Lord of the Runes

Chapter 683 Missing

Long Ziyun smiled slightly, waved his hands and said: "It is precisely because of this that we need to make a strong stance, otherwise a sudden change of policy will make the two sects notice something abnormal, and it will definitely lead to bad things!"

Han Feng suddenly realized that it is really not appropriate to change the plan easily, otherwise it would be easier for people to notice that something was wrong. For example, Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong have deployed many spies around Tianlongmen. If there is any trouble, they will report it immediately , can't be kept secret at all.

In fact, the matter of the fall of the underworld dragon cannot be concealed for a long time. As long as the underworld dragon does not show up for a long time, it will make Mu Xiagong and the senior management of the Mutianzong suspicious. They will be able to get more accurate information after further investigation.

Dongfang Yu looked around the crowd, with a confident expression on his face, and said slowly: "Everyone don't need to be nervous, Venerable Ximen Tiantongling will come back soon, with him in charge, he is a hundred times better than the like of Minglong, why not be afraid What?!"

"Oh, the ancestor Ximentian is coming back, that's great!" Mao Bijiang said, looking at Long Ziyun with bright eyes.

"Yes, the patriarch will return someday, and he has reported to Yuxianzong that our Tianlongmen sect is established in the main line. According to his feedback, everything is going well!" Long Ziyun nodded and added .

"Not only that, some time ago when the Grand Canyon of Death was expanded, Ximentian fought side by side with the ancestors of several middle-level sects. He took the opportunity to recruit a few allies for our Tianlongmen. Once a catastrophe occurs on our side, They will come to support, and they will not be afraid of Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong!" Dongfang Yu said with a smile.

People from all walks of life couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief when they heard such words, the atmosphere in the hall was no longer so depressing, everyone started talking and laughing, and the matter of the second expedition was quickly settled .

This time, three more teams were sent out to continue to expand the northern territory. The previous batch of expedition teams had already occupied nearly ten thousand miles of territory, and of course they were all unclaimed lands.

However, according to the feedback from the battle report, they also encountered a lot of harassment from monks. Most of the time, it was not attacks from middle-level sects, but some casual cultivators came to harass them, which was extremely annoying.

In any area, there will be casual cultivators. Although they are some rabble, they can win in large numbers. They are the most active in this kind of competition for no man's land. After all, this is their only chance to rise.

Otherwise, the Yuxian Sect would not have specially divided the White Crocodile Valley to give casual cultivators a place to settle down, otherwise they would definitely gather together to rebel. Although it would not hurt the foundation of the Yuxian Sect, it would also consume a lot of money. It is better to make a proper profit, but it is more cost-effective.

However, middle-level sects don’t have such courage. After all, they don’t have enough to eat, so how can they give money to casual cultivators? Therefore, in the areas of the main line, the relationship between mid-level sects and casual cultivators is even more tense, and they will be in trouble at every turn. The guns went off and serious conflicts broke out. Although most of the time it ended in a disastrous defeat for casual cultivators, the middle-level sects also had to pay a big price.

Tianlongmen also faces the same problem, but Long Ziyun is good at management, he knows the truth that blocking is worse than sparse, so he made a rule, as long as casual cultivators who can pass the test of Tianlongmen can become disciples of their own sect, and The casual cultivator disciples who have been recruited are then put into the task of expanding the territory, which can be regarded as a method of fighting casual cultivators with casual cultivators.

In fact, this method can only be implemented by Tianlongmen, because they are short of manpower now, and it is time for expansion.But it is very difficult for other middle-level sects to develop in this way, because their organization is bloated, there are various internal entanglements, and there is no extra material to support the casual disciples. There are all kinds of characters, good and evil are mixed, and the management cost is also very high. There is a high possibility of problems, so it is better not to, to avoid trouble.

Long Ziyun naturally knows this truth, but now is an extraordinary period, and this method happens to be suitable for their Tianlongmen. It is indispensable.

Moreover, they were able to defend such a large territory thanks to the assistance of these casual cultivator disciples. Otherwise, it would be impossible to defend it with a few small teams.

In addition, Long Ziyun also has another brilliant point, that is, he has made a rule that everyone in the newly conquered territory has a share, and in the later stage, he will share the right to distribute the heaven and earth spiritual materials with all the disciples who participated in the war.

With the mountain of Tianlongmen to rely on and the hope for the future, these casual cultivator disciples will naturally use all their strength to defend the territory they have laid down. Where there is no phenomenon of not working hard, all of them are like beating chickens. He moved forward bravely like blood, and his combat power had been greatly improved compared to those loose casual cultivators.

After Han Feng learned about these situations, he couldn't help admiring Long Ziyun. These methods seemed simple, but when they were implemented, they tested people's management ability. Many details needed to be considered, which could not be explained clearly in a few words.

"No wonder the former Sovereign of the Moyun Sect was always held by the children of the Long family. It really makes sense!" Han Feng murmured secretly.

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, let's go away." Dongfang Yu clapped his hands and announced the end of the meeting.

Everyone got up and dispersed.

But Han Feng was stayed by Long Ziyun again, only Dongfang Yu was with him, and the rest left.

Dongfang Yu took out a token and waved it lightly in the air, and the whole Fengyun Building lit up with layers of red light, which condensed into a mask, covering the building and isolating all the power of investigation.

"Master, what's the reason for such a big fight?" Han Feng was slightly surprised, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked solemnly.

"Patriarch Ximentian is missing!" Before Dongfang Yu could speak, Long Ziyun suddenly transmitted a voice to Han Feng.

"What?!" Han Feng was completely stunned. This is a major event. Ximen Tian is the pillar of Tianlongmen. Once he falls, there will be no place for Tianlongmen in the main vein.

"This is what happened after you entered the Jiujiu Tianyin Formation." Dongfang Yu added, "According to the information that Ximen Tian Patriarch finally gave back, after he went to Yuxianzong to report on his duties, when he was about to return, he acted as a Master Fu Dao was invited to go to a secret place with several psychic venerables he met, but he didn't expect that it was a Jedi. If it’s sent out, we don’t know whether the ancestor is alive or dead?”

"The only people who know about this matter are me, the sect leader, and you. Everyone else has been concealed, and the fear is that the army's morale will be lost." Long Ziyun said solemnly.

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