Lord of the Runes

Chapter 630 Elder Keqing

"Holly girl, you misunderstood me." Long Ziyun smiled wryly, and quickly explained: "I agree that he joins our Mo Yunzong and becomes our guest elder. Elder, I hope Fellow Daoist Han doesn't mind."

"So that's the case, you didn't say it earlier." Ximen Dongqing pouted.

Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't agree to it. Instead, he asked, "What is Elder Ke Qing mainly responsible for?"

"To put it bluntly, they are outsiders who use the offerings from our Mo Yunzong to complete various tasks for our Mo Yunzong." Before Long Ziyun could explain, Ximen Dongqing said bluntly.

Seeing her speaking so straightforwardly, Long Ziyun couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and immediately added an explanation: "Actually, with your strength and aptitude, you are definitely qualified for our elder position, but you also know that recently we are preparing to become an elder." I'm not afraid to tell you the truth about the Zhongzong sect. We are indeed avoiding your past experiences. Although you have a lot of helplessness, such things happened after all. We don't want to give the world an excuse, so we temporarily arrange you As our guest elder, the influence will be less, I wonder if you can accept it?"

Seeing that Han Feng didn't respond, he immediately added another sentence: "I promise, after our Mo Yunzong successfully occupies the main line area, we will definitely reward you for your merits and make you our official elder."

"There's a big difference between the two? What can Elder Ke Qing get? Can he practice the core skills of Mo Yunzong?" Han Feng pondered for a while and asked several questions in succession.

"Of course, but our Mo Yunzong has always used merit points in exchange for corresponding rewards. As long as the merits are achieved, we can exchange any exercises!" Long Ziyun said, "Of course, some important exercises require a blood contract. Only then can you practice, and don’t let it out!”

Han Feng nodded, expressing his understanding, and then asked: "Will the mission assigned by the sect be dangerous? Can I refuse it according to my own situation?"

"As a ninth-rank celestial talisman master, we generally don't arrange dangerous tasks for you. You can rest assured about this. However, all tasks issued by the sect cannot be refused, but you can put forward your own demands. Our sect I will do my best to arrange for you and invest limited resources to you!" Long Ziyun said directly without any hesitation.

Han Feng thought about it for a while, and there was no doubt. He immediately said: "Since the suzerain is so honest, I won't look good if I twitch. Please give me your advice in the future."

"Hehe, I don't dare to teach you. Your talisman technique is much better than mine, and I will discuss it with you more in the future!" Long Ziyun laughed.

Seeing this, Ximen Dongqing was also very happy, and immediately shouted to take Han Feng to choose the cave, told Long Ziyun, grabbed Han Feng's arm and galloped away.

Moyun Mountain is actually a mountain range, covering an extremely vast area, and part of the area extends into the main vein of Jianyun Mountain Range, so it has many blessed places, and the aura is extremely abundant. In some places, the aura is even condensed into a crystallized state, suspended in the In the sky, it is shining brightly, which is amazing.

Ximen Dongqing led Han Feng around, and finally came to an uninhabited area after half an hour. The aura was extremely abundant, and there were many crystals hanging in the air, shining brightly and dazzingly, making flowers bloom before one's eyes.

Han Feng glanced around, but didn't see any buildings, he couldn't help but said in surprise, "This is my cave? There's nothing there, how can I live there!"

"What do you know, within three days, this place will become a cave of blessings. I will arrange for skilled craftsmen to help you build it. Just wait here. I'm leaving first, and I have to go home. "Ximen Dongqing left these words and left in a hurry, disappearing in an instant.

Han Feng opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and felt that the other party would not deceive him, so he simply dug a hole and sat cross-legged in it temporarily, thinking about the future quietly.

Although he has joined Mo Yunzong, it is obvious that he is far from being included in the real system by them. The reason why he is kept is more because he is useful. After all, he can draw the ninth-grade talisman so quickly like him Great talisman masters are extremely rare, not to mention that he is still a celestial talisman master with unlimited potential. At this critical moment, when Mo Yunzong is employing people, he can temporarily let go of his prejudices and accept him as an entry wall, so that he can be better controlled.

Han Feng himself chose to join, and of course he came here for the benefits that this place could bring him. Apart from that, he also repayed Ximen Dongqing's favor. Anyway, she saved his life and defended himself many times. Still a very good person, trustworthy.

"I don't know what kind of mission Mo Yunzong will arrange for me next?" Han Feng muttered to himself. He put away these distracting thoughts, slowly settled down, and began to practice silently.

Not long after, a large group of monks flew over.

Han Feng immediately opened his eyes, spread his soul power and scanned them around, and found that most of the people in this group were monks in the Qi storage state. leader.

There was also a middle-aged man with a goatee who received Han Feng's special attention, because of the fluctuating talisman power on his body, one could tell he was a formation mage, and his grade didn't seem to be low, at least rank seven.

Each of them has a storage ring. After landing, they took out a large pile of building materials and various components one by one. After measuring the size of the terrain, they began to build in a hurry.

Han Feng didn't show up, but stared at them with interest.

This is the first time he has seen monks build a house, and he found that they moved quickly and cooperated well. There was no gossip in the whole process. They were all a series of communication words, which were extremely efficient. After half an hour, a palace-like building frame It was built, and it was tens of feet in size.

Then, they intensively added various materials, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, burned runes, and arranged spirit-gathering magic circles. Before nightfall, a complete palace finally appeared, with yellow walls and green tiles, standing in the middle of this wilderness on the ground.

Han Feng calculated the time, and it only took about three hours for them to complete the whole building, which was horribly fast.

It is obviously not the first time that this group of people has carried out this work, and they are very skilled. After completing the interior and exterior layout of the palace, they began to inlay spirit stones and activate formations, so that the whole palace would emit a faint brilliance. Somewhat imposing.

After completing this step, they began to clean up the surrounding environment, straighten the peaks, build platforms, transplant flowers and trees, and arrange landscapes.

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