Lord of the Runes

Chapter 650 Attack

Unfortunately, as the formation progressed, the difficulty became more and more difficult, and the resistance also soared. The outline of those runes required more and more soul power from the nine of them, and each of them gradually began to feel dizzy.

Han Feng was impatient, his soul transformed into thousands of people, he was fighting fires everywhere, and he had to transmit sound transmissions to the other eight people in time to fill in the loopholes and build a complete talisman path.

The aura below became more and more powerful, surpassing the great monk who had completed the alchemy in no time, and reached the level of half-step psychic, which made Zhang Yiming and others feel frightened, and had to stay away from this place, and spread out around to guard against everything Accidents happen.

Time passed very slowly at this moment. They felt that it had passed for a long time, but in reality it was less than an hour, and the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation was only [-]% complete.

It only took an hour or so to reach this level, which is considered very fast, but the next part is more difficult, which makes the nine of them feel more difficult.

Especially Han Feng, as the leader, had consumed more than half of his soul power, so he could only concentrate on running the Soul Plow Art, and he could recover as much as he could.

Unknowingly, another two hours passed, but the completion of the formation was only [-]%, and the last [-]% was even more difficult. They were deadlocked in each other's original positions, and it was impossible to advance.

"Han Feng, my soul power is about to run out, whoever will replace me for a while, I can continue after taking the soul-replenishing pill!" Niu Sheng from the Dongli gang suddenly sent a voice transmission to Han Feng, asking for help.

Han Feng swept his soul power and found that Niu Sheng was sweating on his forehead, his face was pale, and he seemed to have reached his limit, so he could only reply: "I'll help you support this part of you, and it can only last for a quarter of an hour. Hurry up and recover!"

"Enough!" Niu Sheng immediately handed over this part of the formation to Han Feng, and he himself took out three light green pills and swallowed them, silently recovering his soul power.

Han Feng's soul power poured out, successfully supporting Niu Sheng's part of the formation, keeping it unchanged, and not collapsing because of it.

When Yun Buhuan and the others saw this, they were a little surprised, and secretly guessed what level Han Feng's soul power had reached, and why it didn't seem to be exhausted.

"Everyone, after Fellow Daoist Niu Sheng recovers, let's go all out and sprint, and if we drag on, we will definitely lose! I'm about to lose it now!" Han Feng glanced at them, and suddenly suggested.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. It was only normal after thinking about it. Their own condition was not good. Even with all kinds of elixir supplements and silent exercises, their soul power was only one-third left.

The reason why Niu Sheng is worse is mainly because his soul cultivation method is one level worse, otherwise he would not be able to make ends meet, and such a result would have occurred.

Niu Sheng blushed, obviously a little embarrassed, after all, in this invisible competition, he was at a disadvantage, and secretly vowed to find a more powerful exercise in the future.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and Niu Sheng refined six soul-replenishing pills in a row, and finally recovered his soul power to one-third, which was consistent with other personnel.

Just when Han Feng was about to give the order to make the last sprint, a large piece of light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and there was a sharp swishing sound, coming menacingly, and he felt that the person who came was not kind.

"Who?!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Yiming and the others changed their expressions slightly, and Kan Yuze yelled loudly.

"We should ask you this question, who are you, dare to make trouble here!" The light converged, revealing a middle-aged monk in a blue robe. He had a big face and a broad forehead. .

"We are monks from the eighth branch of the east and the seventh branch of the east. Under the order of the Yuxian sect, we came here to arrange the nine-nine heavenly guide formation to resist the expansion of the death canyon. Which sect are you from?" Zhang Yiming was neither humble nor overbearing, and moved out of Yuxianzong with a calm expression.

"Men of the Mutian Sect, this is our territory. If you go to other places to arrange, you are not welcome here!" The middle-aged monk in the blue robe raised his thick eyebrows and said bluntly.

"I don't know what to call this fellow Taoist?" Zhang Yiming asked noncommittally.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Hurry up and leave, or don't blame me for being rude!" The middle-aged monk in a blue robe was so strong that he didn't even want to say his name, so he shouted flatly.

"Hey, does Mu Tianzong want to resist Yuxianzong's order? If this task is not completed, who will bear the responsibility?!" Kan Huoze sneered.

"Hmph, don't use chicken feathers as arrows. I will benefit someone. Anyway, our Mutian Sect has not received any orders from the Yuxian Sect. Everything is just empty talk. Don't mess around with the banner of the Yuxian Sect. !" The middle-aged monk was very stubborn, not afraid of these threats at all.

Moreover, with a big wave of his hand, hundreds of monks rushed over behind him and surrounded the entire Tianlong Valley heavily.

These monks are full of alchemy old monsters, and even the most common monks are from the mid-Guiyuan period, which shows their strong background.

"Brother Zhang, didn't you say that you have already reported to Yuxianzong? Why did you provoke Mutianzong's siege?" Dongfang Huiyun frowned, and the other four big monks could hear him.

"Ghost knows, maybe these guys pretend not to know, this is to force us to submit, I wait for the big monk, is it possible that I am afraid of these juniors? If we leave in such a desperate way, where will our face be placed in the future?!" Zhang Yiming said coldly.

Brother Yan Ge of the Dongli Gang was the first to express his opinion, and said through voice transmission: "That is, if this is the case, how can we come to the main line to find opportunities in the future!"

"I also think that we can continue to resist. The Mutian Sect only has one venerable, and the Moyun Sect also has one. Now all the venerables have been transferred to resist the expansion of the Grand Canyon of Death. We have six great monks here. Is it possible that I am afraid of these cats and dogs!" Kan Yuze said.

Li Muxuan, on the other hand, acted like he had nothing to do with himself, looking left and right, mainly observing the attitudes of Ming Luozong and Luo Yunzong, seeing that they were silent, he himself was too lazy to express his opinion.

"Grand Elder Dongfang Huiyun, Great Elder Mao Bijiang, what are the two intentions? Don't forget our covenant, it was negotiated at the time, if you repent now, you will bear the consequences!" Zhang Yiming said coldly through voice transmission.

"Forget it, we've come this far, we can't give up all our efforts, let's join hands!" Dongfang Huiyun assessed the situation, and finally compromised, and immediately stated that he would take action to block these Xiao Xiaoxiao.

"Of course I have no problem, I'm just afraid that there will be more harassment later, it's hard to guard against, how to resist?!" Mao Bijiang said.

"Don't worry, Elder Han is already organizing them to sprint together, and it won't be long before they can successfully set up the formation. At that time, no one can break it, unless the venerable is dispatched, but now the venerables of all sects have left, fighting We are on the front line! These grandsons dare to come to disturb us, so we should let go and kill them. There is righteousness in hand afterwards, and no one can doubt it! You will also be the heroes of our East Eighth and East Seventh Branches, I'm sure I can get all kinds of praises, and I don't have to worry about not improving my cultivation!" Zhang Yiming said.

It has to be said that Zhang Yiming is really a master negotiator. Just a few words made the complexions of these elders calm down, and they successively stated that they could let go.

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