Lord of the Runes

Chapter 662 Appearance

"We are weak, but we have built such a formation. Don't you think this is our ability? Isn't it your greatest hope?" Dongfang Yu argued with reason and asked continuously.

"I don't believe it unless you can prove it!" The black dragon snorted coldly.

"Of course!" Dongfang Yu nodded and turned to look at Long Ziyun.

Long Ziyun understood, knowing that his side needed to show some strength to persuade the black dragon, and immediately sent a sound transmission to the nine ninth-rank celestial talisman masters, asking them to gather the strength of nine people to control the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation, and take back the gifts given to him. The power of the origin of heaven and earth of this black dragon.

After Han Feng and the others received his message, they immediately took Han Feng as the main force and controlled the formation to spin up. Various runes flashed out, and a large amount of the original power of heaven and earth began to shrink, returning to the central area and no longer escaping. .

The black dragon immediately became weak, its whole body shivered, and its scales cracked again, making its eyes gloomy again.

"You guys are so courageous, don't hurry up and recover!" The black dragon roared, the black flames in his mouth became more intense, and there was a sign that if there was a disagreement, he would be destroyed.

Dongfang Yu and Long Ziyun looked at each other, couldn't help but smiled, and Long Ziyun immediately transmitted the voice to their nine ninth-rank celestial talisman masters.

Han Feng and the others naturally obeyed and let the formation recover.

Being nourished by the original power of heaven and earth again, the black dragon was very comfortable and felt the joy of being alive, but he didn't show it, just staring at Dongfang Yu and Long Ziyun.

It is not stupid, it can see that the two of them are the masters of this place.

"Heilong, just become the guardian of our Tianlongmen, we will not treat you badly!" Dongfang Yu said while the iron was hot.

"Okay, I promise you, but I won't make any oaths, I will always be free!" After the black dragon said this, without even looking at them, it immediately turned into a ball of black light and submerged in again. Inside that black bone, it seemed to be an ordinary underworld dragon bone again, but without the power of confinement, it could appear at any time, as long as the original power of heaven and earth was sufficient, it could transform into shape and survive for a long time.

"This deity is staying at the center of the formation. Don't bother me when you have nothing to do!" The voice of the black dragon came from the bone of the underworld dragon. , disappeared.

Han Feng was in the center of the formation, and suddenly saw a black bone rushing towards him. He was extremely surprised. Just as he was about to attack, fortunately, Long Ziyun's summons arrived in time to inform him of all this.

He was a little pleasantly surprised, and secretly sighed that the details of these sects are all hidden, no wonder they can always exist in the world, standing for tens of thousands of years.

"You little guy has special soul power, no wonder you can be the controller of the formation here!" The dark dragon's bone flickered with black light, suddenly suspended hundreds of feet away from Han Feng, and the voice of the black dragon came out again.

"I've seen Senior Black Dragon!" Han Feng said respectfully, not daring to be rude.

"Oh, you are a polite little guy. Unlike the two ghosts outside, once you have no respect for this deity, if this deity does not need the power of the heaven and earth in this formation, otherwise you will have turned your face." Black Dragon slightly A little annoyed.

"You have already become our guardian venerable, how can you disrespect, it's just a different way of expressing it, haha!" Han Feng said with a light smile.

"I won't tell you this anymore, it will be of great benefit to you to achieve the Heavenly Pill Realm by using this formation!" After saying this, the black dragon walked away, and disappeared in an instant, and he didn't know where it was hiding. went.

Han Feng wondered what it meant.

"The Realm of Heavenly Pill?" Han Feng's face was full of doubts.

He wanted to be promoted to the realm of alchemy early in the morning. He originally planned to wait for the matter here, so he asked Long Ziyun to provide resources. With his foundation of returning to the original, it should not be difficult to break through the bottleneck with the help of various panacea.

But he really had never heard of the realm of Heavenly Alchemy. Could it be that the realm of Alchemy Formation and the Realm of Guiyuan also have different levels?

It's not easy for Han Feng to send a message to Long Ziyun to inquire about this right now, so he can only give up and wait until the time is right to ask.

In the outside world, Dongfang Yu and Long Ziyun both heaved a sigh of relief, and finally stabilized the black dragon. If the other party really launched a violent attack, they would also suffer heavy losses, and the consequences were unimaginable.

As a matter of fact, Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong were unwilling to retreat, and let the two chief elders return secretly to spy on the reality of this place.

When the two of them found that the formation of Jiujiu Tianyin was intact, and they saw the black dragon re-entering the formation from a distance, they knew that something was going to happen, and they immediately returned to the main force and let everyone leave.

"For the current plan, we can only let the ancestor come back to make a decision!" Duan Yunfei and Qiu Burong had nothing to do, so they could only let it go and pin their hopes on their respective venerables.


Tianlongmen and others flew out of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation one after another. Looking at the desolate situation around them, they couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Once, can you not make them feel sorry?

However, what can they do? They were already psychologically prepared, and it was a blessing that they were able to successfully force Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong back this time.

Fortunately, the resources invested before were only partial, and some foundations of the formation still existed. After a short rest, they continued to build on that foundation and started it in full swing.

Sure enough, in less than three days, some defensive and offensive formations were built around the Jiujiu Tianyin Formation, and they already had some defensive and counterattack capabilities. In addition, there was a city wall thousands of miles long , Of course, the city wall is built on the basis of mountains, with dense runes on it, otherwise they would not be able to complete it so quickly.

This is only a preliminary plan. According to the plan of Tianlongmen, it will take several years or even more than ten years of work to polish it before it can be scaled up.

During this period, Han Feng and the others also came out of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation and participated in the construction of this place, almost without a break. It can be said that they race against time to help the construction personnel lay down layers of runes.

Their construction did not stop and continued, and half a month passed before they knew it.

On this day, the sky in the north suddenly began to become dark, and a wall of air appeared in the distance, traversing the sky and the earth without boundaries.

The expansion of the edge of the death canyon is here!

Many monks in Tianlongmen were panicked, they stopped their work one after another, turned around, looked up, or flew into the air, all looking at the wall of heaven and earth, not knowing what to do for a while.

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