Lord of the Runes

Chapter 59 Jade Cloud Beast

The two daughters of the Sanyemen were all trembling from the shock, and Situ Shaomei couldn't stabilize her figure, she stepped back more than ten steps, her face turned blue, she was actually injured, but she had a strong temper, so she held back Did not vomit blood.

The other two casual cultivators were overjoyed when they saw this, one left and one right rushed out, one swung his fist, and the other swung his long sword, with a surge of aura, they attacked the two girls.

Situ Shaomei quickly took out a talisman from her waist, and the talisman was activated in a flash of light. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a wall of fire several feet wide and rushed forward.

The casual cultivator in white didn't say a word, raised his sword and slashed, bursting out a sword light that was several feet long, cutting the wall of fire spurred by Situ Shaomei in half.And the casual cultivator with thick eyebrows and big eyes shot dozens of light red fist shadows in an instant, each fist shadow was about a foot wide, like a big casserole, hitting the fire wall, making a loud bang.

Situ Shaomei had no choice but to take out another talisman, which turned into a wall of fire after activating it, overlapped to block the incoming sword light and fist shadow, and stopped it in a daze.

The rogue cultivator in the center didn't make a move, but stared at the innocent girl in the Sanyemen who had not moved. After a long while, he suddenly laughed and said, "So you were injured, haha!"

After saying this, he rushed out, stretched out his hand and shot continuously, the shadow of his palm fluttered, and the spiritual energy swelled all over the sky, forming a strong wind, rushing towards their two daughters like a wind and thunder.

Situ Shaomei turned pale with shock. Regardless of her injuries, she suddenly took a few steps forward to block the innocent girl, and instantly activated a talisman with flickering yellow light. In the field, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The shadow of the palm slapped by the short casual cultivator immediately fell into the air, and hit the place where the two of them had just stood, immediately blasting a big hole, splashing mud and dust all over the field.

"You two cunning little girls, they've been scaring us all along!" said the casual cultivator in white.

"Brother, are we still chasing him?" asked the casual cultivator with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Forget it, after dismembering the Biyun Beast and packing it, let's leave here quickly." The short casual cultivator looked around and said without much hesitation.

The two people looked at each other without any further hesitation, and immediately turned to the Biyun Beast that was lying on the ground, and just as they were about to dismember it, a figure suddenly rushed out from the forest with incomparable speed.

The two of them turned pale with fright, and launched attacks one after another, but under the terrifying speed of the other party, they dodged one by one, and only heard a whoosh, and the casual cultivator with thick eyebrows and big eyes was knocked out. He flew several feet away like a sandbag, spat out blood, as if he had been hit by a mountain, his whole body was broken, and he lay limp on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

The casual cultivator in white was terrified, thinking that he had encountered a human-shaped beast, and retreated in a hurry, but just as he lifted his feet and turned around, he flew back with a loud bang, his head was full of confusion, his body was in severe pain, and his internal organs seemed to be It seemed to be torn apart, and then the eyes went black, and he passed out.

"Are you a disciple of Sanyemen?" The short, casual cultivator stepped back a few steps as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and stared at the comer who stopped walking with piercing eyes.

The person who came was Han Feng. He raised his eyes and glanced at him, and said calmly, "You dare to snatch the belongings of my Sanyemen disciple, you don't want to live anymore? Get lost!"

The casual cultivator trembled slightly. At that moment just now, he felt the abyss-like coercion of the other party, as if he could kill himself in the next instant, but this feeling seems to only be felt by the strong in the returning state , Could it be that he is a strong man in the Guiyuan Realm?

He was puzzled, but without the slightest hesitation, he quickly helped the two casual cultivators who had fallen to the ground, and fled in embarrassment.

Seeing that the two of them were far away, Han Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, took out a elixir and took it, suppressing the turbulent blood in his body. Knocking the two of them into the air, and relying on the strong soul power, he stunned the casual cultivator with perfect Qi storage, but also received a strong counter-shock force, and did not dare to leave the last one behind. After all, through the observation just now, the opponent is not an ordinary person. Even if Han Feng's strength is greatly increased, if he really wants to fight, even if he can win, he will have to pay some price. He still wants to keep a few more fourth-grade talismans for body protection.

"Hey, this time I'm a bit overextended." Han Feng grinned, mocking himself.

But he just laughed it off, then turned around, put the Zhang Xu long body of the green cloud beast into his storage bag with fiery eyes, and then walked away, disappearing into the forest again.

I don't know how long it took, when the sky was getting dark, a figure suddenly descended from the sky, I saw that she was holding a jade plate, her appearance was extremely beautiful, after she landed, she quickly poured a formula into the jade plate, and immediately the jade plate once again bloomed with a white flower. Light flowers, a little colorful glow emerges from the stamens, swaying slightly, as if echoing with the surroundings.

"It's really fast!" The beautiful woman frowned slightly, but she didn't show any signs of discouragement. She once again pressed the jade plate in her hand to follow Han Feng's whereabouts.

Not a moment later, she put away the formula, soared into the sky again, and flew to the northeast, without a trace in an instant.

That night, Han Feng found another cave to rest, sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and recovered his energy.

After a while, he suddenly frowned, and quickly immersed himself in the sea of ​​souls, and the residual talisman appeared, emitting a slight white light.

Han Feng observed carefully, and found that its branch line could be closed with only a trace left. Obviously, after absorbing the true energy and soul power in Qiu Tianyi's body, it has made great progress in repairing that branch line.This time it appeared suddenly, probably to remind Han Feng to help it.

Han Feng pondered for a while, opened his eyes, and took out a bottle of pill from Qiu Tianyi's storage ring. After carefully identifying it, he chose a bottle of pill named Shuiyan Pill. He knew that this bottle of pill was made by Shuiyan. The miraculous medicine refined from fruit as the main medicine contains great spiritual power, which can greatly improve the human body's aptitude, but has almost no side effects.However, this kind of elixir is generally given to those who are strong in the Guiyuan Realm. Even if the monks in the Qicang Realm can have it, they dare not swallow it rashly. After all, the spiritual power is too abundant, and the eater will explode and die.

Of course, Han Feng didn't need to worry about this problem. Without much hesitation, he unscrewed the bottle cap, poured out a red and green elixir, and swallowed it with his head raised.

The Water Flame Pill melted in his mouth, and Han Feng's body was enveloped in a ball of boiling medicinal power in an instant, making him feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, the residual charm immediately released a mysterious suction force, sweeping away all the medicinal power in his body like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Devoured.

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