Lord of the Runes

Chapter 574 Difficult

This made Han Feng feel extremely sorry, especially when he put his energy into these three Ninth Grade Talismans again, he found that the difficulty was indeed not ordinary.

The flaw is that his soul power is not strong enough, unable to control such a huge aura in the air, and at the same time, he has to arrange and organize them, condensing a complicated and delicate silk picture like a needle in a sea.

That silk picture scroll is the Nine Grade Talisman!

He tried dozens of times, but all ended in failure. His head seemed to explode, his eyes were blurry, he felt dizzy when looking at everything, and the stars shot out, making him miserable.

After tossing and tossing for half a month, he failed to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman successfully, and instead caused a serious loss of his soul power, giving him a sickly look.

He had to pause, he couldn't care about so much, and fell asleep, snoring like thunder, which sounded in this mysterious small world and spread.

I don't know how long it has passed, the world is extremely quiet, wisps of light blue gas fell from the sky without warning, gathered around Han Feng's body, seeped in from his nostrils, and flowed into his body along with his breathing. within the body, disappeared without a trace.

He slept more and more heavily, as if he wouldn't wake up, as if he was going to sleep soundly.

After another three or four days, a hole suddenly opened in the blue sky above, and a golden and green cicada appeared.

At this moment, it has grown to the size of Zhang Xu, but it seems to be still underage. It stared at Han Feng, its eyes sparkled, and murmured to itself: "This little guy has grown up a lot. Seize the opportunity, but if you continue to sleep like this, you will never be able to advance to the Crystal Transformation Realm!"

It can speak human words, and the voice is immature, like a child, but its tone is old-fashioned, like a little adult.

The Jade Lotus Golden Cicada stayed for a while, and then returned to the blue sky, and the gap was restored, and the sky became as smooth as silk, extremely bright.

In the sky, there was still a steady stream of mysterious light blue gas seeping out, all of which poured into Han Feng's soul body, making his body stronger and stronger, with bursts of crystal light shining from time to time.

At this moment, Han Feng sank into a dream, feeling that he was traveling in a colorful world, refreshed, completely free of worries, making people unwilling to wake up.

Time passed, and half a month passed without knowing it.

Han Feng continued to roam in his dream, absorbing all kinds of free energy factors.

Just when he was lingering and forgetting to leave, a thunder suddenly sounded in the depths of his own mind, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, and it woke him up in an instant.

Han Feng trembled all over, and suddenly woke up, as if remembering his identity and situation, he opened his eyes with great difficulty, and bid farewell to that comfortable dream world.

He sat cross-legged, thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help being afraid for a while, if he continued to sleep deeply, maybe he really missed this opportunity.

At the last critical moment, it was his own subconsciousness that woke him up, and that thunderstorm was something derived from his own subconsciousness.

As for why this happened, he doesn't know why, maybe it has something to do with the residual talisman, or it has something to do with his own colorful soul.

He took a long breath, looked around for a while, and found that the place was still dead, lifeless, and boring.

He thought about it, and it is very likely that this is also a challenge. Presumably very few people can stay in such an environment for 27 years, and it must drive people crazy.

Even a monk can hardly bear such loneliness, that's why he fell into that sinking dream.

Han Feng gasped for a while, feeling terrified in his heart, he never thought that after he woke up, there would be such a risk, as expected, fortune and misfortune depend on each other, so don't be careless.

After a while, Han Feng regained his strength. He was not discouraged, picked up the soul talisman and continued to study, raising his hand from time to time and waving it in the air, drawing the aura of heaven and earth to try to draw the ninth grade talisman.

Bang bang bang!

There was a loud noise, one after another the ninth-grade talisman collapsed, and violent energy waves were released. Fortunately, this world was guarded by a mysterious power that could absorb and smooth out these fluctuations in the blink of an eye, and Han Feng was not affected by it. Little damage.

After practicing continuously for more than a month, Han Feng felt that his soul power was exhausted, and he fell asleep again, yawning again and again, and finally couldn't stand the impact of sleepiness, so he had to lie down and fall asleep.

He fell into a sound sleep, and the snoring sounded again, spreading throughout the small world.

Straits of mysterious gas drifted down from the clear blue sky above, merged into Han Feng's soul body, and quickly made up for his consumed soul power.

Time passed by, and before I knew it, another half a month had passed.

Han Feng fell into a deeper sleep this time, and fell heavily into that illusory dream, dreaming of countless ups and downs of continents, as if he could never wake up again.

However, at this moment, there was another thunderous sound in his head, which was deafening and made him wake up again.

"It's really strange. Why do you always fall asleep when you come here this time?" Han Feng was also puzzled, but he was not so afraid in his heart. After all, every critical moment, he would be awakened by the sound in his head.

He looked inside carefully, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that his soul power had grown by more than [-]%, and his entire soul body had gained weight, as if he had swallowed some tonic and gained a lot of weight.

Han Feng was suspicious, but he didn't find anything wrong, so he couldn't help but said, "Forget it, as long as the result is good, it doesn't matter the process."

He calmed down, and then practiced drawing the Nine-Rank Talisman, trying again and again, with a bang, but he didn't succeed once.

However, he could clearly feel that he was making progress, and he was able to push the talisman path to the middle, but he was stuck in the middle position. There was a talisman path that blocked his way like a mountain. No matter how he changed directions and turned, he could not Go around.

This talisman road is both like a high mountain and flowing water, changing and emerging endlessly, making it really difficult for him to cross, and he will not know how to decipher it for a while.

He didn't give up, he gritted his teeth and persisted, flexibly using the several methods he had mastered from the Talisman Soul Code, opening roads when encountering mountains, building bridges when encountering rivers, and finally broke through this barrier after ten days.

He spent a lot of soul power, and couldn't help but feel tired again. After three days of hard work, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.

This time, Han Feng quickly fell into a fantasy dream. He clearly saw continents floating in the chaos. Each continent was a round sky, emitting light of different colors, as if breathing squirming.

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