"call out……"

Another flash of red lightning struck, but Lei Benyun opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which fell on the purple snare drum, causing it to burst into brilliant purple light, forming a light curtain to block the red lightning.

The light curtain seemed weak, but it resisted abruptly and expanded, even Han Feng was covered by it.

Despite the constant bombardment of the red lightning outside, the purple light curtain stood upright.

Han Feng lightened all over, but his complexion changed. He retreated to the edge of the purple light curtain, and punched with a raised fist, shining brightly, but failed to break through the light curtain.

"Go to hell with me!" Han Feng turned around, stared at Lei Benyun, and immediately unleashed two Batian fists.

But Lei Benyun's state at this moment is quite different, his whole body's aura is soaring, the blood light flashes between his eyebrows, the purple small drum swells, and waves of space ripples spread out, sweeping away all Han Feng's fist power , and took advantage of the trend, directly forcing Han Feng to retreat again and again, and finally stuck to the purple light curtain, there was no way to retreat.


Han Feng's blood surged, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. His thoughts turned, it must be a lie to say that he was not nervous at this moment, and he parted his mind to call for the residual talisman in the depths of the soul sea.

This is his greatest reliance, and he believes that if the old devil's aura emanates, the residual talisman will definitely be able to sense it, and it will definitely emerge.

Sure enough, the residual talisman flashed in his soul sea without any warning, and a faint milky white light spread out, permeating his huge soul sea.

Han Feng was determined, but there was still a frightened look on his face.

"It's useless for you to struggle, let's be my next boarding place honestly, only this seat can let your physical body fully develop!" Lei Benyun walked over slowly, with blood on the center of his brow glaring.

Han Feng immediately felt a majestic spiritual pressure gushing out, restraining his body and making him completely unable to move.

Naturally, he would not be willing to be imprisoned, he struggled desperately, his whole body was shining brightly, but he just couldn't break free.

At this moment, the entire purple light curtain was filled with blood, and the spiritual pressure was like a mountain like a sea, completely suppressing Han Feng.

Lei Benyun sneered, and when he came to Han Feng, the center of his brows split open suddenly, and his whole body stood still, and with a whoosh sound, a drop of glistening blood flew out from between his brows.

After the drop of blood came out, the entire purple light curtain was shaking, and even Han Feng's body seemed to be splitting open.

An extremely terrifying coercion enveloped him, and Han Feng felt like he was in a small boat in the vast ocean, which might be destroyed at any time.

"This guy has become too strong. It seems that he has recovered his strength in the past few years. It's just that Lei Benyun's body restricts his performance. No wonder he has his eyes on his body again. If it matches his body, He can be compared to the alchemy old monster!" Han Feng murmured in his heart, feeling uneasy, wondering if the residual talisman could deal with him.

At this moment, the drop of blood flickered slightly, the blood light converged, and it condensed into a small person in a blink of an eye. Its appearance was not very clear, but it seemed to have a great power vaguely, which was daunting.

Han Feng's whole body relaxed a lot. Although he still couldn't break free, his body no longer felt cracked and tingling.

"Lang Qing, your physical seat is occupied!" After the villain said this, he rushed into Han Feng's eyebrows and disappeared.

Han Feng only felt a chill in his brow, and then found that there was a bloody villain in his soul sea.

It's just that the bloody villain was extremely surprised at this moment, staring at the residual talisman deep in his soul sea, and shouted: "So it's you!"

As soon as his voice fell, he immediately turned around and tried to escape.

But he was a step too late, the residual talisman had already sealed Han Feng's entire sea of ​​souls, and the milky white light rolled back, enveloping him in an instant.

This time it was his turn that he couldn't break free. He burst into blood and used various secret techniques, but he couldn't break through the blockade.

Han Feng felt that his soul sea was shaking slightly. Even with the protection of the residual talisman, he was still under the impact of the opponent's pressure. One can imagine how powerful this old devil is.Fortunately, he didn't realize his identity, otherwise he would definitely not be fooled.

Thinking about it carefully, this is not only the reason for his own Spirit Refining Vajra Art, but also the credit for the cover of the residual talisman.

It didn't take long for the Bloody Man's aura to decay rapidly, and a large amount of energy was absorbed by the residual talisman, filling the gap in the branch line of the residual talisman.

Han Feng divided part of his mind to observe, and found that the last gap in the seven branch lines of residual talisman No. 20 was healing. Although the speed was very slow, the burst of breath was getting stronger and stronger.

The bloody villain was still struggling desperately, exuding a hundred-foot-high light, which penetrated the milky white light in an instant and shot around Han Feng's soul sea. Fortunately, the residual talisman had laid a solid protective force around the soul sea in advance. When the light hits it, there are only ripples.

The radiance from the residual talisman grew stronger, turning into a thick shackle-like existence, flying towards it, and in an instant, it firmly bound the bloody villain, making it unable to burst out any radiance.

The Bloody Man's vitality was drawn away even faster, and the last gap in the No. 20 seven branch lines on the surface of the residual talisman quickly closed, and it seemed that it was about to fully recover.

"Boy, do you think you can kill me in this way?" The bloody villain suddenly laughed, weakly, but still confidently said: "To tell you the truth, there is another drop of me in Lei Benyun's body." Blood Essence, wake up now, it's time, haha!"

As soon as his voice fell, it was completely wiped out, and all the energy was swallowed up by the residual talisman.

At this moment, Lei Benyun outside suddenly opened his eyes, blood flashed, he sneered, "Boy, die to me!" As he spoke, he opened his mouth and bit Han Feng.

Han Feng couldn't move. He was really anxious at this moment, but there was nothing he could do for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, the last gap in the seven branch lines of Residual Talisman No. 20 finally healed, and a white light burst out, and the terrifying aura spread out, directly scattering in all directions through Han Feng's soul sea, and the terrifying coercion directly shattered the surrounding area The purple light curtain also shocked Lei Benyun at the same time.

Lei Benyun rolled tens of feet away, feeling uncertain, feeling the spiritual pressure emanating from Han Feng at this moment, and attracting a large piece of red lightning to fall on his area, making it impossible for people to approach.

Without any hesitation, Lei Benyun put away the purple snare drum, turned around and left, he fled, and soon rushed into the orange lightning area, and quickly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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