One by one, the strong men stood in the sky like the scorching sun, exuding dazzling brilliance, and surrounded Gui Yunzong in all directions.

The strong man from the Hundred Beasts Sect to the west also jumped out of the battlefield, flew into the sky, and spread his pressure, echoing with the other [-] strong men from a distance, forming a huge force that enveloped the entire area of ​​Guiyun Sect's inner gate.

Mo Tianning, the ghost talisman from the Sanyemen, didn't dare to chase after him, retreated into the dark clouds, gradually lost his breath, and didn't know where he was going.

At this moment, strands of inexplicable breaths began to gather, and clusters of lights of different colors condensed on the chests of these strong men, faintly connected with each other, as if they were about to form a giant formation.

"Fellow Daoists of the Three Sects, if you have something to say, don't be in a hurry to do it!" Suddenly, a voice resounded through the sky, and bursts of dark blue light flashed over the center of Guiyun Sect, and vortices of spiritual energy emerged one by one. A yin and yang Taiji pattern, full of auspicious energy, surrounded by spiritual light, is hundreds of feet wide. On it stands an old man, dressed in a dark blue Taoist robe, with a round face and wide forehead, silver hair and white beard. There is a sense of completeness from top to bottom.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the three strong men changed slightly, but no one spoke, but the clusters of light gathered on their chests no longer grew bigger, obviously they were extremely afraid of this old man with silver hair and white beard.

"Haha, what gust of wind has blown you, the immortal old man of the Xuanqing sect!" A voice suddenly sounded in the void, and it also spread across the wilderness. It could be heard clearly in a radius of more than a hundred miles. The extremely dazzling light, colorful and colorful, spans the sky like a rainbow. A figure slowly emerges. It is not clear what it looks like, only a pair of eyes flashing with aura, surrounded by the aura of the five elements, forming five pieces of light of different colors Group, extremely gorgeous.

"Fellow Daoist Wu Jianlong, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, so don't come here without any problems!" The old man didn't mind what the other party called him, and responded with a slight smile.

"It's not bad. I ate happily and slept soundly. Only one thing failed!" Wu Jianlong said lightly, with a flash of brilliance in his eyes.

"Hehe, it seems that we are like-minded, and I happened to have one thing that I didn't get what I wanted, why don't we join hands?" the old man laughed.

Wu Jianlong pondered for a while, and after a while, he said: "How to join forces?"

"Let's let fellow Daoist Feng Yunchang of Guiyun Sect talk about this." The old man of Xuanqing Sect smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, a mirror suddenly appeared tens of feet away from him. It was as wide as ten feet wide, and the mirror surface was shining brightly. The white robe with the purple alchemy furnace has a handsome and elegant appearance, and an extraordinary bearing. Even in the face of the danger of the sect being destroyed at this moment, his expression is still calm, looking at nature, he bowed to the strong men with his fists together, and then he smiled slowly: "The disciples of the Near Japan Block were lucky enough to obtain a token from the ancient times on the edge of the main line of the Jianyun Mountain Range. After our research and deduction, this token is the opening token of the ancient ruins of Jianyun Villa, but with our strength, It is absolutely impossible to activate it, so please join hands with fellow Taoists to open it, what do you think?"

"Huh, you put it lightly. This token should have been discovered first by my disciple of the Spirit Controlling Sect, but it was stolen by you when your despicable personal disciple used poison pills to attack my disciple. Now that we are approaching the city, you just said that you want us to join hands to open it. Is there such a cheap thing in the world?!" In the northeast direction, a strong man of Yulingzong said in a low voice, the light on his chest rose, and there was a lot to say A sign of a fight if there is a disagreement.

"Fellow Daoist Li Murong, the treasures of the world are acquired by the strong. If anyone says that your disciples are inferior to others, you can't blame my disciples!" Feng Yun said straightforwardly, without giving in at all.

"You..." Li Murong choked for a moment, and when he was about to say something harsh, a white light suddenly flashed behind him, and a figure emerged, and instantly came to his side, stretching out a hand like white jade, He patted his shoulder lightly, and at the same time a gentle voice sounded: "Junior Brother Li, don't worry, I think Fellow Daoist Feng will satisfy us." As soon as the words fell, a woman dressed in plain white house attire came to the scene Among them, the appearance is beautiful, noble and generous, but the aura is not weak at all, even stronger than Feng Yunchang.

Li Murong was slightly shocked, nodded quickly, and said respectfully: "Yes, Senior Sister Jin."

"Fellow Daoist Jin Yuling is here too. It's great. With your help, maybe we can activate that ancient token!" Feng Yunchang said with a smile without changing his expression.

Seeing that he was talking and laughing happily from the beginning to the end, without the slightest sign of fear, everyone couldn't help but look up at him a few times, and the originally tense atmosphere in the venue also eased a bit.

Jin Yuling of Yulingzong raised her mouth slightly when she heard the words, and said with a half-smile, "Feng Daoyou, we haven't seen each other for over a hundred years. I didn't expect you to still have the same demeanor." After a pause, she continued: "Of course I can help, but if the ancient token is successfully activated, how will the account be divided afterwards?"

This issue was also a matter of concern to the rest of the powerhouses, even the old man from the Xuanqing Sect looked sideways at Feng Yunchang.

Being stared at by so many powerful people present, Feng Yunchang still didn't change his expression, he clapped his hands and smiled, and said: "Whether we can successfully open Jianyun Villa is a matter of two opinions, why should you be anxious, fellow daoists, wait until we really activate this ancient sword. I’ve got the token, are you still worrying about not having treasures to share the account with?” As he spoke, he raised his hand, and a palm-sized, stone-like jade token appeared in his hand, with a simple "Ling" engraved on one side, and engraved on the other side. Holding a long sword surrounded by clouds, it is ordinary and inconspicuous, but none of you powerhouses are idle people. Even if you are separated by a distance of more than a hundred miles, you can clearly see that this thing is extremely old and can go through time. Obviously, it will not be a mortal thing if it is destroyed but not destroyed.

"Feng Daoist, you have said so much, but you still haven't said how to work together to mobilize this token!" Wu Jianlong of the Five Elements Sect interjected.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Ye from the Sanyemen will have to come out and talk about it in detail. I was persuaded by him and agreed to invite all fellow daoists to join hands to activate this token!" Feng Yunchang suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Fellow Daoist Ye? Ye Yuntian?" Wu Jianlong frowned, as if he remembered an old friend of Sanyemen.


At this moment, hearty laughter rang out in the Guiyun Sect, and the talisman light blazed up, and a talisman passed through the defensive circle of the Guiyun Sect, hovering in the air, green as ink, shining brightly, and then the light rose sharply , turned into a figure, a man with green hair appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

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