Lord of the Runes

Chapter 93 The Sheepskin Scroll

Lin Xinyu thought silently for a while, finally shook his head, and said, "Let's not go over and cause trouble for Senior Brother Han. Didn't you see that the two swordsmen from Yulingzong are also at the Tianjiao level? Their speed It's too fast, I'm afraid we will be cut in half by their sword before we can react!" After finishing speaking, she continued to look at Han Feng's side, but there was not much worry on her face, she was obviously very confident in Han Feng .

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, Zhao Yaowen opened his mouth in disbelief: "Is it so powerful?!"

"If you don't believe me, you can go over there and try it, haha!" Wen Zhixuan, a third-grade talisman master with short, fat and small eyes, suddenly laughed and said.

"Hmph, you little winter melon misses me!" Zhao Yaowen snorted coldly.

"Hey, I know you are timid, but just now you took out all the earth escape talismans, did you just want to run away early?!" Wen Zhixuan sneered.

Zhao Yaowen's face was flushed, he was speechless for a long time, his brows were on fire with anger.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, the moment was so critical just now, who is not afraid, we are not monks who fight all the year round, if I have the earth escape talisman, I will take it out in advance!" Wang Haide persuaded.

Zhao Yaowen felt better now, and turned his head to stare at Wen Zhixuan.Naturally, Wen Zhixuan was not to be outdone, and stared back.

Lin Xinyu didn't seem to be affected by their bickering at all, she released her soul power, stared at Han Feng's side of the battle, and after a while, she suddenly smiled and said, "They are about to lose!"

Everyone was a little puzzled, and they also looked over with their soul power. Sure enough, Han Feng caught another opportunity at some point and severely injured the swordsman with a punch, forcing him to leave the battlefield in a hurry.As a result, Han Feng only had to face the two swordsmen, and his walking speed was a little faster, threatening them from time to time.

The two swordsmen of Yulingzong glanced at each other, and suddenly joined hands to make a big move, and the sword silk was like a net, covering Han Feng.

Han Feng didn't dare to take it head-on, so he jumped out tens of feet and dodged away, but he also let them take the opportunity to go away. In a few flashes, they went hundreds of feet away, getting farther and farther, and finally disappeared in the sand. in the sea.

And the badly injured swordsman had already carried the disused swordsman on his back, smashed an earth escape talisman, and fled without knowing where he was going.

Sanyemen's side won a complete victory, Zhao Yaowen and the others cheered and hurried to Han Feng.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Han." Lin Xinyu said gently.

Han Feng smiled slightly, and said to everyone: "Everyone has worked hard, let's get out of here quickly, maybe the gang of Yulingzong will make a comeback."

Naturally, everyone had no objection, and followed Han Feng to leave quickly. The monks from other sects who were waiting for the opportunity naturally also dispersed, but Han Feng's name spread among them.

Time flies, half a month has passed, but the three suns in the sky still haven't moved a bit, scorching the sea of ​​sand as always, it seems that there really is no day and night in this world, the sun is always shining .

Han Feng and his party of six had already walked and stopped in this vast and boundless sea of ​​sand. They had traveled more than [-] miles, but they still hadn't reached the end all the way to the west. It was a strong enemy like Yulingzong before. Obviously, when the distance is widened, it will be more difficult for top masters like Tianjiao to meet.

Of course, this is a great thing for them.

Along the way, they also changed direction slightly and went to oases, but most of the oasis's elixir had been picked, and a small number of oases with elixir were also very small, covering an area of ​​only a few miles, but Talking is better than nothing, and their main purpose is not to pick elixir, but to use a place to cultivate. After all, their talisman masters cannot withstand long-term exposure to the sun, especially because there are three suns here, and the temperature on the sandy sea often reaches eighty-nine At ten degrees, it can be said that dripping water turns into gas, that is to say, they have true energy at the same time. Although most of them are only at the level of the initial stage of the gas reservoir, they can resist the heat for a short time, otherwise they would not even have a chance to survive outside.Unless a large number of talismans are used, that's another story, but even a talisman master can't afford that luxury.

At this moment, they found another small oasis and walked around, only a few elixir for them to pick, and then they gathered in the center of the oasis to rest in the dense forest.

Han Feng sat cross-legged at the side, took out a book that looked like a parchment scroll, and read it with great interest.I found this from the space storage bags of the four dead warlocks of the Imperial Spirit Sect that day. Han Feng only wanted this one thing at the time, and distributed the rest of the items and spirit stones to the five of them, which made them very embarrassed. What to do, in the end it was Lin Xinyu who came forward and forced him a bunch of spirit stones, and everyone was happy.

Han Feng is holding a book in his hand at the moment, which is the only secret book of spells, and it doesn't seem to be something inherited by the Yulingzong, otherwise it would not be stored in written form for his disciples.

This book is made of extremely soft special animal skin, maybe it is sheepskin or not, it just looks like it.It is engraved with dense small characters, which seem to be very old, and some of them are a little blurred, but they can be seen clearly, but they can't be understood. The content already involves some principles of the operation of heaven and earth, which is difficult to comprehend.

Han Feng has watched it several times in the past ten days, and finally learned one of the simplest techniques, that is the fireball technique, which he only comprehended after a long time.

At this time, as soon as he showed his soul power, wisps of fire-attributed aura gathered and turned into a fist-sized fireball with a soft puff sound, but it did not disappear, but was woven by his soul power to continue It grows bigger, after ten breaths, it becomes the size of a head, and then it rises faster, and after a hundred breaths, it becomes the size of a water tank.

The other five people looked over one after another. Although they had seen a similar scene a few days ago, it was the first time they saw Han Feng condense the fireball into such a big one, and all of them couldn't help showing surprise on their faces.

However, the fireball did not stop growing, and after more than ten breaths of time, it became eight or nine feet in size, with red flames billowing, and its power surpassed that of the second-grade talisman.

Han Feng's expression became serious at this moment. His soul power continued to guide the injection of fire-attribute aura, and suddenly the fireball exploded with a bang. Fortunately, he had sharp eyesight and quick hands.

Han Feng secretly sighed, no longer thinking about it, closed his eyes and recovered his soul power.The rest of the people also looked away and continued to draw talismans with their heads down.

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