Lord of the Runes

Chapter 579 Crystallization

Han Feng secretly sighed. In his mind, he should be able to succeed if he survived nine bolts of lightning, but he was short of the last one.

This situation has happened more than ten times, but he can't solve it for a while, so he can only bury his head in cultivation and try again and again.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Han Feng fell asleep once. He dreamed of a big river flowing through the chaos. He didn't know where it came from or where it went. It seemed that there was no beginning and end, which was very strange.

He didn't dare to get close to this big river, because the aura it exuded was extremely majestic, and he felt that he could clearly feel the fluctuations it transmitted from an infinite distance away, which was soul-stirring.

Han Feng was ups and downs in the vast chaos. This time, he didn't enter any continent. He just drifted like this for two or three months. Finally, he was hit by a ray of light that suddenly emerged from the chaos and lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that his soul body had shrunk by nearly half again, and his entire abdomen had been completely crystallized, shining brightly and extremely dazzling.

He didn't waste any time, barely rested, and stretched out his hand to draw in the air again, sketching most of the ninth-grade talisman like a wild horse, crossing the sky moat, and then controlling the soul dragon to break through seven lightning attacks in a row.

During the slashing of the eighth lightning, he swallowed the power of the lightning, put him to death and then came back to life, and came to the ninth lightning in one go.

Han Feng crossed his hands, his fingers moved quickly, the crystal light of his soul body exploded, and the majestic and pure soul power poured into the dragon, causing scales to emerge from its body, shining brightly, resisting the bombardment of the ninth thunder and lightning , crackling.

The dragon is changing in depth, but the speed is still a bit slower. The ninth thunderbolt is extremely powerful, smashing its scales and armor one by one, and the terrifying power of lightning penetrates into its body, like a flame Usually, if it is burned, the entire flood dragon will collapse, and it will be completely wiped out in a short while.

Han Feng's soul body shook slightly, and he felt weak for a while, dizzy, extremely tired, and almost fell into a deep sleep again.

He took a deep breath and managed to survive. He felt that he hadn't reached the limit yet, and there was no need to enter the deep sleep state, otherwise he didn't know when he would wake up.

Even if he can get a lot of improvement in his sleep, time is the most precious. If he leaves here, it will be even more difficult for him to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman.

As long as he succeeds once, it will be deeply embedded in his soul sea. Even if he goes outside, he can recall it enough to redraw it.

He squinted his eyes slightly, resisting the drowsiness stubbornly, but did not fall down.

At this moment, his soul body burst out with brilliant light, colorful colors, and warm currents rose from his abdomen, making his fatigue gradually disappear.

More importantly, he felt that his soul body seemed to be a little more refined, as if it had been refined.

"Strange, could it be that resisting that sleepiness has benefited me even more?" Han Feng secretly speculated.

He thought for a while, no longer hesitated, and immediately began to draw the Nine-Rank Talisman.

Time flew by, and another month passed, and Han Feng couldn't remember how many times he failed.

He yawned again and again, and his soul body had already become dull and dull, but he gritted his teeth and insisted not to fall asleep. Every time he tempered his soul body, he became more restrained.

At the same time, wisps of special gas would permeate from the sky, and all of them would flow into his soul body, continuously replenishing his consumption.

The degree of crystallization of his soul body continued to spread to his chest. After more than ten days, his neck was also completely crystallized, glistening and emitting extremely gorgeous seven-color rays of light.

Han Feng felt refreshed, and he didn't feel sleepy at all. He continued to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman and fought repeatedly, without giving in.

Time flies by, and the time goes to No.20 for five years.

He knew that the time left for him to stay here was running out, so he seized the time to practice more, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to drawing the Nine Grade Talismans.

He was already able to control the flood dragon to rush to the ninth lightning bolt, and he could also transform the flood dragon into a dragon, but he was still one step short and couldn't make it through.

At this moment, the talisman light reappeared, the talisman path spread, and the soul power flood dragon came before the eighth thunder and lightning again.

Han Feng made a talisman with both hands, the light of the soul diffused, crossed the talisman path, poured into the dragon, let its scales emerge in advance, blocked the eighth lightning attack unscathed, and met the ninth lightning in one fell swoop .

In a trance, the color of the ninth lightning bolt seemed to be black, which was completely different from the other eight white lightning bolts, and its power was naturally also completely different. As soon as it fell, it collapsed several scales of the real soul dragon, making its colorful light radiant.

However, Han Feng held the magic formula tightly in his hand, and the light of the soul body rushed over like a tide, making up for the consumption of the real dragon of soul power through the air, allowing its scales to regenerate, firmly resisting the bombardment of the black lightning, and letting the talisman It can continue to extend, and gradually see the end.

That is a place of endless light, extremely brilliant!


Just at this moment, black lightning spawned a mass of black flames, which came one after another, causing the real dragon with soul power to distort for a while.

Han Feng was very anxious, but suddenly the blessing came to his heart. The seal in his hand suddenly changed, and he used the black fire seal to control the real dragon of soul power. The latter immediately curled up, and black flames also burst out from his body. He used fire to resist the fire, and blocked it firmly.

When the two fires collided, there was a loud bang, and the entire talisman path seemed to collapse.

The brows of Han Feng's soul body suddenly lit up, shooting out a seven-colored brilliance, which instantly replenished into the true soul dragon, increasing its power, reversely extinguishing the black flames derived from the ninth thunderbolt, and at the same time opened its mouth wide open. Mouth, bite and swallow it in one gulp.

After a while, the ninth lightning bolt disintegrated and was swallowed up by the real dragon of soul power. Instead, it became stronger, emitting colorful rays of light, filling the entire talisman path, making up for all defects, and making the ninth-grade talisman finally take shape.

In the bright place in front, it seems that a portal is gradually condensed, but it is fleeting, and then the whole piece of light spreads out, inlaid with the whole talisman path, the talisman light soars, and the spiritual pressure rolls and spreads , covering a radius of hundreds of feet.

Han Feng was bathed in the light of these talismans, and he was overjoyed that he finally succeeded.

At this moment, his soul body was further crystallized, spreading rapidly from the neck, to his chin, then to his cheeks, then to his eyes and forehead, and finally to the top of his head, his entire head Also fully crystallized.

The light is bright and the colors are colorful!

He felt that his soul power was as vast and surging as the ocean, and a random thought could draw thousands of strands of spiritual energy to him, changing various spells as he wished.

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