Lord of the Runes

Chapter 6 The Encyclopedia of Ordinary Talismans

With the help of the information conveyed to him by the white jade plaque, Han Feng came to a magnificent complex of buildings without a gate or plaque, but Han Feng knew that this was his new residence and workplace. up.

The apprentices of the Spirit Talisman Hall in the northern part of the outer gate all live here, so it has a famous name called Zhuziju.

In the Sanyemen, there are outer gate halls of talisman in the four directions of southeast, north and west, and the middle position belongs to the inner gate hall of talisman.According to the information in the white jade plaque, apprentices have the opportunity to become official disciples of this hall every three years, but it is really one in a hundred. Only the top 1 apprentices among the more than [-] apprentices can be selected, and they must be able to refine a first-class disciple. Talismans are the only way to do it. If everyone's level is very poor in a certain year, and none of them can refine first-grade talismans, then none of them will be admitted, and they will be selected for the next round.In addition, all apprentices only have three chances to be selected. If they fail to be selected in the three rounds, they can only be converted into preliminary disciples. Even if they break through and become a third-grade talisman master, they can be exceptionally selected as outer disciples. You have to rely on your own hard work in exchange for it, and the treatment is worse than that of apprentices.

As soon as Han Feng walked into this area, someone walked towards him. This man was tall and big, like a door panel, but he was not fat, his face was resolute, and his facial features were correct, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Not angry but mighty.

"You are Junior Brother Han, right? My name is Mu Ziya." The big man said in a low voice.

Han Feng was a little surprised, why someone knew his name when he came here, but soon realized that someone had notified the people here.He straightened his face immediately, smiled slightly, clasped his fists in salute and said, "I've met Senior Brother Mu."

"Haha, they are all brothers from my own family, so there is no need to be formal. Elder Diao from Zhuzilou sent me a message just now, and I rushed out. I happened to meet you, so I will take you to your residence." Mu Ziya laughed. road.

Han Feng nodded and followed him.

Mu Ziya was tall and thick, but he could speak well. Along the way, he told Han Feng many things that he would encounter among apprentices. His words were humorous, and Han Feng laughed from time to time.

Not long after, the two of them came to a small hill. There was a main road leading directly to the top of the hill in the middle. Stone houses were lined up on both sides of the main road. Each house was several feet in size and surrounded by greenery. The No. [-] handyman circle is much better again.What's more, each apprentice has his own stone house.

Han Feng was a little surprised, because each stone house is equipped with an independent spirit-gathering circle, and it is still a second-grade spirit-gathering circle, which is much stronger than the first-grade spirit-gathering circle shared by the handyman circle. Will be stronger.

"Okay, this No. [-] stone house just happens to be empty, so you'll live here from now on. You're new here, so you should get acquainted with the introductory talisman books in the past three days. Afterwards, the handyman disciple will give you spiritual materials to make talismans. The paper belongs to Fu Mo. Your identity jade token is the key to this stone house, I still have something to do, so I will go first." Mu Ziya smiled faintly, turned and left.

After Han Feng watched the other party go away, he took out the white jade token and shook it lightly in front of the stone house door. The two thousand-jin stone doors opened slowly with a rattling sound. Han Feng stepped in, and then the stone doors closed automatically.

It is not stuffy at all, and has a clear layout, three rooms and one living room, one is the living room, one is the practice room, one is the talisman making room, and the other is the rest room.Both the practice room and the talisman-making room were equipped with spirit-gathering circles, especially the talisman-making room, which was connected to the ground fire. The heat wave was rolling under a copper furnace, but Han Feng didn't feel the heat. Confined, the heat cannot escape.

"The Talisman Formation is really everywhere." Han Feng was a little emotional, and immediately changed into the apprentice's costume of the Spirit Talisman Hall, and began to carefully read the book that Elder Diao gave him.

A volume of mortal talismans!

The way of talismans is vast and almost endless. In order to facilitate inheritance, after countless years of accumulation and sorting, the cultivation world gradually divides the way of talismans into ordinary ranks, spiritual ranks, and heavenly ranks, and the ordinary ranks are divided into twelve ranks. Corresponding to a state of soul power, but it is not certain that one can draw a talisman of the corresponding rank with that state of soul power. For example, Han Feng is currently in the early stage of his soul power, and it is impossible for him to draw a talisman of the first rank. His soul power cultivation has reached the middle stage of first peeping, and he has not yet been able to draw a first-grade talisman, because the way of talisman requires talent and hard work.

This book is only the first volume. Apart from a brief introduction to these levels, most of the pages are devoted to how to make talisman paper and talisman ink. This is the material for refining talismans, and it is also a skill that apprentices must master. Who will provide the talisman paper and talisman ink for the master, can't the talisman master make it himself?They also have their own tasks to complete.

Han Feng concentrated on flipping through this book, and spent two days in the stone house learning the basics of the way of talismans. Fortunately, he was able to remotely send a message to the kitchen through the stone house, and let the servants deliver meals, which greatly saved his training time. time.

This is the benefit of the Hall of Spirit Talismans. Even if it is just an apprentice, as long as it is convenient for them to practice, the sect will arrange it properly.

What's more, what Han Feng didn't know was that not long after he left the No. Apprentice, even if there were real evidence, the Supervisory Office didn't dare to investigate and could only report it to the Law Enforcement Hall, not to mention that the person who made the report couldn't produce strong evidence, he just said that he saw Han Feng and Sun Qiang together that night.As a result, the Supervisory Office didn't even dare to report it to the Law Enforcement Hall. Everyone knew that the Spirit Talisman Hall was the most protective, and its position in the sect was detached. No department dared to provoke them.If it was changed to the Artifact Refining Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall would make things difficult from time to time.

Three days later, Han Feng put down the book in his hands with his eyes red. He finally mastered the knowledge of making talisman paper and talisman ink, and it was only a matter of practice.

He had a good rest that night, woke up on time the next morning, and practiced Qi Ning Ba Gua Palm in the practice room. He started practicing the second palm of Qi Ning Ba Gua Palm three days ago, Bao Qi Palm, but it was too late. There is no mystery in it, every time the two palms pass by each other, when they are about to strike, the aura that has been condensed with great difficulty will collapse, and it is impossible to strike the air-holding palm along the way.

However, he was not discouraged, and continued to practice for an hour every day, and gradually seemed to improve, and he believed that he could always succeed.

He had just finished practicing, when the jade badge on his waist suddenly buzzed. He took it out and saw that it was the spiritual materials for refining talisman paper and talisman ink. He hurried to a groove on the left wall in front of the stone gate There was already a large bag of things on it, and it was bound by a golden rope, which he couldn't untie with his bare hands. Later, he took the jade tablet and shook it up, and the light flashed, and the golden rope was automatically loosened.When he felt strange, he quickly opened it. Except for a gleaming talisman pen, the rest were a large pile of animal skins and various spiritual materials, such as purple spirit flowers, Yunling grass, star spirit wood, etc., all of which contained Material with great spiritual power.

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