Regarding this, Han Feng also seriously consulted the monks standing here, but they couldn't explain clearly.Instead, an older monk standing in the distance said in a low voice that there might be a treasure in the city of Lu, and those alchemy old monsters didn't want to let it out, they didn't want to give Liuyunzong a piece of the pie, so they broke up with each other.

Moreover, the elder monk also said that if both sides had scruples, otherwise a great war would have broken out, so why would they torment these foreign monks like this.

Just as they were discussing, three people suddenly walked out from the back of the hall, each with a strong breath, and they were all fake alchemy monks.

Han Feng naturally didn't take it seriously, but the group of monks calmed down one by one, not daring to be presumptuous.

"Fellow daoists, it's hard work for you to come here. Huang is here to make the decision. After everyone passes the test, each of them can receive a middle-grade spirit stone as compensation for wasting everyone's time." Among the three, one in the middle A middle-aged man in a yellow robe suddenly spoke.

"City Master Huang, you're being polite." Many monks bowed their hands and became polite.

"A medium-grade spirit stone, who should I send?" Of course, there were also people who were secretly whispering with their soul power. If it wasn't for Han Feng's extraordinary soul power, they might not be able to catch it.

"That is, if it wasn't for the fact that there is a unique elixir produced in Langcheng, and I am in a hurry to use it, I still don't want to stay here?!" Someone echoed.

"Say a few words, be careful that there is a formation here that can eavesdrop on your sound transmission." An elderly monk moved his lips slightly, and said in a subtle sound transmission.

The two men tensed up, their faces suddenly froze, and they didn't dare to say any more.

Just at this moment, the man surnamed Huang from the Loose Cultivation Alliance finished his speech and made it clear that everyone would not be in danger. Then he waved his hand and said, "Activate the formation, start testing."

As soon as his words fell, the layers of lines on the floor of the lobby began to emit brilliance, which instantly enveloped the group of monks, forming an airtight field.

Han Feng felt the power of this field and felt that it was completely within his control, so he didn't struggle and let the formation continue to operate.

But the others were a little panicked and asked questions one after another.

The man surnamed Huang immediately responded loudly: "Everyone, don't panic, as long as you cooperate, Mr. Huang guarantees that you will not only have no problems, but you will also get a great opportunity! But if If you insist on not cooperating, then Huang will not force you, and will let you leave immediately, but we will keep our doubts on you, maybe one of you is a spy of Liuyun Sect!"

The other party has a soft and hard statement, under the coercion and temptation, they just told everyone to shut up, and didn't say any more. After all, at this moment, they dare not continue to talk nonsense. If you keep an eye on it, it will be really bad luck.

What's more, under the circumstances of internal and external troubles, it is expected that the Loose Cultivator Alliance would not dare to risk the disgrace of the world, and really take action against them.

After a while, the formation on the ground became stronger and stronger, forming a terrifying coercion and suppressing everyone.

A group of them seemed to be carrying a huge mountain on their backs, and many of the weaker monks bowed their backs slightly, not to mention speaking, even breathing was difficult at this time.

These people can only fight with all their strengths, and all kinds of exercises are in operation. After a while, monks show their feet. They use the exercises of Liuyunzong, which are quickly recognized by the senior members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Time is separated, and the power of manipulating the formation is treated differently, locking them in place and making it even more impossible for them to break free.

"I, I am wronged. My cultivation method is just a broken method from the Liuyun Sect. It is not orthodox. Are you trying to punish people on purpose!" A monk who was isolated suddenly burst into a powerful strength, struggling to shout.

"Gachao, deliberately concealing your strength, and even saying that you are not a spy of Liuyunzong, you think our Langcheng is a place where you can come and go when you want? Then you are wrong, our Loose Cultivation Alliance is not easy to pinch Persimmons!" A bearded man on the right of the monk surnamed Huang sneered.

After saying this, the bearded man stretched out his hand to make a formula, and shot at the man's position, immediately increasing the power of the formation, making him hunched over, gasping for breath, unable to move anymore. speech.

"Hmph, I won't play with you anymore, break it!" Just at this moment, another person who was isolated suddenly yelled, and quickly took out a weapon like a battle axe, and pointed it at the surrounding formations. Li Kuang slashed forward, bursting out with violent power, and directly smashed a path, but was instantly suppressed by the three people in Langcheng together, making him unable to move an inch.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There was a gust of wind, and a large number of monks rushed in, surrounded the place heavily, and then three of them held a small ivory-like tower, and under the white light, they walked into the formation without hindrance, and went to these isolated areas. Next to the monks who came, they were restrained one by one.

The rest of the people were also trying their best to resist the huge pressure, but after a while, they all fell down and prostrated themselves on the ground, also unable to move.

Han Feng acted as if nothing had happened, and allowed the formation to increase its strength. He stood motionless, straightened his body, and looked around. Clue, he found the location of the formation in less than a stick of incense.

It turns out that the position where the three fake alchemy monks are standing is the eye of the formation, and they are the three of them who are manipulating the formation and using the power of the formation to combine their strengths. At this moment, the energy fluctuations contained in this light are comparable to knots. Old monster Dan, of course, can't be completely compared with old monster Jiedan, after all, it is not so agile, it can only be compared in terms of strength.

However, this formation did not fully release this power, otherwise most of the monks here would collapse to the ground and never get up again.

But even so, a large group of people still fell, and there were only seven other people who could stand firm besides Han Feng.

Han Feng frowned slightly. He didn't understand what the Loose Cultivator Alliance was thinking at this moment. It shouldn't be just to find spies after spending so much effort.

Because, even if the Liuyun Sect really wants to plant spies, it is unlikely that they will actually find the disciples from their own sect's face, there will always be some disciples who are engaged in underground work that can be called.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's finish it." The man surnamed Huang glanced at the two people beside him, and said in a low voice.

The two of them nodded, and together with him, they worked out a series of magic formulas together, flying into the large light in the hall, and the magic circle gradually stopped and stopped working.

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