Lord of the Runes

Chapter 681 The Truth

Han Feng knew that without Venerable Underworld Dragon, with Tianlongmen's current strength, it really couldn't fight against Mu Xiagong and Mutianzong at the same time.

Even though some time ago, many high-ranking figures of Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong died, but they didn't hurt the root cause. If they gather again, Tianlongmen might not be able to escape the catastrophe.

However, Han Feng did not have the right to speak at the moment, even if he wanted to keep Venerable Dark Dragon, he had no means to stop the residual talisman.

Of course, Han Feng is not stupid, he knows very well that even if he can keep Venerable Minglong, if he has no way to set restrictions on the other party, the other party is very likely to retaliate, so at this moment, Venerable Minglong will be spared It is tantamount to returning the butcher knife to his hands, making him unscrupulous, and even he will attack the monks of Tianlongmen first, causing endless killings.

Han Feng calmed down, watched Venerable Underworld Dragon getting weaker and weaker, and said slowly: "I have been fighting with you for so long, and I still don't know your name?"

Venerable Minglong didn't respond, as if he didn't even have the strength to make a sound.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, I'll let you become the nourishment of the residual talisman!" Han Feng said coldly.

"Boy, don't be complacent. You will be attacked by those two sects when you turn back. This deity is just walking in front of you. On the road to Huangquan, this deity is not lonely!" Venerable Minglong took a deep breath, suddenly He regained the air of the psychic venerable, and shouted sharply.

"Okay, you have backbone, but it's a pity that I can't keep you, otherwise, it would be a matter of consideration for you to make a blood oath to serve me!" Han Feng nodded in admiration, and said with some meaning in his words.

"Hey, don't blackmail this deity, even if this deity disappears completely, it will not recognize you as the master. This is the dignity of my dragon clan!" Venerable Minglong sneered.

Han Feng didn't mind either, since he couldn't save him anyway, he was idle, and it would be a great thing to get more information about the demon world from him.

"No matter how strong the magic dragon is, it is still defeated by the ancestor Fu! Presumably, your magic dragon family basically died in the first battle. For so many years, no one from your family has come to rescue you!" Han Feng deliberately aggressively said.

"I, our dragon clan will perish, you are just wishful thinking!" Venerable Underworld Dragon seems to have become less savvy under this weak position. Hearing Han Feng's words, he was very angry and immediately Just retorted.

"Facts speak louder than words, what you say is useless!" Han Feng smiled lightly.

"Fact?" Venerable Dark Dragon sneered, "People in your world will face extinction, this is the truth, do you know?!"

"It's a joke, with the sealing technique of the talisman ancestor, you people from the two realms of the devil can't get through at all, how can you destroy it!" Han Feng was secretly startled, but he still pretended to be nonchalant and said.

"Ahem, you kid is leading me to tell you some secrets, isn't it?!" Venerable Dark Dragon coughed, and then said: "Forget it, let you know some truths!"

"What truth?!" Han Feng asked with a flash of his eyes.

"Hey, what you call the seal technique of the talisman ancestor is just that he used his flesh and blood to gather the original power of heaven and earth to seal the world, and drove it with great power to completely drift into the remote chaos of chaos. Come on, it will be very difficult for the power of other worlds to infiltrate into this world. Unfortunately, this sealing technique is a technique to seal the gaps in the interface, rather it is a shackle that seals your own world, and you can no longer communicate Chaos and myriad ways, all the monks in your world can only practice the Taoism of this world, and cannot surpass this world, so they are locked here, and there is no possibility of eternal life!" Venerable Minglong sneered.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Didn't the Grand Canyon of Death just expand a while ago? Obviously, this world is connected to the demon world and the ghost world. How can you say that it is in chaos!" Han Feng questioned.

"Hmph, that's what you low-level cultivators from Tianlongmen think. In fact, when this happens, it's time for you to face a catastrophe. It means that the demon world and the ghost world are also chasing after you. Time finally stuck to this world again, and reorganized its forces to attack the original interface cracks, so the event of the expansion of the Grand Canyon of Death occurred, otherwise it really doesn't make sense." Venerable Minglong snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"Don't you have a bad memory? How could you remember it so clearly? It's obvious that you made up all this nonsense!" Han Feng still didn't believe it.

"Before this deity died, some original memories reappeared, and I recalled it! Believe it or not, anyway, this deity is about to disappear completely. It's a pity that I couldn't wait for the day when the army of the demon world came to this world again!" Minglong His Majesty doesn't care.

"I don't think it's possible. It's been so many years. If there are so many strong people in this world as you said, how can I let myself grow old and die without doing anything!" Han Feng expressed his doubts.

"Cough cough cough...you, what do you know!" Venerable Minglong let out a series of coughs, and continued to say weakly: "In this world, from ancient times to the present, there is no one who can compare with the talisman ancestor! Don't say It's their so-called powerful people, even the devil master of my demon world can't compare with the talisman ancestor, otherwise the devil lord and the ghost lord wouldn't have joined hands to defeat the talisman ancestor, and even the devil lord was cut off by the talisman ancestor arm!"

"Of course, this is also because the powerful people in your world are sealed in this world, unable to communicate with the chaos, and it is difficult to break through to a higher level! Otherwise, the powerful people in your world Zhishi should be able to become stronger, but he can't stand shoulder to shoulder with the talisman ancestor!" Venerable Minglong added.

"Hey, if that day really comes, none of the creatures in this world can stand alone, let alone face my Lord of the Demon Realm, even the four great generals of the Demon Realm, none of you can resist! Under the leadership of my Lord of the Demon Realm Next, this world will change hands!"

Han Feng frowned. After hearing so much from the other party, he was still dubious and couldn't judge whether it was true or not.

Just when he was hesitating, the remnant talisman in the depths of his soul sea suddenly trembled, and another mysterious power seeped out and merged into the light cocoon, making it even smaller, only about three feet away. Big, round and shiny, causing Venerable Underworld Dragon to let out a scream suddenly, the red light flashed, and then stopped abruptly, and no more breath came out.

Waves of invisible force flew over, pouring all of them into Han Feng's soul sea from between his brows. With the closure of the first gap, two more branch lines were repaired soon.

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