Lord of the Runes

Chapter 653 Come from the Nest

Han Feng was not greedy, and felt that this was already very good. He was able to repair six branch lines in such a short period of time. It was a huge profit. It was definitely a surprise.

After recovering nearly half of his soul power, Han Feng was able to control part of the mobilization energy of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation. He broke free from that peculiar restraint and flew out, but there was a lot of resistance, and his speed dropped sharply. It can only fly hundreds of feet away, which is not at the same level compared to the previous thousands of feet.

Just at this time, the eight people on the periphery also woke up one after another, and immediately recovered their soul power. It didn't take long for them to be able to move, and they all flew away at the same time.

Even if they can control part of the formation power here, they don't dare to wait too long. After all, the original power of heaven and earth is still boiling at this moment. If it has a bad influence on themselves, it will be a big trouble.

Generally speaking, monks who can use the original power of heaven and earth have cultivation bases above venerable. Although they are all monks in the alchemy state, even Niu Sheng is still at the level of the late stage of alchemy, but they are still far from the state of venerable. Let alone him, even a great monk who has successfully formed alchemy cannot absorb the original power of heaven and earth.

The power of the origin of heaven and earth here is so strong that even if the venerable came in person, he would not dare to fight recklessly, so he had to think of other ways to pull out this nail.

In less than a stick of incense, Han Feng flew out of Tianlong Valley, but he hadn't escaped from the enveloping range of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation. He didn't see the sun again until he flew out for more than 400 miles and returned to the outside world.

His communication compass immediately lit up, and when he clicked on it, it turned out that it was Grand Elder Zhang Yiming who was calling him, with an impatient look, obviously afraid that something might happen to him.

Han Feng was a little moved, and immediately flew towards where Zhang Yiming and the others were.

Now his speed returned to normal, and he went to where they were after a few dozen breaths.

At this time, several other Tianfu masters also flew out from the left and right directions. Yun Buhuan, Niu Sheng and others were all unscathed, which made Han Feng feel relieved. It's hard to explain, maybe the alliance that was rarely gathered together will turn into a mess again.

When Zhang Yiming saw Han Feng flying over, he couldn't help but smiled. Finally, he was safe and said with a smile, "Elder Han, you've worked hard."

Han Feng volleyed up to him, clasped his fists together, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace!"

After a while, Yun Buhuan and others also flew over one after another, came to the surroundings of these big monks, and returned to the big monks of their respective sects.

"Let's leave here first. The Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation will expand to a radius of ten thousand miles. It has not yet been coordinated with other formations, and it has not been dredged. Except for you nine spellcasters, we cannot enter it." Zhang Yiming said.

Everyone nodded, and immediately flew out together, until they came to a small mountain thousands of miles away before stopping in the air.

The Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation expanded very quickly, within half a stick of incense, they had already caught up with their footsteps and came here, only a hundred miles away from them.

"Elder Zhang, I'm waiting for this slaughter, won't it attract the full counterattack of their two sects? With only our number, even if we have the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation, we can't fight for a long time, and we will be broken sooner or later!" Dongfang Huiyun of Ming Luozong looked at Zhang Yiming, frowned slightly, and said slowly.

"Don't worry, our suzerain has already made a plan, and we are on our way now, and we will come here later!" Zhang Yiming said with a confident smile.

"Sect Master Long? What's the use of him coming here? He's not a venerable. Even if the venerable came in person, it would be difficult for us to resist the joint attack of two middle-level sects!" Yan Ge said with a serious face.

"That's true. Those monks just now are only part of the strength of their two mid-level sects. If they come to attack with the strength of the whole sect, it will be difficult for us to resist!" the Great Elder Mao Bijiang of Luoyun Sect also said. Said.

"Haha, Great Elder Yan Ge, although I, Long, am not able to do it, I am not fighting alone. Gathering the power of the East Eight Branches and the East Seven Branches, this is feasible!"

Suddenly, there was a roar in the void on the side, and a large piece of light diffused, and more than a hundred flying boats of different colors flashed out. Long Ziyun's voice was uploaded from the Mo Yunzhou in the center, which was deafening.

Han Feng and the others were astonished, and turned to look over there.

After a while, these flying boats came to the front and spread out in a fan shape. Under the flashing light, door after door opened from the flying boat, and figures came out one after another. In a blink of an eye, nearly ten thousand monks appeared, and each monk They are extremely powerful, all of them are above the early stage of Guiyuan, and the aura of nearly a hundred figures is particularly strong, like the scorching sun shining in the sky, it is obvious that these people are all strong at the alchemy level.

"Why are you all here?" Yan Ge looked at one of the group of people, it was his Dongli gang, there were hundreds of them, and almost all the backbone of their sect was mobilized here.

"Sect Master Long has personally come to lobby our sects these days, saying that as long as we set up the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation here, there will be a lot of potential. We can take this opportunity to occupy the main line of land. We wait for the sects to unite to form a big sect. door!" Niu Xin, the head of the Dongli Gang, smiled wryly.

Looking at his expression, Yan Ge knew that the process was by no means simple. It was probably because Mo Yunzong used some special means, even coercion and temptation.

After careful questioning, it turned out that Long Ziyun led a group of Mo Yunzong's backbone out of the nest, teleported a large formation through space, and descended directly to the Dongli Gang, convincing the Dongli Gang as quickly as possible.

Afterwards, people from the two factions went to the nearby Great Zen Sect together, and they were also successfully persuaded. Then Chiyun Sect and Qinglong Sect came to gather, and joined forces from the five factions to Luoyun Sect.

"The strength of Luoyunzong is not weak. It is much stronger than several other sects like mine, and they have surrendered?" Yan Ge glanced at Liu Siquan, the suzerain of Luoyunzong in the distance, and asked via voice transmission.

"There is no way not to surrender, because Mingluo Sect is also here, and they are here with Liuyun Sect's troops!" Niu Xin's eyes flickered slightly, and the sound transmission responded.

"Ah, how is it possible? Didn't Ming Luozong always regard himself as a big boss, how could he be willing to become a cavalry soldier?!" Yan Ge was so surprised that he almost shouted out.

"I don't know about that, maybe Mo Yunzong gave them some kind of promise?" Niu Xin replied.

"Can promises be trusted in this kind of thing? This is a major event related to the future of the sect!" Yan Ge expressed disbelief.

"Who knows, I can only say that Long Ziyun is not simple, who knows what cards he has!" Niu Xin shook his head, expressing that he was not sure.

"What's the matter with the East Seventh Branch?" Yan Ge glanced at the people in the East Seventh Branch, and couldn't help asking through voice transmission.

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