, "Oh, you are a cultivator of the last branch, no wonder you don't know much about it!"

"That's not right, the last cultivator of the branch should have no chance to enter this place! Tell me, how did you get in here!" Then she was full of doubts again, and turned to look at Han Feng sideways, only to see that he was covered by a knife at some point. Wrapped in a mass of khaki-yellow light, it sank into the ground and disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, how dare you tease me!" The round-faced girl suddenly understood, clasped her hands together, a white light flashed, and a mirror as white as jade appeared in front of her chest, spinning around her quickly, pausing between the flashes of light Behind the left position.

"Hmph, so I went in this direction!" The round-faced girl put away the mirror, turned around, and was about to chase after her.

And at this time, the oval-faced woman appeared in the distance, she came to the round-faced girl with a flash, she didn't seem to pay attention to her troubles, seeing her angry face at this moment, Can't help but ask in surprise: "What's the matter? Was he bullied by that person?"

"Hmph, this guy dared to run away while I was talking, it is unforgivable! When he is caught, he must be severely punished!" The round-faced girl said viciously.

"Hehehe..." The girl with the oval face smiled prettily, pinched her delicate face with a little baby fat involuntarily, and said with a smile: "This kind of thing can only happen to you, even a low-level monk I can’t keep it under control, don’t say it after you go back to the sect, or you will be laughed to death by other sisters of the same sect, haha!”

"Sister Xiaolong, I won't tell you anymore, I have to chase him quickly, otherwise I will be a laughing stock if he runs away!" After the round-faced girl said this, she immediately flew to the direction where Han Feng fled. , It is one hundred and thirty forty feet in an instant, and it is silent, without causing a single fluctuation, it is extremely miraculous.

The girl with the oval face followed closely behind, not falling behind at all, and she seemed to be able to go faster.

The distance of thousands of feet was just crossed by them in a few flashes, but Han Feng's figure was naturally gone here, and he had disappeared for a long time.

The round-faced girl put on a cold face, took out the white mirror again, circled it around, and locked on the northeast direction.She smiled and said to herself, "Hmph, do you think you can escape?"

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