Lord of the Runes

Chapter 552 Tempering the Skull

Huang Teng's blood talisman came through, and the closer it was to the ball, the greater its effect, making the ball emit a more intense light, and the bunches of yellow that penetrated from between Han Feng's fingers The lights suddenly turned into knives, criss-crossing and slashing towards Han Feng like a net.

Han Feng didn't move, he let the light of these sabers slash on his chest, the sound of bang bang was endless, he only cut his clothes, but didn't leave any trace on his body.

At the same time, he opened his mouth again and spewed out a cloud of Gengjin Qi, which condensed into a platinum-like sword, and slashed towards the opponent's blood talisman.

"I don't believe it!" Huang Teng gritted his teeth.

As he said that, he held the magic formula tightly with both hands, and pushed forward suddenly, the brilliance of the blood talisman rose a little, and collided with Han Feng's Seventh Gold Great Sword, making a roaring sound, and swaying a large expanse of blue water.

After a while, the Gengjin great sword and the bloody talisman disappeared without a trace.


Huang Teng vomited blood, and his face turned pale.

"This guy has already slowed down, and his strength has increased a lot. Our chance has been lost, so it's better to go!" Li Nianlai said suddenly.

After saying this, without any hesitation, she manipulated the light released by the golden hairpin to turn slightly, enveloping her and Huang Teng, turning around and leaving.

Han Feng didn't stop him, he still couldn't make too many moves, let alone launch a long-range attack.As for his Gengjin Qi in this environment, its power will drop significantly if it exceeds a distance of five feet, and it won't have much effect. It's better to save some energy and quietly increase your physical strength.

After such a short repair, his left leg can also move, but the movement is not very agile, and it shakes slowly.

"Are we leaving like this? What a pity!"

After Li Nianlai brought Huang Teng to join Li Sheng, Li Sheng said with a look of unwillingness on his face.

"Because his limbs are still inconvenient, let's go quickly, otherwise things will change!" Li Nianlai said decisively with a firm attitude.

"Hmph, this time it's cheap for this guy. If we're not here next time, we won't have anything to do with him!" Li Sheng snorted coldly as he turned to leave.

It didn't take long for the three of them to completely disappear from Han Feng's sight. After all, even with his soul power, he could only explore a range of more than ten feet in this secluded pool.

At this time, Han Feng's right leg began to move, and all the bones inside were spliced ​​together, and it was still under repair, gradually showing a little bit of crystal clear luster.

He leaned against the thick and dense blue water below, absorbed thousands of strands of essence, and nourished his whole body.

Now, except for the head, all the bones in his body have been reassembled, and his strength has soared by several times, and it is still growing.

Half a quarter of an hour later, his limbs and pelvis were all restored as before, bursts of crystal light bloomed, and his power was restrained, but he knew that his real strength had increased countless times.

He began to carefully mobilize the essence of the blue water, slowly seeping into his skull along the spine of his back.

It hurts so much!

He almost fainted, and quickly stopped mobilizing the essence to infiltrate, not daring to act rashly.

That kind of pain was unbearable even with his willpower. Just a moment ago, his soul sea was turbulent, as if it was about to burst.If he hadn't stopped the infiltration of those essences in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Han Feng learned from the pain, and after a while, when everything returned to calm, he couldn't help letting go of the essence again, and it penetrated into his skull.

The severe pain struck again, it was unbearable!

Han Feng gritted his teeth and persisted, running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to maintain the infiltration of the Bi Luo You Shui essence, without any sign of slack.

His soul sea was vibrating, buzzing loudly like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, as if cracks were about to appear at the edges of the square, the pain was unbearable!


His skull was cracking, with tiny gaps appearing, as if it would explode at any moment.But there was no blood spilled out, and some light came out, which was amazing.

"Damn, it can't be the leakage of soul power, right? This is not a fun thing. If there is a slight mistake, it will be the end of death!" Han Feng was secretly startled. Innate Qi seeps into these cracks in the skull to heal them, lest they actually die from a headshot.

The innate qi was indeed effective, and within a few moments it was like glue that seamed his skull together without exploding.

However, as the essence of Bi Luo You Shui continued to flow in, there were more and more cracks on his skull, which kept him extremely busy, so he could only use all his strength to divert the innate energy to make up for these gaps.

His skull was healing quickly, and then quickly shattered, broken and then erected, erected and then broken, repeatedly, making his aura gradually stronger.

He almost forgot about the pain, and devoted himself to this breakthrough.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, his soul sea seemed to explode, and the soul power poured out from the cracks in his skull, sweeping across the surrounding blue and secluded water, causing ripples that spread far away.

Han Feng's face was pale, and he almost got his headshot at this moment. Fortunately, at the critical moment, a remnant talisman that hadn't appeared for a long time emerged, emitting a faint white light that enveloped his entire soul sea, stopping the leakage of soul power.

Taking advantage of this gap, Han Feng quickly mobilized his innate qi to seal up the cracks on the skull that had widened a little, allowing them to heal slowly.

With the magical treasure protection of the residual talisman, he became much more courageous, and began to attack and break through the head in an all-round way.

The essence of Bi Luo You Shui began to flow into his brain, along its tiny meridians, and penetrated into its interior like threads, making it grow stronger and stronger.

His soul sea is actually hidden deep in his brain. As a result, his soul sea has also begun to be nourished and slowly expanded, imperceptibly improving his soul power cultivation base.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he never thought that these essences of Biluoyoushui could also promote the growth of his own soul power, which made him overjoyed.

After all, he doesn't have a unique method of soul cultivation, and the cultivation of soul power usually relies on special spiritual objects, but he didn't expect that this kind of body training strange object can also promote the growth of soul power.

Perhaps, all dharmas return to the sect, and to the end of cultivation, no matter body training, qi training or soul training, they all lead to the same goal by different routes, the trinity, regardless of each other!

Han Feng suddenly had a feeling, and seemed to have a little understanding.

Just when he thought about it, his soul sea radiated brightly, creating a suction force out of thin air, absorbing the essence of Bi Luo You Shui extracted from his body into the soul sea, forming invisible vortexes one by one, from There was a rattling sound from the inside out.

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