Lord of the Runes

Chapter 65 Teleportation

"Enemy attack!" The talisman master in charge of standing guard shouted loudly, waking everyone up.

Han Feng was shocked, he didn't care to rest, he stood up quickly, stretched out his hand and wiped his waist, and there were a few extra talismans in his hand, all of them were third-grade attack talismans, bursting with light.

"Don't panic, it's your own!"

At this moment, Wu Dayan's voice spread, which made everyone's heart beat slightly lower again.

Han Feng was a little surprised, and hurried out of the cave. Looking up, there were already a large number of monks standing outside with swords surrounding them. The masters with perfect Qi storage, the two in the front are actually the strong ones of the Guiyuan Realm, standing in the air, as if they were floating.

Wu Dayan was talking in front of the two of them at this moment, and he didn't know what to say. In short, Wu Dayan's expression became more serious, as if something important had happened.

After a while, he turned around suddenly and said to everyone: "Clean up, everyone, we will rush back to the sect immediately. If there are any disciples who have not recovered and cannot fly with the sword, let the fellow sects of Jianling Peak Take you for a ride, and we will set off back after ten breaths!"

Everyone was slightly startled, and some people were puzzled and shouted up: "Senior Brother Wu, what happened? Why are you so anxious to let us go back!"

"Guiyunzong was jointly launched a surprise attack by Hundred Beasts Sect, Five Elements Sect, and Yulingzong a few days ago. The disciples of the whole sect suffered heavy casualties. Just today, the mountain gate was broken, and they have retreated back to their inner sect area. Now we need urgent help. Support, especially the support of your group of talisman masters, understand now!" A Guiyuan Realm expert from Jianling Peak said before Wu Dayan could answer.

"That's right, so everyone, don't dawdle, pack up your things quickly, and hurry up!" Wu Dayan took the conversation and shouted.

Everyone understood that the relationship between Guiyunzong and Sanyemen is not bad. If they are really wiped out, Sanyemen will not have a good life, so the senior leaders of the sect will urgently send them to the Sanyemen. They take it back.

"Then why don't you use Laocheng's teleportation circle to send us back?" Someone had nothing to pack and muttered in a low voice.

Wu Dayan's ears were sharp, and he heard it, and immediately glared at the outer disciple, cursing: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! Using the teleportation circle once is very expensive, and it was just a contingency to let us go back. Why use the teleportation circle so wasteful! Who would have thought that the grandsons of Gui Yunzong would be defeated so quickly, and some fellow sects have already gathered at the teleportation circle inside our sect, waiting for us to go back and teleport there together !"

After hearing the words, everyone came to their senses, but they became a little nervous about the follow-up support work. After all, it was a war!

It's just that raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short time, as disciples of the sect, they have no choice but to pack up their things silently and quickly, and follow the monks from Jianling Peak to rush back to Sanyemen overnight.

Fortunately, this area belongs to the territory of the Sanyemen, and they moved forward smoothly without any accidents. Of course, each of them maintained a high degree of vigilance. That's why he specially arranged for disciples from Sword Spirit Peak to come over to meet him, just in case.

Along the way, some groups of alien beasts that were encountered occasionally were wiped out by many masters of Sword Spirit Peak with thunderous means as soon as they appeared. Han Feng and his group of talisman masters followed suit and obtained an unknown number of cores.

In the early morning of the next day, before the mist cleared and the sun had not risen, they returned to the Sanye Gate and went straight to the inner gate area. After half an hour, they came to a magnificent hall, which was the same as the one in Laocheng. The teleportation array is almost the same, it is also in the shape of a pyramid, the difference is that this one is even bigger, more than a hundred feet high and a hundred feet wide, standing like a mountain on a wide square, exuding an aura like an abyss , like an ancient giant beast.

At this moment, many people have gathered in the open space outside the hall, most of them are fighters, the disciples of Baizhan Peak, Jianling Peak and Baidaotang are all there, gathering together, there is a vague evil spirit pervading .

Wu Dayan and his group came straight there, Wu Dayan and the other two Guiyuan Realm powerhouses just nodded to the leaders of the various peaks and halls, and no one spoke.

At this time, the door of the main hall suddenly opened, and a thunderous voice came from inside: "Come in, everyone!"

Wu Dayan and the others straightened their faces and filed in first, followed by the rest of the disciples.

Han Feng passed through a narrow passage, walked more than ten feet, and successfully entered an area that looked like a hall, but in the middle there was a tall and thin pillar that was eight or nine feet thick, reaching the roof, which was tens of feet long. There are dense talisman paths drawn, in fact, there are also complicated lines drawn on the three walls of the hall, even if he is a talisman master, he is dazzled and dizzy.

"Go up to the central turntable!" The loud voice sounded again, but everyone failed to notice his position, as if the voice appeared out of thin air.

Everyone was slightly startled, but without any hesitation, they all stepped onto a [-]-[-] feet wide turntable connected to the giant pillar in the center. Makes you feel dizzy and nauseous.

Han Feng silently walked up to the turntable behind everyone and stood on the edge. After a while, everyone walked up to it. Just at this moment, the turntable suddenly lit up, forming a light curtain around the periphery, and separated one by one like A bubble-like film of light enveloped everyone above.

Han Feng only felt a burst of coldness, but it was fleeting, and then there was no discomfort at all.

At this moment, the turntable rotated at an irregular speed, getting faster and faster, but the people on it were not thrown away, only a little dizzy feeling appeared, and the scenery outside the turntable also followed suit. It became blurred, like a line, and then turned into dots, and finally the surroundings became pitch black.

Han Feng felt a strange wave coming, his body seemed to pass through a layer of membrane, time seemed to stand still at this moment, I don't know how long it had passed, it was like an instant, and it was like eternity, chaotic, ambiguous.


A fierce and sharp sound sounded without warning, Han Feng felt a nausea, he quickly used his true energy to dispel it, and it took him a while to recover, but at this moment, there appeared light spots around him, and then lines emerged, The last scene appeared before his eyes.

He suddenly appeared in a hall again, standing on a turntable with everyone, but the turntable was one-third smaller.

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