Lord of the Runes

Chapter 86 Tianjiao

Duan Tian's body speed skyrocketed, and within a few flashes, he had already passed all the Zihua silkworms' obstacles, leaped high again, and rushed towards Han Feng like an eagle spreading its wings.

Han Feng had already sensed their arrival, but his body hadn't fully recovered, otherwise he would have fled away long ago.

But at the moment of crisis, he opened his eyes suddenly, put his hands up, and the golden light rushed out like a stream of water, suddenly forming a layer of barrier about a foot thick, which was folded upside down like a golden bowl, protecting its body completely. Densely.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and in the next instant, Duan Tian rushed down, his claws were like eagle claws, emitting a sharp multicolored light, he grabbed onto this golden light barrier fiercely, immediately sparks splashed and buzzed , the entire golden bowl was shaking violently, even Han Feng was also shaking, but it was not broken.

Duan Tian clasped his hands together, and his whole body spun down. He stood firmly in front of Han Feng for a few feet. It is only three feet long, but the power it erupts is daunting.

When Duan Tian stomped his feet, a big pit suddenly collapsed on the ground, and he disappeared in the same place in an instant. He rushed to Han Feng's golden light barrier in an instant, and the multicolored lightsaber pierced into the golden bowl like a sharp blade. The dazzling flames filled the surrounding area, engulfing the two of them, so that the other three who came from behind couldn't see clearly what happened inside.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, golden light exploded, and the colors scattered, revealing the two of them.

At this moment, Han Feng was holding the multicolored lightsaber that Duan Tian stabbed with both hands, preventing it from advancing an inch.The two were in such a stalemate, but they kept rushing out with all their vigor, colliding with each other, making dull noises from time to time, occasionally bursting out wisps of fire, the momentum was astonishing, the wind enveloped Zhang Xu's radius, and any foreign objects Neither can enter.

Seeing this scene, the three people in the back couldn't intervene, and they were all very surprised. They obviously didn't expect Han Feng to have such strength that he could rival Duan Tiandou.In their eyes, Duan Tian is a person like Tianjiao. He has already cultivated the Five Elements Purgatory Jue to the level of minor success. Among the tens of thousands of outer disciples in the Five Elements Sect, he can also be ranked in the top ten. He couldn't take any of his moves.


Duan Tian suddenly let out a cold snort, his whole body became more imposing, and with a movement of his feet, he actually pushed Han Feng forward and moved quickly, with the potential to push him out of the oasis.

Seeing that Han Feng was about to be pushed out of the oasis, his feet regained their freedom suddenly. With a sudden kick, he insisted on supporting himself, firmly guarding his own territory, and did not move any more.

Duan Tian was slightly startled, he obviously didn't expect that the other party still had the strength to resist, but he had already exerted [-]% of his strength.An angry look flashed across his face, and his feet suddenly glowed with colorful lights, his strength increased by [-]%, and he overwhelmed Han Feng in an instant, pushing Han Feng forward. Although the speed was very slow, he stood upright sentenced.

Han Feng didn't panic. With the absorption of Qixingju vitality in his body, his body became stronger and his limbs gradually regained more freedom. He took a deep breath suddenly, the golden light in his hands rose sharply, and there was a light snap, and if there was any The actual multicolored lightsaber actually cracked a gap, and it continued to spread to the whole lightsaber.

Duan Tian's eyes flashed, he didn't know what secret technique was used, and the multicolored light all over his body suddenly ignited, continuously hitting the golden light of Han Feng's body protection, making a buzzing sound.And at this moment, his strength also increased a lot, and he pushed Han Feng out of the oasis in one go. After entering the scorching desert, he raised dust all over the sky, and went all the way in a mighty way.

Han Feng was under pressure. Through the thick golden light on his body, he could feel the heat of the multicolored flames. If it fell on his body, he would probably be burned out. However, this also speeded up the digestion of Qixingju vitality in his body.As soon as he rolled his eyes, he simply maintained the status quo, allowing Duan Tian to continuously impact his golden light, which was equivalent to tempering his body from the outside. Under such internal and external effects, his golden skin became more radiant.

Duan Tian is also a smart person, and he noticed it after a while. He was startled, and immediately put away the colorful flames in the sky. With a thought, he turned into heavy hammers, and continuously bombarded the golden light around Han Feng's head. An Jin penetrated through the barrier of the golden light and infiltrated it, making him dizzy, and the golden light all over his body was darkened.

Han Feng strengthened his energy, his soul power rolled out, he stabilized his mind, he didn't dare to use his strength to refine the vitality of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum in his body, immediately with both hands, he broke Duan Tian's five-colored lightsaber, and the golden light reflected all over his body. Pushing it out, he and Duan Tian were separated immediately, and they were no longer stalemate together.

Duan Tian yelled fiercely, and the heavy hammer transformed by the multicolored brilliance continued to chase after it, and the air waves billowed, stirring up a gully several feet wide in the sand sea.

"Gang Qi transforms into form, Duan Tian actually possessed such supernatural powers in the Astral Refining Realm, he is worthy of being a genius!" The three people behind chased them out, just in time to see Duan Tian's multicolored hammer. The soldiers exclaimed again and again.

Han Feng was not afraid. The Spirit Refining Vajra Technique in his body was running at a high speed, and the qi was like a tide, and pieces of golden light gushed out, like shields constantly resisting the bombardment of the opponent's colorful hammer. The aura of heaven and earth in a radius of more than a hundred feet trembled slightly.

The two of them fought fiercely and kept moving into the depths of the desert. Some low-level and mid-level beasts came to attack them, but as soon as they entered the hundred-foot range of their battle, they were shocked to death by an invisible force. , Along the way, an unknown number of alien beast corpses were left on the desert, and many of them were high-level or even top-level alien beasts.

After more than half an hour, the two of them were far away from the previous oasis for more than a hundred miles, and the strange beasts they encountered also increased and became stronger, interfering with their battles from time to time, and of course creating many opportunities for both sides. Trouble, but each failed to seriously injure the other.

Most of the vitality of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum in Han Feng's body was completely refined, only a small amount was spontaneously absorbed by the body, and its whereabouts were unknown.He was refreshed at the moment, and he didn't feel tired from the continuous battle at all. Duan Tian was also frowning when he saw it, but Duan Tian felt a little powerless in his follow-up.

But Duan Tian was arrogant, insisted on not stopping, and continued to attack fiercely, with the momentum of not turning back without killing Han Feng.

"Hey, you're endless, shouldn't it be time to rest? If this goes on, even if we fight for three days and three nights, there will be no results!" Han Feng shouted suddenly.

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