Lord of the Runes

Chapter 700 Exploring Runes

"Bang bang bang..."

The fist print hit the wooden wall on the right, causing it to ripple and rattle again.

However, the wooden wall quickly returned to calm, unscathed.

Han Feng put away his fists, feeling a little disappointed, he didn't know how to break into this secret room for a while.

"Perhaps, the only way to get out is to understand those runes thoroughly." Han Feng thought to himself.

He raised his hand to make a formula, the center of his brow was burning brightly, releasing rolling soul power, splitting into thousands of strands, like needles, extremely slender, constantly piercing through those runes, trying to fuse with them, so as to be able to comprehend One of the mysteries.

However, as soon as his soul power pierced through those runes, they immediately collapsed, making it impossible for his soul power to fuse with those runes, and he still couldn't catch their rune veins.

Han Feng tried dozens of times to no avail, so he could only give up temporarily.

He thought about it seriously, changed the method, spread out the soul power, covered these runes like soft water, and observed their runes from a close distance.

He secretly rejoiced that he had indeed seen the veins of these runes, but they were all different and varied, and it was impossible to generalize the rules, which was extremely difficult.

"The huge amount of information is impossible to detect!" Han Feng worried.

Han Feng sighed and gave up this method. If he continued to use this method, he would definitely consume himself to death!

Taking a step back, using this method, even if he could see through the mystery, he would not know that it was the year of the monkey, and he would probably be rotten by then.

He withdrew his soul power and didn't waste any more time.

"What should I do?" Han Feng stood in front of the wooden wall, lingering, thinking hard.

Time passed quickly, and another half an hour passed, and Han Feng still didn't come up with any good solution.

He returned to the middle area, sat down cross-legged, and decided to break through the imprisonment of the formation in the secret room first, so as to restore his mana.

In the process of breaking through the middle stage of subduing the dragon, he had released some of his mana. Obviously, breaking through the confinement with brute force was still effective.

He has always been a vigorous and decisive person, thinking of this, he immediately started to implement it.

Han Feng immersed himself in his dantian, looked inside, and found that the Heavenly Dao Golden Core was still imprisoned in place, with only a little bit of mana seeping out, almost ninety-nine percent of the mana was blocked in the golden core.

Chains of light blue light were bound to his Heavenly Dao Golden Elixir, firmly locking its operation.

He performed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, mobilizing the power in his body to continuously impact those light blue rays of light.

But this cyan light is indestructible, no matter how he attacks, it will be of no avail.

Han Feng was secretly anxious. He put his hands together and moved his fingers together. Those spiritual refining powers suddenly turned into golden dragons with five claws. They bit the light blue rays one after another, but they couldn't tear them apart.

It's just that they were lost a little, and they were quickly replenished by the runes infiltrated from the outside world, and they were repaired again, shining brightly, and the brilliance flowed.

Looking at all this, Han Feng felt helpless, but naturally he would not give up, and continued to urge the five-clawed golden dragon to attack the light blue light.

After a few rounds, he gradually discovered that these light blue rays of light were specific runes of talismans, forming a cluster, forming a brilliant talisman, wrapping the golden elixir of heaven like cotton cloth, sealing its connection with the outside world, so it could not be released Mana comes out.

Han Feng's brows glowed, and his soul power gurgled out, not scattered everywhere, but gathered in his dantian, turning into a ball of water, gently covering this talisman, and earnestly comprehended it.

He was immersed in it, and slowly fell into a state of ecstasy.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning at this moment, Han Feng was completely unaware of the passage of time.

Seven days and seven nights passed by like this, Han Feng's perception gradually deepened, and bursts of talisman light radiated from his body, one after another talismans emerged, yin and yang, five elements, Xuanmen gossip, all kinds of talismans were staged in turn. And feet.

All of a sudden, these talismans disappeared in an instant, and suddenly a dazzling ball of light appeared, the whole body was light cyan, and the runes on the surface flickered in different shapes, which were similar to the runes in the secret room.

The small runes floating in the air seemed to be summoned, and they were immediately attracted by this ball of light. Like mosquitoes seeing blood, they rushed forward one after another, surrounded it, and rushed into it like moths to a flame. disappeared.

With the nourishment of these runes, the ball of light became stronger and stronger, with extremely high brightness, illuminating the entire secret room, and even Han Feng's body was transmitted through, his muscles, bones, veins and internal organs were faintly visible.

At this moment, Han Feng opened his eyes suddenly, crossed his hands, formed a special seal, pressed it to his chest, and the ball of light behind him immediately shot back, submerged into his body, shrunk immediately, and entered into the body. In his dantian, and then expanded back, enveloping the golden elixir of heaven from the outside.

The ball of light rotated, unscrewing the talisman that had previously sealed the golden elixir of heaven, as if unlocking a lock, the two energies clashed with each other, and with a muffled bang, both annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

The Heavenly Dao Golden Core immediately released ten thousand zhang golden light, and bursts of cyan aura of the Heavenly Dao permeated, spreading out from the inside out, flooding the entire secret room.

The tiny runes invisible to the naked eye were shocked, and they rolled backward one after another, colliding with these heavenly breaths, sparking a series of sparks, which were extremely bright.

With a thought in Han Feng's mind, the talisman light flashed on his body surface, and as the magic power of his Heavenly Dao Golden Elixir seeped out, it expanded together and turned into an existence roughly the same as these runes, but its essence was completely different, like the scorching sun melting ice and snow Like that, sweep the runes in the secret room.

These runes are the unique aura emanating from the cyan wooden sticks. At this moment, they are retreating steadily. When Han Feng's power of runic light came to the cyan wooden sticks, they immediately dissolved them, shattering one section after another, leaving deep and shallow Different potholes.

Han Feng laughed loudly, the melancholy expression on his face was swept away, he stood up quickly, raised his feet and walked towards the wooden wall on the left, clasped his hands together, grasped the magic formula, combined the three kinds of power of soul power, physical power and magic power, condensed The mighty power of the special rune light hit the wooden wall like a wave, and within a few breaths, a hole the size of Zhang Xu was melted, communicating with another secret room.

Han Feng frowned, a little bit puzzled, wondering if there are so many secret rooms here, how long will it take to crack them like this? !

He put away his doubts, stepped quickly across the hole, and really entered another secret room that was also hundreds of feet in size.

Moreover, this secret room was also surrounded by cyan wooden strips, and it was also filled with endless runes, but under the sweeping power of the special rune light released by Han Feng, it quickly melted and dissipated without any resistance.

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