Lord of the Runes

Chapter 648 Arrival

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Feng walked out of his room and sent a message to Zhang Yiming, asking him to notify everyone to go to the middle cabin platform through Mo Yunzhou's built-in formation.

In no time, everyone gathered here.

"Elder Han, have you figured out your plan?" Lin Junlong asked indifferently.

The four nine-rank celestial talisman masters from the other three sects also looked at Han Feng, and even the three talisman masters from the Mo Yunzong looked at him.

"Of course." Han Feng smiled confidently, and immediately explained his arrangement method.

Everyone was silent when they heard it, because they really couldn't fault it.

"Let's talk about your opinions, I can improve it again, and perhaps increase the success rate." Han Feng laughed.

"I don't have any objections. Your plan is already perfect, and it completely covers my ideas." Niu Sheng smiled wryly, shaking his head and said.

The three middle-aged talisman masters of Mo Yunzong looked at each other, looked at Han Feng one after another, and secretly nodded in praise.

Lin Junlong curled his lips, thought for a while, and suddenly said: "No matter how good the plan is, we must cooperate properly, otherwise everything will be empty, and we have to go to the scene to work on it."

"What fellow Daoist Lin said is reasonable. This is exactly what I want to tell everyone. When we arrive at the scene, we need to practice a lot. I hope it will go well." Han Feng laughed.

"I have no objection either, but where are we going? You have been silent all this time, can you tell us now?" Another ninth-grade talisman master of Mingluo Sect is named Landong Ming, and at this time he was gloomy. said the face.

Elder Dongfang Huiyun of Ming Luo Sect also looked up at Han Feng, and the elders of the other sects all looked at him, making him feel a little stressed.

Han Feng didn't speak, but turned to look at Zhang Yiming.

"We rushed to Tianlong Valley, which is suitable for setting up the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation. At the same time, we have already reported to Yuxianzong. The middle-level sects near Tianlong Valley will not come to stop us. Don't worry, everyone." Zhang Yiming coughed With a sound, he immediately explained.

"Tianlong Valley is only [-] miles away from Mo Yunzong, and at the speed of Mo Yunzhou, it can be reached in less than half an hour." Kan Luoze added.

"Since the plan has been made, let's go back to each room and take a rest." Mao Bijiang, the oldest, said suddenly. After speaking, he turned around and left with Lin Junlong, ignoring everyone's opinions.

"That's it." Zhang Yiming said with a slight smile.

The monks of several other sects left one after another, and soon dispersed completely.

Han Feng nodded to Zhang Yiming and the others, and then left, heading for his room.

After he returned to his room, he continued to recover his soul power without resting, and he had to maintain his best condition to be safe.

Time passed quickly, with a slight flicker, three or four quarters of an hour would disappear.

Mo Yunzong gradually slowed down, stabilized completely after a while, and hovered above a huge valley.

Han Feng opened his eyes. Although he couldn't disperse his soul power to look outside, he could feel that the flying boat had stopped running.

He stood up, walked out of the room, and returned to the middle cabin platform again, only to find that other people were also rushing here one after another.

After a while, Zhang Yiming also came here, without further ado, he raised his hand and typed out a spell, the side immediately lit up, a door opened, and the ladder stretched down to a mountain peak beside Tianlong Valley below.

"Everyone, please!" Zhang Yiming nodded to everyone, and let the personnel from the other sects go ahead.

Ming Luozong's Dongfang Huiyun immediately took Yun Buhuan and the landlord Ming out, and walked down the ladder.

The other three sect monks followed naturally and walked out one by one.

"Elder Han, after you get down, hurry up and make arrangements. I'm worried that monks from other middle-level sects will come to hinder you!" Zhang Yiming said to Han Feng suddenly.

"Oh, could it be that you have reported to Yuxianzong? Could it be an excuse?" Han Feng's eyes flashed, and he immediately reacted, and immediately asked a question.

"We have reported it, but there is no other way for Yuxianzong to take the initiative to restrain other middle-level sects. Otherwise, how can we stabilize the hearts of these grandchildren!" Zhang Yiming showed a wry smile, and said helplessly through voice transmission.

After saying this, he stepped out of the door first.

"Understood, I'll arrange it now." Han Feng nodded, followed him out of Mo Yunzhou, and was the last one to leave the flying boat at the rear of the hall.

After a while, Han Feng and others came to the top of a mountain on the edge of Tianlong Valley, and the others looked around, looking calm.

Zhang Yiming first put Mo Yunzhou away, so as not to hang in the air, which would be too eye-catching and cause unnecessary trouble.

Han Feng didn't stay idle, and immediately dispersed his soul power to cover all directions, but he found that there was a mist covering the valley, which could shield his soul power from probing, making it difficult for him to thoroughly investigate. Naturally, he couldn't see through the terrain here. It is impossible to effectively arrange the crystals of the earth's veins and the stones of the sky, let alone lay down the array of ninety-nine heavens.

He immediately changed his strategy, circulated his true energy in his eyes, his eyes were slightly bright, looked around, and immediately saw some terrain, but he had not yet reached the realm of alchemy, and his strength was limited, so he couldn't look further. We can only turn to Zhang Yiming and Kan Yuze for help.

As big monks who had successfully formed alchemy, these two people were indeed extraordinary. They could see much farther than Han Feng, their eyes were like lightning, and they swept across a large area.

But that's the case, the Sky Valley is too big, estimated to be no less than a thousand miles around, and it is naturally impossible for the three of them to complete it in a short period of time.

Han Feng turned to look at the monks of other sects, cupped his hands and said, "The Grand Canyon of Death is approaching every step of the way. It is related to the life and death of our sect. It is not too late. Please join hands and help each other!"

"Elder Han, if you have anything to say, just talk about it, we will help each other, this is no longer a matter of one sect, but a major event of our entire East Eighth Branch and East Seventh Branch!" Elder Yan Ge of the Dongli Gang Suddenly said.

The monks of other sects also nodded. It is indeed not appropriate to make trouble at this time. After all, the Grand Canyon of Death is still expanding. The attitude of their sects is to work together to calm the incident before making plans. Otherwise, major events will be delayed, and everyone will be unable to eat.

Han Feng was secretly delighted, and immediately told his plan, he simply asked them to act together to speed up the investigation of the situation in Tianlong Valley.

Moreover, Zhang Yiming also took out more than a dozen communication compasses, which are Mo Yunzong's unique positioning compass. They have a strong ability to transmit messages over a short distance. A simple message is enough to support this operation.

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