Lord of the Runes

Chapter 664 The Secret Law

"Yes, I originally planned to break through the bottleneck and be promoted to a monk in the realm of alchemy. I wanted to ask you to provide some resources before. I happened to hear about the realm of the realm of alchemy, so I came here to ask you." Han Feng answered honestly.

"If it's only at the alchemy level of the human level, our Mo Yun lineage can definitely give you sufficient resources. As long as you have the ability to break through, it's not a problem. But the level of the alchemy is difficult to satisfy, let alone the level of the alchemy. The Heavenly Pill Realm is already here, it is an existence that is beyond reach, only the four major sects would have the courage to consider letting their disciples reach that level!" Long Ziyun smiled wryly.

"Cultivators at the level of Tiandan are so rare, they must be very strong?" Han Feng asked.

"Nonsense, if you are not strong, who will pursue it hard? Once the process fails, there is a risk of life!" Long Ziyun laughed and cursed, paused, and then continued: "Actually, being strong is only secondary, the main thing is to be strong." It can greatly increase the lifespan of monks, it is said that it will be ten times that of ordinary alchemy monks like me, and a person who has reached the perfection of Tiandan can reach long live!"

"That's why people in the realm of Tiandan Consummation are honored as Lord Longevity. With such a long lifespan, after years of baptism, there is a great chance to break through the shackles of life and be promoted to the realm of psychics!" Long Ziyun continued to add road.

"What conditions do you need?" Han Feng asked with a bright eye.

"There are not many conditions, just three. One is the foundation of returning to the heavens and the earth; One body, finally condensed into a pill, and only then has it reached the realm of the heavenly pill." Long Ziyun looked at Han Feng meaningfully, and smiled softly.

"Well, I have met the first two conditions, so I don't know how to absorb the original power of heaven and earth, and I don't know if I can make it through." Han Feng didn't hide anything from him, and he needed his support anyway, otherwise everything would be broken. It's all empty talk.

"Really?" Long Ziyun said a little excitedly, "I didn't expect to see you as a heaven-level Guiyuan existence in my lifetime. Although it is not rare for a person who is not in the realm of Tiandan, it is also rare. , extremely rare!"

"It's just a coincidence. There must be a lot of heaven-level Guiyuan people in the main vein." Han Feng said modestly, and then asked: "Let's talk about how to absorb the original power of heaven and earth, do you have a way to control the movement?" ?”

"Of course I do. Back then, that girl Ximen Dongqing wanted to be promoted to the Heavenly Pill, but unfortunately she failed to meet the first condition, so she could only achieve the Earth Pill." Long Ziyun replied.

"Then I wonder if you can teach it to me?" Han Feng was not polite, and asked for it directly.

But Long Ziyun suddenly fell silent, frightened Han Feng asked a little nervously: "Is there a problem?"

"Hehe, just to tease you, this was originally one of the rewards I prepared for you!" Long Ziyu burst out laughing, never expecting him to be joking at such a critical moment, it really made Han Feng feel a little unbelievable.

"I'll pass it on to you. As for whether you can succeed, it depends on your luck!" Long Ziyun held Han Feng firmly, then took out a jade slip from the storage ring, and handed it to Han Feng without any hesitation.

"Speaking of which, this piece of jade slip has never been used. It's the only one, and it will be gone after use. It was also obtained by the third-generation patriarch of our Mo Yun lineage from an underground palace. Keep it, you have to understand it thoroughly before you can use it, otherwise there will be no accidents, after all, we don't know what is mysterious in it." Long Ziyun added a few more words.

It was impossible for Han Feng not to be grateful. After all, this was a great opportunity. After he took it, he couldn't help asking: "I'm not a direct descendant, why are you helping me like this?"

"You are such a talented person, and your conduct is not a problem according to our observation. Naturally, we must focus on cultivating it, so that our sect can prosper and last forever!" Long Ziyun laughed.

"I won't say much about the words of thanks. In short, the sect has not failed me, and I will not fail the sect!" Han Feng said solemnly.

"Well, don't say these provocative words. If others saw it, would they think there is something wrong between us? Haha!" Long Ziyun said with a hearty smile.

Han Feng nodded and said no more.

"Just refine that piece of jade slip right here, so as not to be found out, and someone will say that my distribution is uneven, ha ha." Long Ziyun smiled lightly, "I'll go back first, you take advantage of it If you have free time during this time, hurry up and realize it. When the Grand Canyon of Death really expands, whether the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation can continue to exist is a matter of two opinions, let alone you want to use this formation to break through to the Heavenly Pill. border."

After saying this, he flew into the air and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

After Han Feng watched him leave, he refined the jade slip. Of course, this process required a blood oath, otherwise it would not be possible to open it.

This jade slip contains a huge amount of information, all related to the Golden Elixir of the Heavenly Dao, even Han Feng needs to spend his time trying to comprehend it.

He sat cross-legged on the spot by the lake, silently comprehending the contents and mastering the mystery.

Cultivation naturally does not know the passage of time, and two or three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

The wall of heaven and earth in the distance is still standing there, and there is no sign of getting closer. It seems to be deadlocked there, and I don't know what happened.

Han Feng opened his eyes. He finally comprehended the trick. He stood up slowly. Just as he was about to return to the northern city wall, the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation suddenly started to spin on its own. Out, quickly condensed in the central area, forming a huge vortex, which is ten thousand feet in size, sending out astonishing fluctuations all the time, the void is twisting sharply, and white cracks dance like snakes, which is extremely terrifying.

This change was so sudden that it alarmed many high-level figures of Tianlongmen, who flew up one after another and surrounded it. Among them, Yun Buhuan and other eight ninth-rank celestial talisman masters seemed to be ordered to enter Jiujiutian Yinzhi. The inside of the formation, but did not expect to be blocked by a mysterious force, completely unable to enter it again.

Yun Buhuan and the others pinched formulas with both hands and kept pouring in various formulas, but it was of no avail. They seemed to be completely out of touch with this formation, and their soul power sealed in the foundation of the formation could no longer resonate.

"Beep beep..."

There was a sound, Han Feng quickly took out the summoning jade tablet and took a look, it was indeed Long Ziyun telling him to go back to the northern city wall to discuss a plan.

Han Feng thought silently for a while, and as if his heart moved, he replied: "Maybe I can go in and find out what's going on, let me go!"

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