Lord of the Runes

Chapter 595 Ninth Grade Pill Achievement

Han Feng frowned, thought carefully, repeatedly deduced, recalled the previous four refining processes in his mind at high speed, compared and analyzed them one by one, trying to find out the clues.

Half a month later, his eyes were red, and he had calculated various changes, but he was not sure which plan was the best.

He can only continue to experiment now. If luck breaks out and hits the right one, then he will succeed.

The fifth time Han Feng refined Muyang Pill, he still used the configuration plan of the second time, but he fine-tuned the amount of some spiritual materials, according to his deduction, trying to reach the most reasonable level.

In a short while, the liquid medicine in the alchemy furnace was suspended, and all the impurities of the spiritual materials were eliminated, and the blazing light diffused out, scorching and shining, and emitted a strong fragrance, filling the entire secret room.

Han Feng's expression was dignified, and he tightly grasped the magic formula in his hand. The medicinal liquid flowed out and quickly formed a lotus flower shape, and the colorful brilliance overflowed everywhere, which was incomparably gorgeous.

Han Feng stared nervously at the medicinal lotus, but after ten breaths, there was no collapse, and it was steadily absorbing the energy of the three-color fire. As time went by, the color became more and more intense. deep.

After another ten breaths, he manipulated the shape of the lotus to shrink inward, and gradually condensed into a thumb-sized elixir, but there was no lotus pattern on the surface, and the color was dull.

Han Feng held it in his hand, observed it carefully, and even released his soul power to penetrate into it, trying to decipher its medicinal power structure and find out its flaws.

He pondered over and over for a long time, but he couldn't find a way to build the medicinal power of this elixir.

It's right to think about it, after all, this ninth-grade pill is more powerful and condensed more firmly. After it is formed, it will not be able to decompose its construction method in a short time. If it is so simple, many high-level There is no need to worry about not being able to refine the elixir.

Thinking of this, Han Feng suddenly put this Muyang Pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

At the same time, he quickly looked inside to track the changes of this Muyang Pill.

He was defying the law, trying to see some clues in the process of releasing the rolling medicinal power with the help of this Muyang Pill, so as to obtain the mystery of it.

Han Feng's soul power surged out like a tide, closely following the situation after the Muyang Pill entered his stomach.

Under the oppression of the energy in his body, this Muyang Pill burst rapidly, and a large amount of medicinal power spewed out, colorful and incomparably blazing, just like a volcano erupting, and the scorching flames rushed in all directions.

With a thought in Han Feng's mind, the energy in his body was mobilized, firmly imprisoning the medicinal power so that they would not spread.

His soul power followed closely, rushed into this group of medicinal power, and carefully analyzed it.

Sometimes he frowned, sometimes laughed, sometimes screamed, and sometimes his eyes lit up, but in the end he returned to his expression of sinking water, as if he had encountered a difficulty.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Feng's expression became more serious, as if something terrible had happened to him.

He suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of air, which was exactly the medicinal power of the Muyang Pill that he swallowed just now, but now it has become black, like a poisonous mist.

Han Feng showed an expression of lingering fear. Fortunately, he controlled it in time. If he really spread this pill all over his body, even his physical body would suffer great trauma.

It is obvious that there is a big problem with this Muyang pill, it is not a qualified pill, it can even be said to be poison.

It's not that Han Feng got nothing, at least in this process, knowing the changes in the potency of this elixir in detail provided a good sample for his next step of refining.

Then, he meditated for another half an hour, carefully reviewing the various changes, and summed up a new matching plan for spiritual materials.

Although he was not 100% sure yet, at least he felt more at ease, and immediately started the sixth refining.

Open the furnace, divide the fire, add medicine, make liquid, and turn into lotus.

These steps were completed in one go, and in less than a quarter of an hour, the medicinal liquid turned into the shape of a lotus flower again, shining brightly and beautifully.

This time, Han Feng held back his breath, and let the liquid medicine lotus spin around, absorbing the energy of the three-color fire as much as possible, and the radiance became more intense and dazzling.

After a full hundred breaths, Han Feng began to slowly control the liquid lotus to shrink inward, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually condensed into a pill, and the lotus pattern gradually emerged on the surface.

Han Feng was delighted to see it, but he didn't dare to let go of the tactic in his hands. He held it carefully, for fear that his previous efforts would be wasted due to one of his mistakes.

In less than ten breaths, the elixir was completely formed, the brilliance was completely restrained, and it was still spinning in the elixir furnace, and the dark fragrance flowed.

Han Feng was overjoyed. With a twist of his wrist, his soul power dispersed, and he pulled the Muyang Pill out and landed it in his hand.

He looked at it carefully, and saw that the elixir was simple and unadorned, with a lotus flower blooming on the surface, but it was shining with brilliance.

He finally made it.

Han Feng knew that he was able to complete the refining of the ninth-grade elixir in such a short period of time. In fact, he had accumulated a lot of money. The 27 years of work in that mysterious small world were not in vain. A solid foundation, while achieving the ninth-grade talisman, also paved the way for this alchemy.

Especially this method of talisman transforming lotus, which is obviously the connection between talisman and alchemy. For Han Feng, it is really suitable.

He let out his soul power to infiltrate it and swept it lightly, only to see that it contained golden light like an ocean, full of Sheng Lie's pure medicinal power, it was definitely a great tonic.

Over the years, he has not acquired the great medicine, but he has rarely had the great medicine pill, and even if there is, it has already been used up, otherwise he would not be forced to refine the pill by himself.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and finally allowed him to successfully refine the ninth-grade elixir. With such an achievement, even if he went to a large sect, he could still hold an important position, comparable to an elder.

At least in the White Crocodile Valley, ninth-rank alchemists are still very rare. They can be called great pharmacists, and they are top talents that are contested by all parties.

Han Feng calmed down his excitement a bit, put away the elixir, immediately turned around and left the secret room, and walked right into the middle one.

Before he came to the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, he picked it up and read it carefully again to make sure that there was nothing missing and nothing would go wrong.

Three days and three nights later, Han Feng sat down cross-legged, adjusted his breath silently for a while, then took out the Muyang Pill, swallowed it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it.

After the elixir entered his body, it immediately dissolved under the action of the rolling elemental force, spewing out the incomparably violent pure elemental power like a volcanic eruption, instantly filling his entire body, making him feel like he was in a sea of ​​flames generally.

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