Lord of the Runes

Chapter 78 The Great Harvest

After Han Feng entered the invisible diaphragm, he moved forward another hundred or so feet in one breath. He was so frightened that he immediately stabilized his body and stopped flapping his wings. However, even so, the strong wind around him was still engulfing him and flew forward rapidly. Go, although the speed no longer exceeds the speed of sound, it is still nearly a hundred feet in an instant. It took him a lot of effort to avoid all the trees, and finally stopped completely and landed on the ground.

In just a short while, he had penetrated three or four hundred feet deep into the diaphragm, facing the elixir along the way, passing by in a hurry, which made him regret endlessly.

But at this moment, he didn't intend to go back. He guessed that the three men in black robes had probably come in too. They were not covered by the thick fog outside, and they would be easy to run into if they went out. Although he is not afraid of a hard fight, he doesn't want to waste the precious fifth-grade talisman.

He put away his thoughts, looked around vigilantly, and found that there was thick fog in all directions, and the suppression of soul power here was even more severe. When the soul power was released, he couldn't even spy on the three-foot range, so he had to rely on It feels like walking slowly towards the central area.

Not long after he left, Han Feng found a nine-foot blood ganoderma here through searching for his soul power. discovered.Although the nine-foot blood ganoderma is not a great medicine, it is also extremely valuable, much stronger than the Seven Star Grass, even a monk in the alchemy realm will be moved when he sees it.Of course, Han Feng didn't know about these things. He had only seen a brief introduction of this elixir in the ancient books of Sanyemen and knew the name.

For the next half an hour, Han Feng wandered all the way in the depths, relying on his powerful soul power to spy, and gained a lot. In the storage ring stored in the space storage bag, not only three nine-foot blood ganodermas were added, And also added a lot of spiritual materials no less than the nine-foot blood Ganoderma lucidum, such as cloud wood, Taiyi grass, snow spirit fruit, etc., a total of eight kinds, each of which has three to four copies, not many, but worth it It is indeed expensive, each of which can be worth tens of thousands of Lingshi.

At this moment, Han Feng believed that this place was really the medicine garden of Jianyun Villa, and he just opened up a world to grow spiritual materials, and his handwriting was really extraordinary.

Next, Han Feng walked for a while, his brows furrowed suddenly, he turned around, took three steps to the left, his eyes moved slightly, as if he had discovered something, he paused, and walked straight forward again At a distance of two or three feet, a flash of colorful light appeared in front of my eyes, and the surrounding dense fog seemed to be isolated by a magical force, forming a wide open space of Zhang Xu.

Han Feng's face revealed a look of surprise, his eyes fixed on a tall bamboo plant standing a few feet away in front of him. Light, the fragrance of the medicine is tangy.

Han Feng carefully identified it for a while, but he didn't see what kind of elixir this plant was. Compared with the image left by Ye Yuntian Cannian, it was not any kind of great medicine.

He shook his head, discarded these distracting thoughts, walked quickly to it, and was about to reach out to pick it up, but when his hand was still a few feet away from the opponent, a green lightning bolt suddenly shot out from the bamboo, like The knife was like a sword, slashing fiercely at his hand.

He was taken aback, and hurriedly withdrew his hands, but the green lightning also changed direction, folded as if spiritually, and shot up, straight to his head.

Han Feng quickly retreated, took out the broken sword from the interspatial storage bag calmly, and quickly blocked the green lightning with a crackling sound, but the huge force contained in it also made him retreat ten times. After many steps, even with the body guard of the broken sword and sword light, his arm was still numb for a while.

"What a sharp bamboo, it can even release lightning!" Han Feng liked it more and more, but he couldn't think of a way to collect it for a while.

He thought silently for a while, his eyes lit up, and he began to secretly call for the residual talisman in the sea of ​​souls, but this time it was beyond his expectation, and there was no response at all.

"It's unreasonable, this kind of elixir, the residual talisman is indifferent?!" Han Feng was a little unbelievable, but he was helpless.

Just when he was at a loss, there was a sudden sound of slight footsteps from behind. If his perception ability was not much stronger than that of ordinary monks, he would not be able to detect it.

He immediately became vigilant, without making a sound, and even tried his best to minimize the fluctuation of his breath. After a while, the slight sound of footsteps passed away, and he did not walk towards him, obviously he did not notice his existence.

Han Feng didn't cheer up, but showed a little sad look. He turned his head and looked at the jade-green bamboo, and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

But at this moment, layers of ripples suddenly appeared in his soul sea, white light appeared out of thin air, and quickly condensed into a light door, and the slightly larger golden cicada moved slowly, as if he was a little reluctant It looks like it took a long time to fly out of the light gate.

At the same time, a small piece of white light suddenly appeared between Han Feng's eyebrows. It was shaped like an eye, but there was no eyeball in it. It was connected to the light door in the soul sea, revealing the golden and green cicada body. Opening his mouth shyly, a ray of light, golden and green intertwined, passed through Han Feng's eyebrows in an instant, and transformed into a green lotus flower in mid-air, and shot in front of the bamboo plant in an instant, ignoring its surroundings The diffuse multicolored light did not cause any lightning to appear, and it was directly branded on its body.

Suddenly, the external brilliance of the whole bamboo gradually faded, and after a while, the brilliance around it completely disappeared, and it became normal, except that the material was still as green as jade, it was not much different from ordinary bamboo.And as its multicolored light faded, the barrier formed by that strange force also disappeared, and the surrounding mist rolled in, instantly flooding the open space.

The Jinbi cicada in Han Feng's soul sea spewed out this ray of light, which seemed to consume a lot, and the light all over his body was dimmed, making a beeping sound, as if he was dissatisfied, but he quickly retreated into the light gate, and immediately It disappeared without a trace together with the Guangmen, and the light between Han Feng's eyebrows also dimmed and returned to calm.

Han Feng was a little dazed, he stretched out his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, he didn't feel anything unusual, so he was relieved, then he came back to his senses, hurriedly walked to the bamboo plant, stretched out his hand, this time there was no accident, he grabbed it, Immediately loosen the soil under it, uproot it, put it into the storage ring in his arms with a smile on his face.

Satisfied, Han Feng immediately left this place, released his soul power, and was about to search for the next target, when a series of roars suddenly came from a distance, like thunder, deafening.

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