Fortunately, this light and shadow didn't make any other moves towards Han Feng. Instead, they folded their hands together. Under the soaring light, it seemed to quickly strike a trick.

Immediately afterwards, two classics appeared beside her without warning, shining brightly.

Han Feng could see clearly that those were the two classics of Fudanhualianfa and Lingjingjingjue. At this moment, they were changing into two clusters of light, beams of light blasted in all directions, setting off gusts of wind!

With a wave of that light and shadow, the light transformed by the two groups of classics suddenly spun rapidly, forming a vortex-like light group, and a strong suction emerged, acting on Han Feng's body in an instant, causing him to float involuntarily Get up and rush towards this vortex.

"What is she going to do?!" Han Feng was terrified, not knowing what to do.

After a while, he was completely submerged in this light group, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all. He faintly felt the space fluctuating slightly. This light group seemed to be a teleportation circle.

Constructing a space magic circle with bare hands, what a powerful force it is!

Han Feng sighed unceasingly, feeling that he really met a powerful person, and she was a woman, and he didn't know which era it was.

"Trialist of the Three Flower Realm, you have passed the test, I will send you away. After you are promoted to the rebirth realm, you can come here to find me again!" Just as Han Feng was secretly guessing her identity, a voice rang in his ear. The sound transmission, as soon as the voice fell, he felt a whirlwind, and then completely disappeared in this secret room.


I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long time.

When Han Feng regained his senses, he found himself lying in a swamp covered in mud. He didn't know when he fell here.

And at this moment, there were already seven primordial beasts and three-eyed blue wolves gathered around, and they were about to attack.

Han Feng shuddered, he must have been here for a while, otherwise how could he meet these three-eyed blue wolves by such a coincidence?

Moreover, the terrifying coercion on his body has completely subsided at this moment, just like a mortal, but without deliberate control, the exuberant blood in his body will inevitably overflow a little, and it will attract some ferocious beasts over time.

Han Feng quickly took a look inside and found that he was in excellent condition and there was nothing wrong with him.


At this moment, there was a roar, and one of the three-eyed blue wolves rushed over, as if to test it.

It has to be said that this group of three-eyed blue wolves are not only powerful, each of them is comparable to a body refiner in the perfect state of subduing a tiger, but they are also very cautious and cunning. Literacy.

Han Feng snorted slightly, the violent coercion was released, and immediately set off gusts of wind, which turned into a storm and bombarded the swamp area with a radius of several tens of feet. The three-eyed blue wolf can only be compared with ordinary Guiyuan perfect monks. Naturally, it is not an all-in-one enemy. Just a face-to-face, it turned into a cloud of blood mist, which was terrible.

The other six-headed and three-eyed blue wolves on the periphery turned pale with fright, with a look of panic in their eyes, and fled in despair.

However, their speed could not escape at all, the storm that Han Feng set off caught up with them in an instant and swallowed them mercilessly.

When everything calmed down, all the three-eyed blue wolves disappeared without a trace, leaving only a large pit with a radius of one hundred feet, which spread out in a bowl shape to all sides. There were many gullies, and a large number of surrounding trees fell down, and the branches and leaves splashed in all directions.

Han Feng had already stood up, and his soul power quickly spread out, covering hundreds of miles. With a slight shock, all the creatures in this area immediately felt his presence, and immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling.

Han Feng frowned. He found that even the primordial beasts in this area were not strong, and most of them were only equivalent to the monks in the middle and late stages of Guiyuan. Instead, the group of three-eyed blue wolves just now were considered strong here.

He sensed the concentration of aura in this place a little bit, and found that it was far less aura than in the White Crocodile Valley, as if he was no longer in the main vein.

He thought for a while, then quickly took out the voice stone that Lin Xiaoyue gave him, silently injected soul power, it brightened slightly, but then quickly dimmed, and it turned out to be invalid.

Han Feng's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect that he was already more than a million miles away from Lin Xiaoyue, that is to say, he had completely left the White Crocodile River Valley, and he didn't know where he was at all.

"However, it's a good thing. At least it avoids the edge of those aristocratic families." Han Feng thought about it, and couldn't help but relax.

He immediately soared into the air, with an extremely fast speed, he rushed thousands of feet in an instant, and disappeared into the sky within a few flashes.


In less than a stick of incense, Han Feng traveled nearly [-] miles to the outside of a big city. After tens of miles away, he landed, restrained his breath, and walked over there.

In fact, he saw a lot of small towns during this period, but after he scattered his soul power, he found that it was only a place where ordinary monks gathered, and most of them were mortals. Naturally, he would not come to that kind of place, after all, it was of no value.

Han Feng seemed to be walking very slowly, but in fact, one step was more than ten feet away, and he walked out of the current forest in a short time, so he deliberately controlled his speed and walked slowly.

He came to the gate of the city, followed a group of monks in the Qi storage state, and slowly lined up to enter the city.

While queuing up, Han Feng didn't stay idle, so he inquired casually to learn about the situation of the city in front of him.

It turns out that this city is called Luocheng, and it is the largest city in this mountain range with a radius of [-] li. However, it does not belong to any sect, but was established by a group of scattered cultivators.

"I didn't expect to come to the area where casual cultivators are again!" Han Feng shook his head and smiled, paid a low-grade spirit stone to the guard, and walked into the city on his own.

After Han Feng entered, he wandered around casually, looking left and right, but he didn't let go of his soul power to scan. Although his current soul power covers a radius of four to five hundred miles, it can completely cover the entire city, but He was worried that it would attract the attention of other strong men, after all, he didn't know if there was an old monster of alchemy here.

Of course, even if there is the old monster of forming alchemy or other dragon-subduing warriors, with his current strength, he has nothing to be afraid of, but after all, he doesn't want to start a big war when he just came to such a strange place. After all, it is completely unnecessary .

He wandered around for a while, sold a few fourth-grade spirit pills in a pill workshop, exchanged for some spirit stones, and then found an inn to stay.

This inn is only at a medium level, and the relevant supporting facilities will naturally not be much better, so Han Feng can only make do with it.

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