The woman from the enemy's family raised her eyebrows, snorted coldly, withdrew the light of the flower, flicked her long sleeves, and flew away in an instant, without knowing where she was going in the blink of an eye.

Seeing her leave completely, Han Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked inside his soul sea and saw that the residual talisman was emitting a faint radiance covering his entire soul sea. Just a moment ago, the light of that flower It is impossible to penetrate into it to spy, even if there is information, it is wrong.

Han Feng was very thankful, if it wasn't for the broken talisman that just made a breakthrough and was able to hide his aura, the woman would have found out his horror just now, and the fact that he killed Qiu Tianyi would be exposed, then he would have died a hundred times. gave birth.

Han Feng was still terrified, but his face showed a dazed look. He suddenly spit out a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, stomped his feet, turned around and ran, and ran back.

He did this on purpose, in case the other party was still observing him secretly.

In fact, it was indeed the case. After the woman left, she hid secretly in the sky, at a distance of more than 1000 feet, peeped at Han Feng with the help of the Wanhun tracking disc, and could see his facial expression clearly, but still He couldn't see anything abnormal, so he had to give up temporarily, and flew forward, chasing the three casual cultivators.

After Han Feng turned around, he carefully avoided the Yuan beast and the monks, and ran for more than ten miles at a stretch. Finally, taking advantage of the darkness of night, he hid in a valley and dug a random cave in it to hide.

However, he couldn't calm down and close his eyes for a long time, because he was still thinking about his future plans, whether he should go back to Sanyemen, or if he went back, he would fall into a trap and die.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden loud noise in the distance, shaking in all directions, like an earthquake, and even the cave where he was in was shaking violently.

Han Feng was shocked, stood up quickly, and rushed out of the cave immediately. As soon as he came out, the cave behind him collapsed with a bang, dust and smoke rose everywhere.

Han Feng didn't care so much, he quickly took out a Fufeng Talisman and pushed it away, soaring up, standing at a height of tens of feet, looking towards the source of the sound.

At some point in the distance to the north, a large piece of extremely bright emerald light appeared, like a huge mountain-like lotus flower swaying slightly, layers of ripples of light continuously spread out, and from time to time, a little bit of golden light appeared, The golden coils converging into circles, perfectly combined with the green lotus, erupted with astonishing coercion, and the aura of heaven and earth with a radius of nearly a thousand miles was forming a gust of wind and rushed there one after another.

What's even more frightening is that the strange beasts around seemed to have gone mad, rushing into the light like moths to a flame, and disappeared in an instant.

The beast tide is back!

Han Feng immediately reacted, judged the situation a little bit, and saw that this time the beast horde started from the north, a large shadow swayed in the north, and the momentum formed soared into the sky, even if it exceeded the range covered by Han Feng's soul power , and clearly see the source.

He made a decisive decision and didn't dare to stay any longer. He turned around and galloped towards the south immediately, fearing that he would be overwhelmed by the continuously spreading light waves.

It's a pity that Han Feng had just flown more than ten miles away when a large bird appeared from nowhere in the sky and charged over. Beast-level ones, if they hadn't lost their minds, they would have rushed to attack Han Feng in advance.

At this moment, they completely blocked Han Feng's direction. Even if it was too late for him to change direction, he would still run into them.

"It's really unlucky!" Han Feng was so depressed that he could only turn around and fly to the place where Guangbo was with the flock of birds.

Of course, he still changed his direction a little bit, and galloped forward obliquely, only hoping to escape before the two pinched.

At this moment, he didn't dare to land on the ground rashly, because the group of birds were spewing out wind blades to attack all the scenery on the ground at this moment, with great hostility, as if they wanted to destroy everything in the world.

Han Feng struggled to support himself, and after the power of one Fufeng Talisman was exhausted, he immediately replaced it with another one, traveling nearly a hundred miles without knowing it.But he still couldn't get rid of them, a group of birds, but was pulled closer by them, and the three beast-level birds even stared at him.

"Quack quack..."

The three primordial beast-level birds made weird and unpleasant noises, and suddenly opened their mouths and sprayed out three blue light beams, as thick as barrels. The speed surpassed the speed of sound in an instant, and they shot straight at Han Feng.

Han Feng was horrified, and when he tried his best to move a talisman that he had prepared early in the morning, a strong wind came, and a pair of blue wings formed on both sides of him without even taking a breath. Can barely dodge the attack of the other party's three birds.

That talisman is exactly the five-element talisman Wind Wing Talisman in Qiu Tianyi's storage ring, and its speed is more than double the speed of sound. In a few flashes, Han Feng has gone more than ten miles away, and it is still going on. Going far away, he successfully avoided the pursuit of the birds, and also successfully avoided the danger of rushing into the light wave.

However, his face was pale and his eyes showed pain. It was obvious that he was under great pressure under such a high-speed operation. If he hadn't been physically strong, he might have been blown into powder by the raging wind.

He gritted his teeth and persisted, and flew for more than ten miles. Finally, his body couldn't hold it anymore. He just landed on the ground.

Han Feng quickly left the area and came to a high mountain. Looking at that direction, he saw a large number of strange beasts and even primordial beasts rushing towards the strange light, as if they were rushing into the water waves. It disappeared, and as the strange beasts plunged into it, the ray of light began to grow faster, as if being nourished. After half an hour, it had already covered a radius of five or six miles, becoming the most brilliant existence in the world , the breath is powerful and boundless, and the light fills the sky and the earth, even if it is more than a thousand miles away, it can be seen.

Han Feng looked at such a spectacle and remained motionless, thinking to himself what kind of divine object was there, it could devour so many beasts, it was too terrifying!

After a while, the miraculous light finally stopped growing, but the hordes of beasts from the sky and the ground in all directions still rushed into it one after another, without a trace.

At this moment, a large number of monks gathered dozens of miles away, waiting silently, waiting for an opportunity.Faced with such an adventure, no one can give up lightly even if they don't know what it is.

After another half an hour, the ray of light suddenly began to shrink, and it seemed that it no longer released that strange aura. All the beasts gradually stopped running, and the low-level beasts were even more at a loss. Walk.As for those primordial beasts, their eyes were bright, and they lingered endlessly around the ball of green lotus and golden light.

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