By the edge of the blue sky and secluded water, Han Feng was still talking with Hua Qingfeng in his arms.

"You're right, it's just that he's a bit weaker, otherwise he wouldn't have been killed so easily by me. If he could be more durable, I think..." Han Feng paused, as if he was asking himself, and then Said: "As long as there is a chance, I will kill him!"

"Ah, what did you say?!" Hua Qingfeng was shocked, trembling: "You, you dare to be so bold, aren't you afraid of death?!"

"I'm afraid, but when things come to an end, you can't let others slaughter you. You have to fight to the death, don't you think so?" Han Feng's eyes sparkled, he was a little more determined, and he said slowly.

After a slight pause, he said as if talking to himself: "Besides, I'm not someone with no background, otherwise, how could I escape the pursuit of the old monster of Sanye Men? Why did I come to the White Crocodile River?"

"What background do you have, aren't you a traitor from a small sect?" Hua Qingfeng sneered.

"Do you want to try?" Han Feng turned to look at him with cold eyes.

"What do you want? Do you also want to kill me?" Hua Qingfeng was really scared. Facing the guy who was not afraid of offending even Yaotian City, he didn't have the confidence to hold on.

"Then it depends on whether you are willing to pay the price?" Han Feng said lightly.

"What price?" Hua Qingfeng asked hastily.

"Your skills, how to use that jade-like bamboo basket, and all the ninth-grade talismans!" Han Feng stared at him and said slowly.

"I have made an oath on my practice. There is a restriction in my soul sea, and I cannot spread it outside, otherwise I will not be able to live. As for the jade-like bamboo basket you mentioned, it is called the jade charm bamboo basket. The talisman light released by ancient talisman treasures can restrain most talisman objects and talisman treasures, and it is even more effective for slightly defective artifacts." Hua Qingfeng responded.

Han Feng nodded secretly, no wonder his Broken Sword was at a disadvantage in the battle against it, that's how it is!Sure enough, all things generate and restrain each other, and nothing is invincible.What's more, his broken sword is really incomplete, and it has not yet returned to its complete state.

After a pause, Hua Qingfeng continued: "I can tell you how to use the jade talisman bamboo basket, but I only have a ninth-grade talisman left, which is a thousand-mile teleportation talisman. I was caught by you before I could use it."

"Okay, but your storage ring has to be checked by me. I can only let you go if I confirm that you are not lying!" Han Feng nodded, regardless of whether he agreed or not, he directly wiped off his storage ring .

Then, Han Feng loosened the restraint on him, pinched his neck with his big hands, and if he made any abnormal movements, he would immediately kill him.Han Feng looked at him and motioned him to open the restriction.

Hua Qingfeng had no choice but to honestly release his soul power to open the storage ring, and let Han Feng infiltrate the soul power to check everything.

Sure enough, there was only one ninth-grade talisman left in it, and there were many other kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which could not be identified one by one, but they were all valuable things, and there were tens of millions of spirit stones.

However, Han Feng kept his promise and did not take away his other belongings. He only took away his ninth-grade talisman, a thousand-mile teleportation talisman. It was said to be thousands of miles, but it was actually able to teleport people five or six thousand miles away, which was extremely miraculous.

Seeing this, Hua Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his face was as calm as an ancient well, and he slowly transmitted a formula to Han, which was the secret method of manipulating the jade talisman bamboo basket.

After Han Feng memorized it silently, he quickly mastered it, and immediately used it. He was able to control the jade talisman bamboo basket to float up, and release layers of talisman light. The talisman patterns flickered and transformed into various weapons. There is no shortage of swords, guns, swords and halberds.

"You go." Han Feng casually threw the other party to the ground, waved his hand, and said casually.

"Are you really letting me go?" Hua Qingfeng stood up slowly, with disbelief on his face.

"Do you think your life is too long and really want to stay? I don't mind giving you a sword!" Han Feng stared.

"No, no." Hua Qingfeng took a deep breath, turned around and left.

Although his dantian was destroyed, his legs were sound and he still had the strength to subdue a tiger, so he wouldn't be paralyzed in this gravity zone.

In a short while, Hua Qingfeng walked out of this gravity area smoothly.

Everyone didn't dare to get close to him, for fear of getting into trouble. If he fell down in front of them and died, then they would not be able to cleanse them, and they would not be able to argue.

Hua Qingfeng glanced at the group of people, spread his speed, and left the place without looking back. As for the hundreds of feet away, he stopped and immediately took out a yellow elixir from the storage ring. The fragrance is tangy and spreads far.

With a trembling right hand, he hastily put it into his mouth and swallowed.

As soon as it entered his stomach, a strange medicinal power seeped into his dantian.

The next moment, the thick mist-like spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered and began to pour into his body, making a rumbling sound, like thunder roaring in the sky, shaking endlessly.

After a long time, he breathed out a long breath, his face repeated the brilliance, and said happily: "This Lidan pill is really effective, it really repaired my dantian, and it can't be broken or erected, which makes my cultivation base even worse. It has improved a little, it's amazing!"

His joy gradually subsided, and he thought to himself: "Why didn't Han Feng kill me? If he really killed Yao Tianhui, he wouldn't be afraid of my family power. Anyway, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape Yaotiancheng's revenge. It doesn't matter if I'm a Huafeng Gang!"

"Could it be that he really has something to rely on and has a strong background?" Hua Qingfeng couldn't help but think of what Han Feng said, and felt that there was some truth to it.

If he really had no one to rely on, as a traitor of the Sanyemen, even if he was in the White Crocodile Valley, if an old monster of knot formation really came out to kill him, he would not be able to live to this day.

"Forget it, the water is very deep, I'd better be more cautious, and wait and see how it changes, so as not to bring disaster to my Huafeng City!" Hua Qingfeng muttered secretly, and after taking a few more pills to repair bones and muscles, he hurriedly Leave, dare not stay here.


Han Feng still stayed by the edge of the Biluo Youshui Pond, carefully studying the Jade Talisman Bamboo Basket, and he put it into the storage ring after he was completely proficient.

He moved his eyes to look at the pool, squatted down again, stretched out his hand, and slowly put it into the pool. This time he did not release the bloody light, and let his skin touch the blue water, and the blue water immediately seemed to be spiritual They seemed to be desperately trying to invade the interior, but in an instant, they were blocked by a layer of crystal clear luster released from Han Feng's wrist. They collided with each other, and immediately billowed thick smoke, the whole body turned white, and soared into the sky.

Han Feng felt a slight tingle in his wrist, and then the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body began to work on its own, and after a while, warm currents seeped in.

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