Sure enough, the other six people stopped their steps, stood by the pool, each took out a piece of secret treasure, trying to take away the deep blue water in the pool.

But their knowledge was limited, and only three of them succeeded, including the woman who had stabilized her heart through sound transmission just now. The secret treasures that the other four took out were directly melted in the pool without even a bubble emerging.

These four people were not reconciled, and continued to take out other secret treasures, but after trying several times, after losing several treasures, none of them succeeded, which made them very frustrated, but they were unwilling to give up.

Huang Teng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a bright light, which turned into a long sword, and with a chirping sound, the speed was extremely fast in this gravity area densely covered by formations. Move more than ten feet, chop and chop towards the nearest monk.

The man hadn't found anything until now, seeing the long sword coming, he had to temporarily stop trying to absorb the blue water, raised his hand, and a flag appeared, shining blue light, blocking the long sword.

But this long sword was extremely sharp, with a golden light bursting out, it broke through the defense of the banner with just one face-to-face, swept past, and slashed at the man's body.

The man screamed, and rolled uncontrollably into the pool. The blue water immediately entwined and wrapped him up. No matter how he struggled and resisted, it was useless. He disappeared amidst the thick smoke. He disappeared without a trace, even his clothes and storage ring disappeared.


Someone yelled, and the three monks who hadn't gained anything scrambled and ran out.

"Hey, since you're here, let's all stay here!" Li Sheng sneered, raised his hand, and a scimitar like a full moon swirled out, shining white light, and within a short time of breathing, he caught up with him. The slowest monk knocked away the gold-plated knife that the monk offered.

In the end, after two or three rounds, Li Sheng's scimitar cut off the man's neck, leaving his head in a different place and killing him on the spot.

The other two were so frightened that their souls froze, and they all sacrificed their true essence, but under the pressure of the formation, the speed increase was very limited. After a while, they were still chased by Li Sheng's full moon scimitar. Under fierce resistance, they still failed to escape in the end, and died successively.

"The three of you have some strength, and you are qualified to absorb some of the blue water. I won't kill you, but you have to get out of here immediately, otherwise I don't mind freeing up my hand to kill you all!" Huang Teng said with a vicious air all over his body.

"Let's go!" The woman in the orange dress gritted her teeth and was the first to put away the secret treasure, then turned and left.

The other two also did not dare to stay in the slightest, and left in a hurry.

"It's really annoying to finally get rid of these flies. These guys don't cry when they don't see the coffin. Why bother?" Li Sheng shook his head and said.

"I'm afraid it will be our turn to escape next." Li Nianlai who had been silent all this time said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Huang Teng and Li Sheng turned their heads to look at her at the same time and asked in unison.

"Look at that guy in the pool yourself, his aura is getting stronger and stronger, can't you feel it?" Li Nianlai asked angrily.

Huang Teng and Li Sheng quickly turned their gazes to the center of the pool, and found that Han Feng was still completely invisible, as if he had sunk into the pool, but there were thunderous sounds from time to time, and bursts of violent breath penetrated. Come out, even they feel depressed for a while.

"This kid won't really want to break through to the Dragon Subduing Realm?!" Li Sheng exclaimed.

"Impossible!" Huang Teng was extremely surprised. He is also a body refiner, and he has walked very deep on this path. He said that he is very close to the Dragon Subduing Realm, but only he knows how close the gap is. So close, so far away, he won't be able to break through in a short while, even with the help of such precious medicine as Bi Luo You Shui, he can be sure that he will not be able to succeed.

Therefore, he also concluded that Han Feng would not succeed.

In fact, just as Huang Teng firmly believed, at this moment, Han Feng really still had a lot of bottlenecks to overcome before he could fully reach the Dragon Subduing Realm.

And this bottleneck can no longer be achieved simply by relying on Biluo Youshui, perhaps even if it is refined into pills, it may not be achieved.

After the spinal bone in his back was broken, he suffered great pain, and his whole body seemed to be paralyzed. If it wasn't for the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique operating at high speed, absorbing a large amount of essence of the blue water, repairing his spinal bone, Let it go through the pain and itching, which is unspeakable.

At the same time, he was also secretly rejoicing that if the three of them hadn't been afraid of the toxicity of the blue water, they would not have dared to come over. Otherwise, in his current state, it would be impossible to guarantee that they would not be killed.

Han Feng was still struggling, and his whole body sank deeper and deeper into the pool. Looking from the outside, he was completely gone, blocked by the blue water, and gradually he couldn't even feel his breath.

"He disappeared and sank completely to the bottom of the pool. He didn't really die, did he?" Li Sheng asked in surprise as he watched this scene.

"I don't think so. This guy doesn't seem like a reckless person. I'm not sure. He won't act so rashly!" Li Nianlai had observed Han Feng silently through secret treasures in the dark before, and had seen his previous battles. It's something to understand.

"You are so sure, do you know him?" Li Sheng asked back.

"I don't know." Li Nianlai shook his head, paused for a moment, and then added: "The feeling of a woman."

"Hey, you still have this function?" Li Sheng teased.

"Li Sheng, if it wasn't for your sister's sake, I wouldn't mind teaching you a lesson! Don't give you shame, my patience has a limit!" Li Nianlai's murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he left No more words after this sentence.

Li Sheng chuckled, and didn't dare to continue flirting with her, obviously he was a bit afraid of this woman.

Huang Teng looked at Han Feng's position calmly, he was also struggling in his heart, he was stimulated, he also wanted to jump down and fight, what if he really succeeded?As long as he doesn't die, his body training will definitely improve by a big step!

But he glanced at the two people beside him, and quickly dismissed the idea, he didn't dare to take the risk.


After Han Feng sank into the pool, he found that the further down he went, the stronger the intensity of the blue water, which made him feel overwhelmed with pain, and at the same time, the repair of his back spine was a bit faster, and the joints were recovering. The strength is also improving at the same time.

The stimulation of external objects made the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body spin like a spiral, making a buzzing sound.

He felt as if he was about to crack open, he couldn't bear this kind of operation, the blood in his whole body seemed to be turning upside down, extremely intense.

Just when he was about to be unable to hold on anymore, wisps of innate energy suddenly emerged from his body, permeating his whole body, gathering his body like glue.

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