Han Feng did not respond and remained silent.

"Who is this man wearing a crown? What a big tone!" Someone whispered outside.

"He is the famous Hua Qingfeng, who is the number one person on the Guiyuan List in Huafeng City. He is now a fake alchemist with extraordinary strength!" A young man responded in a low voice.

"So that's it, then do you know what kind of secret treasure is that jade-like bamboo basket in his hand? Is it really so sharp? How dare you claim that it can hold all weapons!" The man asked again just now.

"I don't know either." The young man whispered, "Let's not talk about this, so as not to cause trouble!"

The man just now shut his mouth immediately, not daring to say a word.

At this time, Hua Qingfeng, a man wearing a flower crown, smiled coldly, looked at Han Feng and said, "Do you think that if you don't speak, I will let you go? Since you don't know good and bad, I won't be polite to you." what!"

As he said that, he controlled the jade-like bamboo basket to rush towards Han Feng. The light was as clear as water, turning into sharp swords and slashing towards Han Feng.

Han Feng released his soul power, and realized that the sharp swords condensed in the bamboo basket were actually composed of runes, which were as powerful as the sea and shook the void.

Han Feng didn't dare to be careless, he immediately raised his hand and clenched his fist, and punched out a Batian fist, the fist was boiling with strength like a tide, and rushed into the opponent's group of swords.

"Bang bang bang..."

The two forces collided. At this moment, it was like two vast oceans colliding. There was a roar and a violent sound, setting off a wave of air that was more than ten feet wide. The void was twisting, reflecting splendor again and again.

This is still in a gravity area densely covered by formations. If it is outside, the momentum will be even more terrifying, destroying a large area of ​​mountains.But here, the mirror-smooth ground is intact, still radiant.

After a while, the two kinds of power they used were wiped out, and the whole sky became calm.

Hua Qingfeng's face was a bit surprised, his face was somber, he looked Han Feng up and down, and suddenly smiled and said: "Your physical strength is very strong, but your punching technique is even more special, don't you just Are you a traitor from the Sanyemen? You must have had other unique opportunities, so tell me, and I can let you go regardless of previous suspicions!"

Han Feng looked at each other coldly, and his answer to Hua Qingfeng was a punch!

"Hmph, you can't blame me if you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine!" Hua Qingfeng snorted heavily, and quickly made a tactic with both hands, manipulating the bamboo basket in front of him to radiate so much light, and then countless swords flew out from the mouth of the basket Shadows, as clear as water, gather in groups, like a group of fish swimming in the air, releasing sword energy wantonly.

The next moment, these fish-like sword shadows suddenly flashed with talisman light, connected to each other, condensed into an array, and turned into a kun fish-like existence, even in this gravity area, it was more than twenty feet in size, rushing rumblingly To Han Feng.

The power of Han Feng's Batian Fist was breached in the blink of an eye, causing countless turbulence, with little afterglow.

But that kun fish-like existence had almost no loss, and continued to crush Han Feng.

"Kunyu travels in the sky, let's see how you resist!" Hua Qingfeng sneered cruelly.

Han Feng didn't dodge, and in fact, he didn't have time to dodge. The kun fish looked slow, but it was as fast as lightning. It came to him in a flash, swooped down, and overwhelmed him.

Han Feng raised his hands, and he went up with his bare hands.

"Aren't you dumbfounded? Even though my body of a kun fish is only a magical body, it still weighs tens of millions of catties. How can you, a warrior, be able to resist!" Hua Qingfeng smiled with disdain in his eyes. color.

Han Feng was unmoved, so he propped it up with both hands, made two slaps, and pressed his hands on the body of Kunyu one after another!


Han Feng didn't even take a step back, he forcibly supported the Kunyu Dharma Body.

"This is impossible!" Hua Qingfeng's eyes were wide open, his face full of disbelief, and he immediately controlled the Kunyu Dharma Body to separate bursts of sword energy, and rushed towards Han Feng.

Han Feng remained motionless, letting the sword energy hit his body, only to hear loud bang bang bang bang, it only left some white marks on his yellowish body, but it didn't hurt him at all, even the skin wasn't cut open.

"With this little ability, you dare to come here to act wildly. You are here to seek death!" Han Feng said coldly, and as he spoke, veins appeared in his hands, and his five fingers flexed and stretched. crack.


There was a sound like leather tearing, and the entire Kunyu body was divided into two halves, and the light spread and disappeared in an instant.

"Impossible!" Hua Qingfeng couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. He pinched his fingers and made a decision, and once again controlled the jade-like bamboo basket to shoot out thousands of clear sword shadows, condensed into a kun, and slammed into Han Feng again. .

"This is the truth, I won't allow you not to believe it!" Han Feng kicked his feet, stepped a few meters away in an instant, clenched his fists with both hands, and bombarded Kunyu's magic body hard.


Two loud noises spread one after another, and the lingering sound spread far away.

Kunyu's dharma body disintegrated suddenly, the brilliance dimmed, and quickly turned into a little bit of afterglow, dissipating into nothing.

Hua Qingfeng was furious, and quickly took out a talisman, the light of the talisman was extremely dazzling, before it was cast, the void was shaking slightly, as if it couldn't bear its spiritual pressure.

"Nine grade talisman?" Han Feng was startled, and glanced at the talisman in his hand.

He didn't care about 21, he rushed over immediately, and he had to stop the opponent before he could use it.

"Haha, you're too late, I'm a ninth-grade talisman that can be issued quickly!" Hua Qingfeng laughed wantonly, flicked his wrist, injected the power of true essence into the ninth-grade talisman, and immediately aroused it.

In an instant, the power of the person who surpassed the fake alchemy poured out, the void was bent, and a lightsaber emerged, slashing towards Han Feng.

This sword seemed to break through all obstacles and kill Han Feng!

"Damn it!" Han Feng knew he couldn't dodge, so he immediately crossed his arms to protect his vitals.

But just when he thought that a catastrophe was imminent, the ground as smooth as a mirror suddenly lit up with a large piece of brilliance, which was so bright that it passed by in a flash and was fleeting.

But at such a moment, the lightsaber transformed by the Ninth Grade Talisman cast by Hua Qingfeng suddenly dissipated, as if it was wiped away by an invisible big hand in an instant, and it ceased to exist, as if it had never appeared before.

"Ah..." Hua Qingfeng was dumbfounded, he didn't expect such a scene to happen.

He realized that something was wrong, and he was also a smart person, so he turned around and ran back immediately.

Unexpectedly, Han Feng reacted faster than him, as soon as he sensed that the ninth-grade lightsaber was eliminated, he immediately stepped on his feet, and the whole body flew out, really like an arrow leaving the string, swift and fast!

Originally, the distance between him and Hua Qingfeng was less than ten feet, but with all his strength, he came behind him in almost a breath.

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