Lord of the Runes

Chapter 8 Silver Talisman Paper

Time flies, unknowingly Han Feng has been an apprentice of the Northern Spirit Talisman Hall for 21 days.

After this period of painstaking practice, he finally mastered the air-holding palm, and he successfully slapped a palm yesterday, leaving a shallow imprint on the wall of the practice room with such power that it caused the entire practice room to shake Get up, but calm down in an instant, but it is also very remarkable. You must know that all the walls in this stone house are blessed by formations, and it is impossible to break through without ten thousand catties. He can shake, let alone this palm. The strength of five or six thousand catties.

This morning, after Han Feng received his energy and adjusted his breath, he came to the talisman making room again.

After this period of training, he has become more aware of the changes in various spiritual powers, and his control over techniques and strength has become more mature. His production rate has fully increased to [-]%. There are nearly a hundred sheets of copper-colored talisman paper and hundreds of boxes of talisman ink, but there are only about one-third of the spiritual materials left in his hand, and he can only get them when the talisman paper and talisman ink are handed in next month There is a batch.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Feng started to cook it.

This time he seems to be in good shape, with a variety of skills, fast and stable.

Not long after, the lid of the first furnace was opened, and a silver light burst out suddenly. The aura was so grand that Han Feng's residual talismans hidden in the sea of ​​souls appeared faintly, and he seemed to be alarmed.

Han Feng was astonished. During this period of time, he spent a lot of time summoning that residual talisman, but despite his efforts, the other party did not show up. His idea of ​​trying to pry into its secret was completely bankrupt. Unexpectedly, This time the other party will respond unexpectedly.

Han Feng looked into the furnace with great curiosity, and there was a piece of silvery talisman paper and two pieces of copper talisman paper floating on the clear water.

"It turned out to be a silver talisman!" Han Feng exclaimed.

The grade of silver rune paper is higher than that of copper rune paper, and the production rate is extremely low, but it is extremely important for talisman masters. It can increase their success rate of drawing talismans, which is several times better than copper rune paper. If there are a lot of The silver talisman paper is squandered by talisman masters, and their skills in drawing talismans will also improve rapidly. After all, the more successful they are, the more successful they will be. This is a trend!

Han Feng immediately put aside his distracting thoughts, quickly reached out to pick up the talisman paper, carefully put it into the long wooden box that he had prepared earlier in the morning, and then continued to boil the talisman ink with this furnace of spiritual water.

I don't know if it was because of the appearance of the silver talisman paper that absorbed a lot of spiritual power from the previous spiritual material, the talisman ink condensed from this furnace of spiritual water was less than half, and only a jade stone box was filled.

Han Feng was so happy that he sat cross-legged on the spot and meditated, silently running the unique soul-nourishing formula of the Hall of Spirit Talismans, gradually recovering his nearly exhausted soul power.

He didn't recover until noon. After eating the lunch brought by the handyman disciple, he turned on the furnace again without saying a word, as if he wanted to take advantage of the good luck of the day to brew more silver talismans.

Unfortunately, things backfired, he only produced four pieces of copper-colored talisman paper this time, which was slightly worse than the five pieces he had produced some time ago.

"Hey, it seems that you really can't force it." Han Feng laughed, and stopped trying, and went back to his room to meditate to recover the soul power that was exhausted again.

For the next seven or eight days, Han Feng boiled the talisman papers as usual, but failed to make any breakthroughs. With one furnace a day, the production rate was stable at [-]%, and no silver talisman papers appeared.

Time passed quickly, one month expired, Han Feng got up early in the morning, packed more than 130 pieces of copper-colored talisman paper and more than 130 boxes of talisman ink in a cloth bag, and rushed to the Wanzhi Building.

The Wanzhi Tower is located in the northwest corner of the Hall of Spiritual Talismans. It is more than ten feet high, but covers an area of ​​more than ten mu. Its whole body is golden, like a golden bowl.When Han Feng arrived here, a large number of apprentices had already gathered outside, and they all came to hand in the talisman paper and talisman ink. At this moment, there were six long queues waiting to enter the Wanzhi building.

Han Feng behaved very low-key, silently walked to a long queue on the left and waited.

"Junior Brother Han, you're here too." Suddenly, Mu Ziya's voice sounded from the front of the team.

Han Feng looked up, and suddenly it was Mu Ziya who was standing in front of three or four people, waving his hand at him.

"Good morning, Senior Brother Mu." Han Feng hurriedly cupped his fists in salute.

"I didn't expect you to come here in the first month. It seems that you have successfully brewed the talisman paper. There are quite a few pieces in the bag. How many sheets have you made in total?" Mu Ziya smiled slightly and glanced at him. With the cloth bag in his hand, he asked casually.

Han Feng didn't know how to answer for a while, and when he was about to speak, someone behind Mu Ziya rushed to say: "So you're a newcomer, after a month, it's not bad if you can succeed three or five times, how much more can you have in your bag?" I’m afraid it’s loaded with waste products, but you should be aware that even waste products have to be brought back to the sect, and only 5.00% corrosion rate is allowed, otherwise they will be investigated.”

"That's right, considering that I, Bai Caixiu, have extraordinary talents, I only made eighteen pieces of talisman paper and nineteen boxes of talisman ink in the first month. This little brother doesn't seem to have strong aptitude, and he can produce three or five pieces. That's pretty good, hehe." A handsome young man standing in the second position in front of Han Feng continued.

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Mu. You are a genius. After six months of practice, you can now increase the production rate to [-]%?" The big man who was rushing to talk just now had his eyes lit up and asked Bai Muxiu.

"Hey, you'll know later." Bai Muxiu raised her brows and said confidently.

"Haha, then I'll just wait and see." The big man shrank his eyes slightly, and then laughed.

Hearing their unscrupulous words, Han Feng smiled wryly, and it was even harder to answer.

Seeing his expression, everyone thought that his performance was probably worse.Mu Ziya quickly comforted: "Junior Brother Han, it's okay, God rewards hard work, when I first came here the year before last, I only succeeded five times in the first month, and made six talisman papers and six boxes of talisman ink. Now it is possible to succeed in every batch. Although the success rate is mostly maintained at [-]% and rarely [-]%, persistence will pay off. In addition, the time for handing in the talisman paper once a month is Five days is not only a small competition between our apprentices, but also a good opportunity for our apprentices to exchange and learn from each other, you have to make good use of it today and learn more from Junior Brother Bai, he is a genius."

"Yeah, got it. Thank you, Senior Brother Mu, for your guidance." Han Feng nodded and thanked Mu Ziya.

"Since we are destined to meet here, and Senior Brother Mu has spoken again, let me give some pointers." Bai Caixiu glanced at Han Feng and said calmly.

Han Feng naturally smiled back and didn't say much.

"Hey, the door is open!" the big man behind Muziya suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, the gate of Wanzhi Building, which was several feet wide, creaked and slowly opened, and two apprentices dressed as Taoist boys walked out of the gate, who seemed to be in charge of order.

Then everyone stopped talking and walked slowly into the Wanzhi Building.

The hall on the first floor of Wanzhi Building is extremely spacious, several feet high, and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. In addition to a winding staircase on both sides leading to the second floor, there is also a long stone table in the center, which is decorated with The antique tea table, steamed in clouds and mist, and the aroma of tea is overwhelming. Behind it is a rosewood chair, and a handsome young man in purple is sitting on it, drinking tea alone.

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