Lord of the Runes

Chapter 588 The Gate

"Boom boom boom..."

The area where Han Feng was located completely collapsed, the passage collapsed, and only a dark light cluster was seen flashing. It didn't take long for it to disappear without a trace.

"Is he dead?" Yan Yanfang stared at the position and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. Just now, the formation was running rapidly, and it seemed to protect him at the last moment. It may have been pulled into the underground palace by the formation, or it may have been wiped out!" The eyeball rolled, emitting a green light, The ghost king's deep voice sounded.

"The passage has been destroyed, so can I still enter it?" Yan Yanfang regained her composure and asked again.

"It's not enough for the time being. The big formation here is fully functioning. This seat crosses the interface. Even if it is a strong attack, it will be powerless to break through. We can only wait. Maybe this place will return to calm after a while, and then we will think about it." Ghost King said nothing. said emotionally.

In fact, there was a fire in his heart, especially because of a little bug like Han Feng, which made him even more furious.But now that he failed, he had to calm down and give Yan Yanfang an explanation, after all, she still represents the ghost princess.

Of course, if the ghost king knew that Yan Yanfang had already fallen out with the princess of the ghost clan, maybe he would not think so.

Yan Yanfang was a little displeased, but she couldn't vent it at this time, she sighed quietly, and said in a low voice: "That's a pity, my soul power is limited, I can't last so long, I can't wait for that time!" If so, she should withdraw her soul power injection first.

"Since this is the case, I will temporarily resign. I hope you can rescue Her Highness as soon as possible. This family has a big plan and needs Her Highness's support. In less than a hundred years, our family will return to this world and dominate the world. !” Said the ghost king.

After saying that, the eyeball rolled a few times, then quickly dimmed, and at the same time became smaller and smaller, disappearing without a trace in a breath.

At the same time, the green light around completely dissipated, and the peak returned to calm, leaving only the stone tablet still flickering, and the formation was still running.

Yan Yanfang's face was full of bitterness, she looked up at the stele, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

She stood on the top of the lonely peak, unwilling to leave for a long time.

I don't know how long after, suddenly there was a wave of vibration from the bottom of the mountain, and another person came out, it was Li Xuanyuan, he saw Yan Yanfang standing there, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, originally he thought he was the one who came first.

After all, there are so many obstacles in the hall, and all kinds of challenges are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and those without foundation cannot break through.

Li Xuanyuan himself had exhausted his mind and spent a lot of secret treasures to successfully walk out of the hall, and used another magic weapon bestowed by the ancestors of the clan to break through the colorful lights in the mist below and climb to the top smoothly.

"Fairy, I didn't expect you to come out early and successfully climb to the top. It's really not easy!" Li Xuanyuan walked up to the peak and said.

Yan Yanfang didn't look him in the eye, she was indifferent and speechless, she stood quietly by the side, silently recovering her soul power.

He observed Yan Yanfang's facial expression, and when he saw Yan Yanfang's expression was not very good, he immediately stopped in his footsteps, not getting too close, secretly on guard.

Then, he looked up at the shining stone tablet again, and said without words: "Finally, I saw this legendary stone tablet, isn't it simple and unpretentious? Why did it light up this time? I don't know." Can we enter the Da Neng Cave Mansion?"

"You are one step late, Han Feng has already entered." Yan Yanfang said expressionlessly.

Li Xuanyuan was taken aback when he heard this sentence, almost jumped up, and shouted loudly: "How is it possible?!"

This is a big event, no wonder he lost his composure.For so many years, only Venerable White Crocodile has successfully entered it, and no other monks have entered it, even the powerful men of Yuxianzong have no choice, otherwise it would not be their turn to come here to find opportunities.

"Believe it or not, he just went in anyway." Yan Yanfang said with a frosty face.

Li Xuanyuan calmed down, his face was uncertain, he suddenly asked, "Why didn't you go in, fairy?"

Yan Yanfang suffocated for a moment, she glanced at him coldly, she was worrying about this point, this guy is so ignorant, he doesn't open which pot he doesn't open and lifts which pot, this is not intentional.

Looking at her expression, Li Xuanyuan felt baffled, vigilant, and involuntarily took precautions.

"I thought so too, but it's a pity I missed a step!" Naturally, Yan Yanfang would not make an enemy for herself for no reason, so she quickly adjusted her mentality, turned her face away, and responded in a low voice.

"What's going on? Could it be because the stele is shining?" Li Xuanyuan couldn't figure it out, so he stepped forward involuntarily and released his soul power to investigate.

But when his soul power touched the stone tablet, it was immediately bounced back by a strange force, shaking his soul, making him startled and afraid to try again.

"Well, that's true, Han Feng was wrapped up by the power of the formation here!" Yan Yanfang nodded and replied.

In fact, it was true. If it wasn't for the sudden luminescence of the stele to protect Han Feng, he would have been pulverized by the ripples in space, and there would be no such thing as him.

When Yan Yanfang thought of this, the hatred in her heart was overwhelming, but it was like the water of a river being bound in a long embankment, and she couldn't vent it, which almost caused her internal injuries.

"Then what should we do?" Li Xuanyuan looked regretful.

"Wait!" Yan Yanfang gritted her teeth, as if she was answering Li Xuanyuan, but also telling herself.


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

The moment Han Feng was enveloped by the glowing light of the stele, he felt warm all over his body, as if he had been supplemented by some power from the same source. The space ripples in the sky were submerged, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

The next moment, he only felt that his eyes went dark, and then suddenly brightened, and he came to a stone room.

He stood still, looked left and right, and found that this stone room was exactly the one he had seen through the space gap before.

It's just that right now he is here, and he feels his own insignificance even more. This stone room is really too big, with a length, width and height of a hundred feet, like a cube, surrounded by pillars.

Han Feng counted them carefully, and there were exactly one hundred and eight pillars, each of which was nine feet thick, engraved with images of dragons and phoenixes, lifelike and incomparably lifelike. tall.

Han Feng didn't dare to look too much, the light here dazzled him a little, only the two doors directly in front were relatively less glaring.

He walked over quickly, came to the gate, looked up carefully, and released his soul power to investigate.

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