Lord of the Runes

Chapter 570 Purple Snare Drum

This old devil said back then that he would definitely seek revenge on him, but he has not been seen looking for him in the past few years. Maybe he needs to recover his strength, so it is not appropriate to be too high-profile.

What's more, Han Feng was in the Sanyemen at that time, and the old devil didn't dare to take revenge rashly, and he didn't even know where he was.

"Boy, your physical body is really good. It's a pity that I didn't meet you back then, otherwise why would I have wasted so many years? Maybe I would have been born long ago." Lei Benyun took a step back, stared at Han Feng with piercing eyes, and muttered murmured.

After these words, Han Feng became more convinced of his own judgment. Fortunately, his appearance has changed at the moment, and under the cover of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, his breath has also undergone a major change. Unless he searches for the soul, it is difficult to see His true colors.

"What do you mean?" Han Feng pretended not to understand, and looked at the other party warily.

"Hey, since I have said such words, it shows that you are about to die!" Lei Benyun sneered and stared at Han Feng.

"Hmph, playing tricks, since that's the case, come here if you have the guts." Han Feng raised his hands, and without saying a word, just blasted out with two Batian fists.

With the improvement of his Spirit Refining Vajra Technique, his current Batian Fist is also very different, the breath can be said to have changed drastically, and the opponent can't detect it.

"Your boxing technique is ineffective against me. Even if my strength has only recovered a little bit, it will not be something you, a little monk, can contend with!" He rushed over, and with a wave of his hand, a strong force gushed out, breaking through Han Feng's fist in an instant, and he stalked in.

The residual power of the Batian Fist rolled and hit the opponent's body, leaving only waves of ripples, completely unable to break through his bloody defense.

"What a powerful state of body training? The body of subduing dragon?" Han Feng was speechless secretly, and immediately took out the broken sword, swiped twice, and slashed two extremely bright sword lights, roaring towards him.

At this moment, Lei Benyun showed a little dignified expression, stretched out his hand, the blood light condensed, turned into two big handprints, and grabbed the two sword lights.


There were two violent bangs, and the light of the broken sword was intercepted by his driving blood light, and they collided with each other, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

Lei Benyun's two big handprints seemed to be torn apart, the blood overflowed and disappeared continuously.

His eyes widened, and with a turn of his wrist, the big handprints closed up, instantly enveloping the awn of the Broken Sword, impenetrable, forming an existence like a formation, which soon wiped out the aura of the Broken Sword completely.


Lei Benyun raised his hand again, and the extremely thick blood light spread out, covering Han Feng with a force that covered the sky, and he closed down and slapped.

Han Feng held the broken sword in his hand, and swiped it away. The speed of the sword was as fast as lightning, and his speed skyrocketed.

"In this area, let's see where you can escape!" With a cruel smile on the corner of Lei Benyun's mouth, he raised his other hand and shot out. The blood was like a frenzy, spreading in all directions, completely sealing off all of Han Feng's eyes. way to go.

Unless Han Feng stepped into the red lightning area behind him, he would be subjected to even more terrifying attacks there, and then Lei Benyun would attack behind him, making him even more passive.

However, he didn't choose any way out, he just ran the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, his whole body flashed with light, his whole body seemed to have divine power, he rushed out abruptly without suffering any harm.

"You only have this strength? That's all!" Han Feng stood still, glanced coldly at Lei Benyun, and said sarcastically.

"Your technique is really unique, I'm determined!" Lei Benyun's eyes lit up, looking at Han Feng's glittering and translucent body, his eyes were extremely hot.

As he spoke, he quickly took out a purple snare drum from the storage ring, stretched out his hand and slapped it violently, a strange fluctuation spread, the space was violently distorted, and the ripples visible to the naked eye were spreading, like a sheet of paper. It cut towards Han Feng like a string.

The speed of the space ripples was as fast as lightning, and Han Feng didn't have any time at all. It didn't take half a blink of an eye to kill him in front of him.

He could only raise his hands subconsciously to protect his vitals.


A burst of black smoke came out, extremely thick, rising continuously, spreading upwards, and finally disappeared into the sky.

The shield of Han Feng's hands was cut open, even the thick fluorescent protection couldn't resist, it was breached in an instant, and then the flesh was cut open, no blood flowed out because the wound was too thin and small.

In the end, the space ripple stopped at his hand bones, was blocked by the radiance hidden inside, and quickly dissipated.

It's slow to say, but it's just a matter of not being able to breathe.

Lei Benyun also seemed to consume a lot of energy when using this secret treasure. After one shot, he was out of breath and his face was slightly pale.

Seeing that Han Feng successfully blocked his space ripple attack, he seemed a little unbelievable, raised his brows, and said coldly: "I underestimated you."

At this moment, Han Feng's hands were stinging extremely, and blood oozed from his wrists like a spring. He quickly executed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, mobilizing the radiance deep in the bones to escape, sealing the two wounds, and stopping the blood flow.

At the same time, his wound was healing, and within a short while, it was as good as before, with no gaps visible, it was miraculous.

"It's a good technique, it's so amazing!" Lei Benyun's eyes sparkled, and he looked delighted to see Liexin.

Han Feng remained silent, and glanced at the other party's purple snare drum, his face full of alertness.

"Since one blow fails, let's strike again!" Lei Benyun regained his composure, raised his hand and slapped hard on the purple snare drum again, and a spatial ripple spread forward again, slashing towards Han Feng in a crescent shape. .

This time, the Ripples of Space traveled faster, almost as soon as Lei Benyun dropped his right hand, it went to Han Feng, leaving him no time to react.

Han Feng only had time to activate his own Spirit Refining Vajra Art, and his whole body shone brightly.


There was a burst of sharp sound, which was extremely ear-piercing, and the surrounding air was rushing towards all directions, setting off cloud paths, and the turmoil was unbearable.

The fluorescent light on Han Feng's body was quickly broken, and ripples in space hit his chest, but the wound was not cut open as expected, and was blocked by bursts of white light released by the phantom dragon head in front of his chest, making him never Can't get in.

At some point, Han Feng felt a warm current surge in his body, it was the innate qi, which poured into the phantom of the dragon head continuously at this moment, and then the whole dragon coiled around him glowed brightly. Powerful and powerful like a vast ocean, he rushed out without reservation, shattering the space ripples in front of him in one fell swoop.

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