Jia Yuanxi's heart skipped a beat for no reason, his brows furrowed, and the soul power scattered into the realm of perfection swept across all directions, and even penetrated into the talisman light field formed by the tenth-grade talisman. Unfortunately, he failed to break through, and the soul power was bounced back. He could only withdraw this soul power silently.

At this moment, Han Feng suddenly rushed out from the talisman light, and the seven-colored soul power surged out from the center of his brow, instantly condensing a mysterious soul sword, which struck at Jia Yuanxi at top speed.

Jia Yuanxi's dead soul raged, and subconsciously manipulated the sharp knife to jump up to block Han Feng's colorful Xuanhun sword.

But in the next moment, something that surprised him happened, the seven-colored mysterious soul sword suddenly spread out, turning into thousands of mysterious soul needles, avoiding his sharp knife, and rushing towards his body.

"You are a crystal soul cultivator!" Jia Yuanxi suddenly came to his senses, and his reaction was quite unpleasant. He stretched out his hand and slapped his chest, and an armor suddenly appeared to protect his whole body.

The mysterious soul needles pierced his armor, making clanging noises, but they failed to break through. The mysterious soul needles bounced off one by one, and many of them were annihilated.

Han Feng was well-prepared, how could he escape this catastrophe? With the pinch of his hands, the mysterious soul needles immediately collapsed, pulling the spiritual energy in the sky to gather, and the runes were self-generated. The rune light soared, forming an area like a swamp Bind each other firmly.

This trick is exactly the Ninth Grade Talisman Spirit Swamp Talisman that he had mastered in the Talisman Soul Code before. This time he drew it in the air, and it immediately played a huge role. No matter how Jia Yuanxi struggled, it would not help, and he was trapped In the same place, it will be impossible to break free for a while.

As soon as Han Feng's technique changed, black flames began to condense above his head. After three breaths, a black fire mark about three inches in the shape of a duck egg appeared, and the surrounding black light shone, dazzling, and the void was distorted. It was extremely powerful, thousands of white marks spread all over the sky.

At this time, Jia Yuanxi was casting a secret technique, calling back his talisman and desperately slashing at the swamp runes around him. Cracked, it would have disintegrated if it hadn't repaired itself.

Han Feng saw that the opponent was about to get out of trouble, and knew that there was no longer any delay, so he immediately drove the black fire mark above his head to fly out, and smashed towards the opponent with the billowing black light wrapped around him.

Jia Yuanxi had already noticed Han Feng's move, and seemed to be aware of the terrifying power in it. He gritted his teeth, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of golden light, floating in the air. Under the urging of his seal formula, he instantly transformed into a The big golden seal suddenly imprinted on the spirit marsh talisman in front of him, causing it to collapse immediately, and a powerful and unparalleled force rushed out, just in time to collide with the black fire seal.

It's just a pity that he was still a step too late, causing the collision point of the two seals to be too far forward, and the surging energy storm filled the air. He was the first to bear the brunt and was directly blown away. Blood, a huge scar was split on the abdomen, almost cutting him in half!

His aura suddenly plummeted, but he didn't care about these things, he immediately activated the secret technique, turned his head and fled, and he was seven or eight thousand feet away with one breath.

Han Feng didn't dare to forcibly rush through the explosion area, but he didn't want to let the opponent go just like this. He unfolded his soul power, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and drew a spirit marsh talisman again in the air to trap the opponent, but because the distance was too far, The power is limited, and it was quickly cracked by the opponent regardless of the injury.

Jia Yuanxi vomited another mouthful of blood, and was about to fly away when suddenly large patches of red lightning appeared on the left and right sides, hundreds of thousands, densely packed, and struck him instantly, making him groan in pain.

It is the second ninth grade talisman in the Soul Talisman Code, the Thousand Thunder Talisman.

This talisman was so powerful that Jia Yuanxi was on the verge of collapsing, and he had no choice but to protect himself with a mouthful of golden core energy, forcefully rushed out of the lightning area, and fled desperately.

At this moment, Luo Xihai and Zhao Donglai appeared in the distance, rushing to meet Jia Yuanxi.

Han Feng was a little regretful that he failed to kill Jia Yuanxi, but he also knew that he should not stay for a long time, so he turned around and galloped away, fleeing.

Seeing this, Jia Yuanxi breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't dare to let go, relying on the golden core energy to support her body, she quickly flew towards Luo Xihai and Zhao Donglai.

After a while, the three of them gathered together. Luo Xihai looked at Jia Yuanxi and asked one after another: "Junior Brother Jia, are you okay? What happened just now? Aren't you attacking that traitor Han Feng? Why did you suddenly Turned into you and fled back?"

Jia Yuanxi was depressed at the moment, and did not answer his series of questions. He took out a few pills and took them immediately, and injected them into his body repeatedly to repair the injury.

After a while, Jia Yuanxi finally said: "He is a ninth-rank celestial talisman master. He can draw ninth-rank talismans in the air, and he can also cast a spell, which is extremely powerful. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and used it in advance. The Golden Core Qi is blocked, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

After a pause, he said again with a dejected expression: "But that's the case, it will be difficult for me to recover without three to five years of work. This time, I really lost a lot. It's not worth the money, it's a heavy loss!"

Luo Xihai and Zhao Donglai were amazed, and Zhao Donglai's face showed seriousness, and he suggested: "Let's report it to the suzerain quickly, this discovery is terrible, once he enters Mo Yunzong, he may become their guest, The status is extraordinary, and it will be even more difficult to shake at that time!"

Luo Xihai and Jia Yuanxi nodded again and again, and finally Luo Xihai took out the cyan disc-shaped thing and reported the information here.


Unknowingly, Han Feng flew thousands of miles away, passing through a grassland area, where the green grass was covered with swarms of strange beasts, rushing like a stream within the range of Han Feng's soul power, a scene full of vitality.

Han Feng was overjoyed, knowing that he was about to go to the territory of Mo Yunzong, as long as he passed through this ten thousand li grassland, he would be completely out of Liuyunzong's jurisdiction.

He galloped forward for thousands of miles without incident, and it can be said that victory is in sight.

However, at this moment, an extremely bright beam of light suddenly shot out from a very far distance in front of it, and shot straight into the sky, stirring up thousands of winds and clouds, and spreading for hundreds of miles.

Han Feng was so surprised that he didn't dare to run forward any more, he immediately changed direction, went around to the left, and fled quickly.

"Hmph, boy, you still want to run away, do you really think that there is no one in my Liuyun Sect?!" A cold snort came over, and it rang in Han Feng's ear like thunder, causing his soul to tremble slightly.

Han Feng looked sideways, his soul power spread out, covering hundreds of miles, and soon he saw that beam of light dissipating rapidly, and a figure leaped out from it, like lightning, spanning nearly a hundred miles in an instant, with lightning speed Unable to hide his ears, he rushed towards Han Feng.

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