Even so, Han Feng still felt dizzy for a while, that's why he gritted his teeth and wanted to attack this tea tree. The purpose was to distract Huang Yilong from attacking himself with the power of the White Fang Tower.

Sure enough, Huang Yilong had no choice but to take back the long knife and pour the power of the White Fang Pagoda into the body of the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree, lest it really break and collapse.

He couldn't bear that kind of consequences, and all the high-level officials in Langcheng couldn't face it.

In the White Tooth Pagoda, there are tens of thousands of points of crystal light, like starlight, and beams of light shoot down. Under Huang Yilong's control, all of them merge into the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree, allowing it to burst into vigorous vitality again. The wound on the torso slowly Healing, forming a dense blue light to protect his body.

In an instant, Han Feng's fist was greatly hindered, and his wound could no longer be enlarged.

With a flash in Han Feng's eyes, he immediately manipulated the broken sword back and held it with one hand. The soul power and the power of the sun in his body were poured into it unreservedly, and he stabbed directly at the trunk of the tea tree, rubbing against its blue light fiercely. Shooting in all directions, the void is distorted, and the colorful light is brilliant.

The Jasper Qingyuan tea tree was under tremendous pressure, and the green light was shrinking, as if it was no match for Han Feng's Broken Sword.

Huang Yilong let out an angry roar, and once again drove the talisman to shoot out, like lightning, it approached the top of Han Feng's head in the blink of an eye, but was blocked by a five-clawed golden dragon that suddenly rushed out from above Han Feng's head , on equal footing with each other, the stalemate burst out dazzling brilliance, the surrounding space of several feet was sunken, showing a mass of black light, and the terrifying power shot out, causing the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree to be severely damaged again, Layers of blue light defenses were disintegrating, the wound expanded again, green juice splashed everywhere, and was soon swallowed by the broken sword.

Han Feng could see clearly that Broken Sword was growing. Obviously, the green juice was effective on it. Although it was very slow, it was only improving slightly, but it was really getting stronger.

In this way, each other ebbs and flows, and the Broken Sword becomes sharper. With the injection of the same Sunshine Power and Soul Power, the energy it can release is even more astonishing, making the wound on the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree trunk sharp It only took more than ten breaths to expand, and it almost expanded to one-third of the width, causing Huang Yilong to see his canthus cracked, and his big eyes flashed with golden light.

"Dog thief, I will fight with you!" Huang Yilong yelled loudly, quickly forming formulas with both hands, a series of seal formulas penetrated into his body, and a dazzling light began to erupt from his abdomen, dazzling like the scorching sun, making people uncomfortable Dare to look directly.

Han Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, his soul power pulsated, and turned into a crystal filament-like existence, piercing straight there, arriving instantly, but he couldn't break through the barrier of the light curtain, he only detected everything there.

I saw Huang Yilong opened his mouth and spat out a ball of extremely bright light, like a big sun, releasing a majestic light that filled all directions, and all the spiritual energy was surging, swarming in, making his aura even stronger.

However, this ray of light seemed unusually heavy. Huang Yilong held the formula with trembling hands, urging the ray of light to rush towards Han Feng's direction.

Han Feng didn't dare to be careless, and immediately ignored the waves of the soul sea, released the rolling soul power, transformed into needles, condensed into a sword, and attacked the opponent with a sharp sound.

It's a pity that his attack was ineffective, and he was instantly overwhelmed by the dense light in front of him, unable to break through, let alone deal a blow to Huang Yilong.

Moreover, as the ray of light approached, he began to feel the majestic pressure, it was as if a thousand mountains were pressing down on the top, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"What kind of secret technique is this?!" Han Feng was startled and had no choice but to take a few steps back, controlling the broken sword in the air and continuing to charge forward, intending to cut off the tea tree.

Because, according to his search of Huang Xing's soul before he died, he learned that this tea tree is actually a demon tree. All Jasper Green Yuan teas are piled up with spiritual people or beasts. But it was caused by this tea tree sucking flesh and blood for many years. After all, a spiritual person or beast will have all kinds of negative emotions before death, and the resentment will be soaring. Over time, it invades the inside of the Jasper Qingyun tea tree. After a long time, it cannot be dispelled. , so that its branches and leaves begin to wither, and new tea leaves can no longer be formed.

In fact, this kind of lesion cannot be eradicated, it can only intensify its consumption of high-quality flesh and blood, and form an absolute force to suppress the outbreak of that resentment, lingering on.

The Loose Cultivator Alliance in Langcheng was completely blinded by the interests, and they dared to help the tyrants, wantonly captured all kinds of strange beasts or primordial beasts, and even some scattered monks, just to prolong the life of this demon tree, in order to continue to produce Jasper Qingyun tea.

It is no exaggeration to say that each piece of Jasper Green Yuan tea is forged by each individual life. What they drank before was not tea, but water of flesh and blood!

When Han Feng thought of this, he felt sick for no reason.

At this moment, whether it is for himself to escape or for the creatures outside, he has to persevere.

What's more, if the broken sword can devour the green juice of this tea tree, it is even more desirable. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, so why not do it.

Just as Han Feng was trying his best to persevere here, the ray of light spit out by Huang Yilong rushed over and suppressed all directions!

Han Feng could see clearly at this moment, in the endless light, there was a round bead suspended, the whole body was golden, like a fleshy heart, beating slightly, each beating burst out with majestic force, which made Han Feng feel A palpitation.

"This is Jindan!"

Han Feng knew its origin, but he didn't expect Huang Yilong to be so bold that he even sacrificed the golden elixir that he had condensed through hard work, no wonder it was so powerful.

However, Han Feng understood that the risk of doing so was too high, if he was not careful, it would be the end of Dan's destruction, and his life's cultivation would be in vain.

Moreover, the appearance of the golden core cannot last for a long time, and most monks can only last for a stick of incense at most. If they cannot be taken back into the dantian in time, the golden core will inevitably be damaged, ranging from serious spiritual loss to severe disintegration. Dan is ruined!

"Boom boom boom..."

Jin Dan got closer and closer, and the surrounding space was making loud noises. Thousands of white traces emerged, like spider webs, criss-crossing all directions, and the terrifying power raged everywhere. end.

Han Feng felt even stronger pressure, he could no longer control the Broken Sword to rush forward, he let it insert itself into the trunk of the tea tree, his hands were free to make a quick tactic, and he unleashed the power of subduing the dragon unreservedly, using all his strength Resist the squeezing force of the whole body like the ocean.

The five-clawed golden dragon on the top of the head is getting bigger, stretching out the long knife, flicking the dragon's tail, knocking it into the air, and then its tail is also getting longer, wrapping Han Feng tightly, the golden light soars, and dies Hold on to death.

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