Lord of the Runes

Chapter 69 Activation

Seeing that everyone was confirmed, Wu Jianlong and others immediately ordered to withdraw their troops, and the tens of thousands of disciples below retreated in an orderly manner, leaving like an ebbing tide. , completely illuminating the night sky in a radius of tens of miles.

The talisman masters hiding in the cave got orders one after another, and hurried out of it. Led by many Guiyuan realm monks, they quickly gathered around the teleportation circle of Guiyunzong, and sat on the ground nine feet away from each other. There seems to be an inexplicable formation between them.In the surrounding area, apart from most of the talisman masters from the Sanye Sect, there are also a small number of talisman masters belonging to the Yunzong.In fact, there are also talisman masters in other sects, but they are not as powerful as the talisman masters of Sanyemen.

"What happened?" Many people in the crowd whispered.

"I heard that the monks of the three sects withdrew their troops?" Someone was well-informed, most likely from the monks of the Guiyuan Realm.

"Then why do we have to gather here?" Someone was still puzzled.

"Ghost knows, it feels like we are like dogs, and we can go wherever we are told. It's really depressing!" Some bold disciples complained.

"Hey, who told you that you are only a third-rank talisman master. If one day, you break through the ninth rank and go to the tenth rank, I believe you can play us like monkeys!" Someone laughed.


Listening to the words around him, Han Feng was also a little speechless. He felt that there were too many things that happened in the past two days, and the changes were really fast. Once the woman came back to her senses, she might have put her doubts on herself again. After all, she could deduce her suspicions from the people or things that Qiu Tianyi had paid attention to during this time.

It was only this night that Han Feng figured it out. He couldn't go back to the Sanyemen at all, otherwise all the secrets would be discovered sooner or later. The current strategy is to play by ear and take the opportunity to escape.

Just as Han Feng was planning silently, a circular opening suddenly opened in the defensive light curtain in the sky, which expanded rapidly, and then quickly receded in all directions like water ripples, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Starlight is in the sky, shining like a river.

All of a sudden, figures flashed in the air, and the light emitted was like a scorching sun, colorful, illuminating the night sky incomparably gorgeously, and all the disciples in the field were dazzled and dazzled.

It was that group of majestic strong men, who gradually restrained their breath one by one, landed, gathered above the teleportation formation, kept away from the central hall, and remained silent.

Feng Yunchang of Gui Yunzong looked solemn, glanced at Ye Yuntian, and said first: "You Daoist Ye, let's start."

Ye Yuntian smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and waved, thousands of light spots scattered in an instant, falling in front of the talisman masters all around, the light converged, and turned into flags, only the size of a palm, and the flagpole was only as big as a hand. Half a foot long, but as thick as a thumb, the tentacles are as smooth as jade, shining brightly.

Han Feng stretched out his hand to hold it, and a feeling of coldness rushed into his heart. What was even more amazing was that a voice immediately echoed in his mind: "Little guy, just wait for my order, just inject your soul power!"

Han Feng was slightly startled, but he quickly came to his senses. He raised his eyes to look at Ye Yuntian in the air, and knew that it was his thoughts attached to the flag that transmitted the sound.

At this moment, Ye Yuntian saw that all the disciples were holding the flags tightly, nodded in satisfaction, and then moved his body, and went to the center of the teleportation hall in a few flashes. The seal formula floats out, hangs in the air, and spins endlessly as if it is spiritual, shining brightly.

Not long after, one hundred and eight seals floated in the sky, echoing from end to end, long and square, forming a huge shape, hanging directly above the teleportation hall, looking from a distance, it happened to be the outline of a talisman !

Ye Yuntian had already stopped making formulas, but he clenched his hands and clenched the formulas in his hands, and shouted loudly: "Infusion of soul power!"

At the same time, all the disciples below were shocked, and subconsciously began to inject soul power into the banner in their hands.

In an instant, the light of three thousand banners surged at the same time, and suddenly stretched out, spanning hundreds of feet, connecting to the talisman above the Teleportation Hall, making it more and more bright, and one by one seals emerged. The silk thread is constantly entangled with each other, growing like a living being, from Zhang Xu long to more than ten Zhang wide, and its power has become stronger, and lightning bolts began to appear and disappear around it, and the void trembled faintly. stand up.

"Ye Yuntian's talisman skills have gone a step further. He was able to cast such a talisman, even though he relied on the power of three thousand talisman masters!" Li Muxuan from the Xuanqing Sect looked at the talisman in the distance, Said suddenly.

"What I don't understand is, why does he only need the help of third- and fourth-rank talisman masters? If he has the support of fifth-rank and above talisman masters, wouldn't he get twice the result with half the effort?" asked a strong alchemist.

"Hey, that's all you don't understand, Fellow Daoist Luo. The way of talisman is the most important thing about balance. If there is a fifth-grade talisman master among the three thousand talisman masters, I'm afraid it will completely break the balance. Maybe this talisman has already It's broken! And it's impossible for his Sanye Sect to have more than [-] talisman masters above the fifth rank, so he can only use the third and fourth rank talisman masters!" Wu Jianlong took the topic and laughed.

"Hmph, this guy sent so many talisman masters here early in the morning, he must have expected this moment!" Li Murong snorted coldly.

"Hey, Ye Yuntian is an old fox. Don't forget his other identity. He is a fortune teller, and he is best at innate numbers! The height of the pattern is not comparable to ours!" Li Muxuan of Xuanqingmen said meaningfully .

When the other strong men wanted to say something, Ye Yuntian suddenly shouted: "Feng Daoist, token!"

Feng Yunchang stepped out in the air, waved his hand, and a ray of light flew away, accurately falling into the center of the talisman that had become more than a hundred feet wide.

The brilliance dissipated, and suddenly it was the simple token, still without any brilliance, suspended in the air quietly, motionless.

During this process, no one had the urge to snatch it. After all, they all made the oath of the way of heaven and never dared to violate it at will. In the long history in the past, many monks who violated the oath of the way of heaven at will died unexpectedly. As time passed, no one dared to take risks.

Just at this moment, the formula in Ye Yuntian's hand suddenly changed, and the one hundred and eight seal formulas inside the talisman suddenly shot out beams of light that were as thin as a hair, and hit the token instantly, causing it to emit a faint light. A little bit of white light.

Seeing this, all the strong men showed a little joy on their faces, especially Feng Yunchang of Gui Yunzong showed a strange light. He organized the power of the whole sect to mobilize him, but he couldn't change the token in the slightest. Thinking of Ye Yuntian's reaction as soon as he came, this made him more afraid and vigilant towards Ye Yuntian.

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